Chapter 28: And The Mole Is...

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"Introducing the Dangers. Dan Danger, Dawn Danger, Dane Danger, Dean Danger, Diane Danger, and Delilah Danger."

I jumped up and secretly used a gust of air to boost myself higher. Grabbing Robin's hand we flipped a few times before grabbing onto the bar. I let go and missed M'gann outstretched hand. Robin and I sped towards the ground. Superboy threw two barrels up allowing us to grab M'gann's hands. We landed on the stand and waved to the crowd.

"That was too close." I sighed into the mindlink, Robin and M'gann nodded in agreement.

"Advanced weapons tech has been stolen at manufacturing plants throughout Europe, each theft coincides with a stop made by the Haly Circus. Batman's sending us undercover to catch the thieves."

"Got room for one more?" Red Arrow asked.

"We've got this covered." I smiled.

"Yeah, but who's covering the three potential mole suspects you're bringing with you?"

"Put your hands together for the Daring Dangers!"

"Robin let me look at you when we get down." I ordered as I was climbing down the tall ladder.

We walked backstage and I sat Robin down putting my hand on his forehead. He was burning up.

"You're sick, I can help you later when we aren't near people." I whispered.

"Farday. Interpol," a guy showed us his badge, "New act?"

"Yeah, just joined the tour." Robin nodded.

"Probably clears you, but don't get too comfortable."


"If interpol's already on this why are we bothering?" Superboy asked as we watched the tech center.

"Because Batman said so."

"Robin you're sick! You should be resting!" I crossed my arms angrily.

"Yeah, like he's going to listen." B.E.M scoffed.

"How do we know the thieves will hit here?" Artemis asked.

"There are more obvious targets." Superboy added.

"And Farday will have them covered. I've analyzed what's been stolen and the pattern fits this place."

"Contact North East quadrant," Superboy reported, "It looks like we know why Carlo missed a performance."

"Could be Carlo, could be his brother, move in."

We landed silently, well except for Superboy who succeeded in making a giant thud. We were lucky not to be caught.

"The warehouse!"

We caught him in the process of stealing things in the warehouse. There was live ammo in crate s everywhere.

"Caught red handed," Robin laughed.

"Acrobatics won't get you out of this one."

He blew fire at us and I bent it out of our way.

"Those crates are full of live ammo, move!" Red Arrow yelled.

I made a bubble around us protecting us from the flames. I helped Robin out of the exploded warehouse and back to the circus.

I led him, to his 'room' and took his mask off. I got some water and cooled it to the point where it was almost ice. I set it on his forehead. He eventually fell asleep and I smiled while looking at his peaceful face.

"What happened to trying not to love him?" B.E.M asked.

"Things change." I whispered back.


We got into costume and met up the next morning in a separate train car.

"So two thieves. The fire breather and the acrobat." Artemis suggested.

"Maybe not just two. Here's the Madrid security footage, and now Paris."

"So the strong men and clown too. If the entire circus is included Haly himself might be the mastermind." Red Arrow sighed.

"You don't know that." Robin snapped.

I put my hand on his shoulder.

"It explains the lies."

"I told you to keep an open mind." He said out loud before storming out. I looked at the team.

"You have no idea."

I followed after Robin and gave him a tight hug. We walked along the back until we came along a 'Flying Grayson's' poster. Wally came in on the com.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"On a mission." I answered.

"Talked to Red Tornado, it's not an official mission."

"Jack Haly." Robin sighed.

"Back from your Flying Graysons days?"

"He's implicated in a global crime spree." I explained, "Someone in the show's dirty, but we need to prove Jack's clean."

"Why not bring me along? I know what that circus means to you, Robin. I'm your best pal."

"I didn't bring you along because you're my best pal. I didn't want you to question my intentions."

"That's what best pals are for."

After we finished talking to KF I turned to Robin.

"When did you tell him?" I asked quietly.

"A year ago, he deserved to know." He replied.



We were helping pack stuff onto a cargo car, then got onto the train.

"You look better Robin."

"Thanks, I'm sorry M- Dawn. I hope you didn't catch it from me."

"When did you first get sick?" Robin asked.

"It came on suddenly." She sighed.

"Same with me the other night. I remember Ray rubbed my head for good luck-" I cut Robin off with my laughter.

"I'm sorry, it's just, there seems to be two unseen mistakes here. One letting Ray touch you. Two, not realizing he gave both of you the flu."

Robin and I walked out into the hallway to find Jack. He was a bit down the hallways from our room's door. Robin and I ran to catch up with him.

"Jack, how long has Ray worked for you?" I asked.

"Picked him up at the start of the European tour. Poor lad's down with the same flue as the rest of them."

"We'll check on him." Artemis joined us, "It's the least we could do."

All of us -even M'gann who should have been resting- went to 'check on Ray'. I looked behind me and saw, not Jack, but Ray.

"Let's see how long it takes for them to figure it out." B.E.M smirked, I nodded in agreement.

Of course when they got to his room, Ray wasn't sick in bed. He wasn't even in the room.

"Guess he wasn't that sick," Superboy scowled.

"Does this circus have an elephant I don't know about?"

"Not on the foreign tours."

They looked in the box finding only ash and something else shoved in the bottom.

"From the warehouse fire in Bruges." I looked at my nails boredly.

"Uh guys, I found Ray." Artemis pulled out a mask.

"Split up, search the whole train." Robin ordered.

"Not the best idea considering only I know the truth." I muttered under my breath leaving the room.

"Guys, come in. We're chasing someone who's stole Dawn's act. Her whole shtick, if you catch my drift." Robin's voice came over the com.

"That means more ground for me to cover. Only I can see through Dawn's act." I smirked.

I turned my eyes black starting to search more.

"He's gone topside!" Superboy yelled.

I climbed to the top of the train, only to be met with 'Ray.'

"Hello there," I smirked throwing fire at him.

Superboy and Robin joined me on the roof.

"Stay out of his reach," Robin ordered, "it's parasite. It wasn't the flu going around he fed off of your power and ability."

"I fed off nearly every loser on that train. Imagine my surprise when I tasted Martian Manhunter, that was an appetizer, now I'm ready for a meal." He pulled Superboy towards him and took his power.

He destroyed Red Arrow's and Artemis' bows with laser vision -which Superboy didn't have- and started to fly off with a trunk and kicked Robin off of the train. We quickly helped him back onto the roof.

"He took something that Superboy doesn't even have."

"I have the genetic potential for it, that must have been enough." Superboy shrugged.

I looked at him through black eyes. Liar, daddy gave him something to make him ore like Superman. Since there was no point in staying in our costumes I changed into my uniform, so did the rest of the team.

"It's not a complete failure. I picked his pocket and got this flash drive."

Robin hacked into the flash drive and started to read the information that was on it.

"Parasite's working for intergang, everything he's stolen they're all pieces of something. They're putting together a weapon that generates black holes."

"Oh come on, to build that you would need a particle accelerator." Red Arrow scoffed.

"Like in Geneva?" I frowned.

Roy was never that dismissive. What was going on with him? I wanted to see him through black eyes, but I couldn't in front of the team.

"That's the train's next stop. Now that he can fly he'll have a head start."


We arrived at the site in Geneva. Following the trail of destruction straight to parasite.

"We need to take him down, or at least lure him away so we can safely disengage-" Robin was cut off by Superboy running forward.

"That idiot." I mumbled.

He got knocked out and we quickly made a plan. All of us jumping out, the other distracted parasite while I surrounded him with fire. Since he took M'gann's powers, he'd have her weaknesses.

Robin shut down the accelerator and we left when interpol arrived.


As we were flying back to the cave I took the chance to look at Red Arrow through my black eyes. I gasped quietly, and it took all I had now to attack him right there. I had to tell Uncle Bat. How could I be so stupid?

"Finally," B.E.M groaned, "took you long enough to admit it."

Once we arrived back at the cave I immediately ran to my room and called Uncle Bat.

"What is it (Y/n)?"

"Red Arrow isn't Roy," I blurted out.


"I looked at him through black eyes," I admitted, guilt plaguing my voice, "I know I shouldn't have but I did. Roy is another Cadmus clone. He's the mole!"

Batman nodded slowly. I crossed my arms waiting for him to say something.

"We do nothing, not until we have a reason to act. You must keep quiet about this, understood?"

I nodded. Oh my gosh, I kissed a traitor.


Okay... I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you next time! Byyee!


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