Chapter 9: Lost Memories

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I woke up on top of something. I blinked a few times to clear my vision. I was on top of Robin! I jumped up quickly. Why was I with Robin? He should be in Gotham.

"Wh- what happened... (Y/n)? You changed your costume." Robin groaned getting up.

"I did what?" I looked down at myself and saw a different costume than my original. "(H/n), if I'm in costume then I guess I'm (H/n)-"

I heard a rumbling and pulled Robin up on a higher part of a rock formation. We watched jeeps filled with soldiers drive by.

"Those are Bialyan Republican Uniforms. What are Bialyans doing in... Bialya?"

"Better question, what are we doing in Bialya together?" I whispered.

"What happened to March? It's September!" Robin hissed.

We jumped down and started walking. Robin found a tracker point on the map so we started to walk that way.


Once we reached the marker it was already dark. Bialyans jumped out and I smirked at Robin. I lifted my hand and expected the sand to follow, nothing happened. The sand was too loose and grainy. Air would just bring up the sand, no water in the desert, and fire wouldn't help with this heat. Hand-to-hand combat it is. Together we took out some of the soldiers. They got up again, when they started to shoot at us a familiar face took the guns from their hands.

KF and two other girls stood in front of us. I was so confused.

"KF, glad to see you." I gave him a quick hug.

"Memory loss?"

"6 months! Let's hogtie these creeps and compare notes."

We tied up the soldiers and what seemed to be a female version of Uncle Martian started to explain that all of us were on a team.

"The four of us and Superboy." M'gann clarified.

"Some teammate, he attacked us." KF scoffed.

"He didn't know who we were genius." Artemis pointed out.

"I remember Batman ordering radio silence, out team must work for him." Robin added.

"Guys, besides six months of our lives, I feel like we're forgetting something." I stated.

"How do we know we don't work for my mentor?" KF touched his chest and his costume changed, "woah!"

The rest of us tried it and nothing happened.

"We look ridiculous," Artemis shouted then turned to KF who was still changing his costume, "stop touching yourself!"

Something happened and we were surrounded by images of the team.

"I've brought you into my mind to show what I've remembered so far," M'gann spoke appearing, "together our memories can form a whole, if you open your minds to mine."

"You want to paw through our private thoughts?" Artemis questioned.

"I have no wish to intrude but-"

"I have to agree with Artemis, there are some things that should stay hidden in the past."

Robin looked at me sympathetically and grabbed my hand.

"It's only the last six months, not far enough back for... those memories." He assured. I nodded slowly. M'gann started to combine our memories.

"The Watchtower detected an immense power surge in the Bialyan Desert, caused by elements non-terrestrial in origin. Find out what happened at that site... Bialya is a rogue state ruled by Queen Bee, and is not a member of the league's UN Charter, all communications are subject to interception. Maintain radio silence at all times. You'll land near Bialya's border." Batman explained.

The team snuck up a sandhill and looked at the enemies base.

"Set up here." A voice ordered.

"I'll check the tent out on camouflage mode." M'gann offered.

"Good idea, but be careful, camouflage isn't invisible." The voice spoke again.

"Will do Aqualad."

"I knew we were forgetting something!" I yelled when we were out of M'gann's head. I looked over at Robin and blushed removing my hand from his.

"We landed 24 hours ago, if Aqualad's been out here for that long, well it's not good for a guy with gills."

"Now that I know to look for him," Robin pulled up a map, "he's close, but unmoving."


We all got to Aqualad as fast as possible. He was unconscious and talking in Atlantian.

"I can't restore his memories in this condition. (H/n), can you help him?" I looked him over and sighed.

"I can't do anything without wate- oh! This is going to hurt. I would say sorry, but I'm not." I smirked and stopped for a minute. Why would I not be sorry? I took the water from his holder.

I brought my hands up above my head clenching my fists. I brought my hand down in a punching motion. Aqualad gasped then fell limp.

"That's the best I can do without more water. He'll be more stable, but we still have to get him to the bio-ship."

M'gann- despite our objections- flew off to find Superboy so we were stuck bringing Aqualad back to the ship.

Halfway back Bialyan soldiers passed us so we hid. Robin we M.I.A and I huffed in frustration. He landed right next to me and I started hitting him.

"Where were you?" I hissed.

"Taking care of the soldiers."

I heard his adorkable laughter and an explosion. I looked over to Robin who was smirking. I rolled my eyes and continued to help move Aqualad back to the ship.

Once we got back we hooked Aqualad up and sat down waiting for M'gann to come back with Superboy. Robin walked over and sat next to me.

"It's come to my attention that we've had a few close encounters. I'm glad M'gann found us." He smiled.

I blushed turning to face him, "I'm glad too."

We looked at each other before leaning in closer. Just as our lips were about to touch.

"I got Superboy, we're on our way back." M'gann announced telepathically. Robin adn I pulled apart, the moment broken.

"Dang it!" I yelled.

"What's wrong (H/n)?" M'gann asked.

"Her and Robin were about to kiss... I forgot a souvenir." KF groaned.

"Don't worry, we have it covered." M'gann assured.


Hello my Mystics! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please don't yell at me for ruining the moment 3 times now... I think... Anyways, thanks for all the support on this story and everything else that I do! My new uploading schedule is Fridays and Tuesdays. See you next time! Byyee!


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