Chapter 5: The Dark Side of (Y/n)

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After a long week of isolation my grounding was finally over. I ran out of my room at a speed that would put KF to shame. There was nothing to do here, I couldn't even hang out with anyone.

"Freedom!" I yelled all the way to the training room.

"Just in time for training."

"Aunt Canary!" I beamed running to hug her. She led us to the training room and took off her jacket.

"I'll need a sparring partner." KF raised his hand and walked forward.

"After this, I'll show you my moves." He winked. I groaned, KF was something sometimes, being something isn't always good, especially when I knew he would be getting his butt kicked in less than five minutes.

Black Canary smirked and threw a fake punch sweeping his feet out from under him.

"Can anyone tell me what he did wrong?"

"He hit on my honorary aunt and got served." I stated, the others struggled to hold back their laughter.

"He allowed me to dictate the terms of-"

"Oh please," Superboy interrupted, "With my powers the battle is always on my terms. I'm a living weapon, and this is a waste of my time."

I smirked lightly, slightly, someone must have had an argument with his 'Dad' again. With both of them having super tempers, it wasn't going to end well either way.

"Prove it." He walked into the circle and they began to fight. Black Canary took him out within a few seconds and Robin burst out laughing. I nudged him, getting him to stop.

"Batman to cave. Five hours ago someone attacked Green Arrow and Black Canary. The attacker was able to mimic their powers. In the end it took eight leaguers four hours to defeat and dismantle the robot. We believe it was created by Ivo."

"But Ivo's dead." I argued.

"So we thought."

"To make sure that this threat is permanently neutralized we have two trucks, sending the parts STAR labs, and two delays. You will be split into two different teams to safeguard the real thing."


I pulled out of the load up spot with Robin and Superboy behind me. I was amazed that they let me- a 13 year old- ride a motorcycle in public. I knew how already, but it still shocked me. I suppose things were different when you were a hero.

"If the opposite of dislike is like then is the opposite of disaster aster?" Robin asked randomly. I burst out laughing at how dorky and adorable he was. "Clearly you aren't in the mood for the aster. What's wrong?"

"I don't understand why Black Canary insists on teaching combat skills to a guy with super strength." Superboy growled.

"Aunt Canary learned the hard way that taking down tougher guys is part of the gig." I shrugged.

"Same with Batman, and well, me." Robin added.

"Our truck is under attack!" Aqualad yelled into the com. I heard a weird chatter like laughter as robotic monkeys jumped onto our truck. I switched my bike into battle mode and told Superboy to do the same.

"No point." He jumped off his bike onto the truck. I rolled my eyes and jumped onto the truck after him, Robin following. I hope he realized he would have to get that back later, we didn't have an infinite number of bikes at the cave.

The monkeys grabbed me and started to fly off. They made sure I couldn't move my hands so I couldn't bend. Stupid, smart monkeys. I started kicking even though I knew there was no use.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

"(H/n)!" Robin shouted, his voice now a distant cry. They flew me onto a train and roughly dropped me onto the floor.

"So you're the little one the Justice League loves." A familiar accented voice spoke.

"Ivo." I growled sitting up, fire sparking on my hands.

"Now now, we don't need that happening do we?" He snapped his fingers and something pierced my neck. I started to stumble feeling incredibly light headed.

"What...did you... do to me?" My voice slurred and I fell over.

"I just shed a little light on the situation."


"(H/n) wake up!" Someone yelled. I opened my eyes and only saw red. Someone stood in front of me in a strangely familiar uniform. They had black hair and a mask covering their eyes, "(H/n), your eyes... they're black."

I swiftly threw a kick at him. He ducked under my leg and held my arms behind my back. I paused for a moment, listening to what he had to say.

"(H/n), it's me, Robin! Superboy is keeping the robot busy, we have to go help him." I growled and flipped 'Robin' over my shoulder.

"Are you with the Light?" I asked my voice monotone, if he was with the Light then he had a pass.

"What-no, (H/n), we're with the team!" Robin groaned getting up.

"If you aren't with the light then you're dead!" I threw fire at him.

He continuosly dodged my attacks, but never fought back. I grew frustrated and continued to throw fire at him. Finally he pulled something out of his toolbelt and threw it in front of me. A chemical started to spray out of it.

"I'm sorry...(Y/n)" He whispered before everything went black.


I woke up in the cave's medical center strapped to teh bed. A worried team stood chattering around me, not even noticing that I woke up.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat, the team immediantly snapped their head in my direction.

"Are you, you?" Kaldur asked.

"I am," I nodded, "I'm so sorry."

Megan was about to take the binds off, but Robin stopped her.

"If you're really (Y/n), then what's my name?"

"I can't really say it with them in here."

Robin nodded to them adn they left slowly.

"Your name is Richard Grayson, but everyone calls you Dick Grayson, your parents were killed right in front of you during their 'Flying Graysons' act by a mob boss who your parents denied to give money. You are Bruce Wayne's- otherwise known as Batman- legal ward. You became Robin soon after."

Robin unstrapped me and I groaned holding my head.

"This is a new type of sick." I mumbled.


Hello my Mystics! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks for all the support on everything! See you next time! Byyee!


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