Chapter 5

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We walked into the tiny town this place has everything even though it's tiny. I could tell that Charlie's been deep in thought since we almost kissed. I can't believe he confessed to me....He likes me. Just thinking of it is sending butterfly's to my stomach. I wanted to kiss him really bad....but, Rosa ruined it. Oh well maybe we can try another time.
If we ever do.

It's Christmas I need to lighten up. We walked to the mall were they had places to eat, chill, or shop. I was then pulled away from Charlie by the girls for shopping. I sat on a set waiting for the girls to change. I was super quick with my outfit I put it on too. It was a blue French cap, a blue gems with some jades on the side, white long socks that went to my knees, small blue heels, and blue jade earrings.

I began to tap my foot impatience.

"Pssssh Crystal come here!"
A voice whispered

I turn my head slightly to were I heard the voice. It was the boys they where outside of the entrance.

"What's going on?"
I ask

"We need your help with an outfit problem."
Daniel stated

I raised a brow
(Can I truly trust him?)

I sigh and nod
They high five each other Charlie seemed confused.
We then walked to "Men's Style"
I have no idea where it got it's name.

I sat down on a chair and they shoved Charlie into a dressing room with some clothes.

We waited for like 15 minutes but, it was worth it.
Charlie came out with a turtle neck long sleeve shirt, it kinda showed his abs, he also had black jeans, a black sneakers, and a black cap.
I blushed at the sight of him quickly trying I hide it before he saw.

"Like what you see?"
He said looking straight at me

"What's there to like?"
I say back at him

He seemed kinda taken back and I look away not wanting to see that I hurt him.
I then got up and turn to the guys.

"You look good but, I'm leaving to the
I say walking off

I'm not actually gonna go I just feel so messed up inside. I'm not even sure if he likes me or he's playing with my heart.

I tried began walking into the forbidden woods. I know it's stupid idea but, I feel safe there I know that's stupid. I don't know why I do i get spooked but, it feels like it won't harm me.

I began walking in the forest hearing a woman cry. I ran father in to see three men bulling a woman. I them grab my knife from my sleeve and run at them slashing one landing I front of a woman. They were taken back at first but, then they smirked probably thinking I'm an easy challenge. I lift my knife ready to fight when I felt a blade at my throat.

"It's nice to see you again hot stuff."
A familiar voice said


A man with black hair, sharp teeth, blue skin, and a giant blade.

I could feel fear surging in my veins. How am I so scared of this guy?
How is he so familiar, why did he say he met me before, and WHY DID HE CALL ME HOT STUFF!!?!?!!

I yelled the person begin me push the blade more

I could tell this was a distraction this wasn't real. The woman was on there side but, why?

"I called you hot stuff."
He said doing a small smirk

"Take her to the truck I'll deal with her from there."
He said his tiny smirk growing to a big evil looking one



"Hey leave her alone!"
A voice yelled

I turn to see Charlie and the others.

Magen yelled at me

"Good two in one day."
Said the blue skinned man

"Take the girl to the car I'll get the other one."
He stated

They began forcing me to walk. I then quickly twist the person arm that was holding me. Throwing them over my shoulder fixing my knife in my hand slashing at one but, they dodged my attack.

I yelled to the others

Each one of them began to use there elements even Magen. Charlie went on the attack in the blue skinned man. Using his lighting abilities.

Is he stupid what if he gets hurt? What if the guy kills him? I don't think I'll be able to handle it of he does!

I kept dodging person after person. I was so focus on Charlie's fight against the guy I didn't even notice my surroundings. My back hit a tree and the fake woman slashed her blade at me. I dodged rolling over but, quickly grasping my arm seeing blood drip down it.

I turn to Charlie's voice he was slashed across his chest

I screamed tears already pouring down my face

I felt anger and pain flow though me and a strange power. I slashed the chick in the throat and I quickly ran after the blue skin dude. I jumped up attempt to kick him, he put his arms in an X pushing me away. I landed on my feet ready for another attack.

Then I saw my sister fleeing past me hitting a tree. More tears spilled as every one has being harmed.

-kill them....-
A voice says
I look around searching for the person who owns the voice

-Kill them all...-
I felt power serving with in me
The trees seem to begin to sway

-kill them all....NOW!!!-

I felt pain a horrible pain at my chest were my heart was. I place my hand on my chest crying out in pain. The while fight stopped looking at me. I felt like a part of me was moving all around us.

I squeezed my eyes shut crying out more than I fell on my knees using one of my hands to keep me up. Since the other one was over the pain in my chest. I clutched my skin feeling the pain more I then felt black luring around me. I looked up to see Charlie holding his wound looking at me I use my hand that was holding my chest to each at him. I didn't care how far we were I still attempted

"Please help me..."
I cried to him
Then the feeling grew and I collapsed gasping for one last breath.


"Please help me..."
Crystal cried out to me

She then collapsed. I watch as the blue skinned man walks up to her unconscious body.

I yelled attempting to crawl to her

Then a vine grabbed the blue mans wrist. Then another and more grabbed him and every one else avoiding us.
What's going on?
I see a a tree branch swing hitting a person some of the sticks stabbing itself in the person. Magen then crawled to me checking my wound.

"What's happening?"
I gasped still in pain from the wound

"I-I don't k-know.."
She stutter in fear and pain

Soon Crystal body got up her eyes glowing a bright green.

"What's going on?"
Daniel asked dodging a vine

It then clicked to me

"It's her element...."
I said quietly

Rosa says not hearing me

I yell

She then makes a knife made of sticks and grass walking towards the blue man.
I find the strength to get up running towards some how avoiding the flying veins. She then goes for the stab.

I yelled getting in the way


I slowly open my eyes in a place only filled with darkness. But I was in chains in where ever I'm at.

I call into the darkness

-Hehehe welcome to my prison...-
A voice says

I gulped

-You've hidden me away for to long now I'm gonna have fun killing people.-
The voice says

Then a screen type of thing came in front of me. I see a tree branch stabbing someone throwing them away soon after.

I muttered not believing what I was seeing

-This is your element plants, nature, or how I call it the deadly plants.-
It says laughing

I begin to shake in fear as I watch my self make a blade.

"What are you planning on doing?!"
I yelled frighten for the answer

The voice laughs more

-I'm getting revenge for your parents of course.-

I screamed tears pouring down my face

Then I heard a voice

A voice yelled as I begin to try and stab the blue man

Then Charlie pops in front as the blade sinks in

I scream

I put the blade deeper in his already cut wound. I begin to cry harder this isn't what I wanted I wanted to protect me friends my love!!
Wait... love?

Then I hear the voice cry in pain.
I begin to hear what Charlie saying

"It's gonna be ok you need to stop this please...."

I push the blade harder

"Please... Crystal I love you to much to let you do this....I know your in pain many new elements act like this..please if you truly care for me you'll stop....Please come back to me...."
He says gasping for breath between each sentence

"I'm coming I'm coming!"
I yell seeing a bright light

I then had control the blade in Charlie's stomach as he began to pull me even closer. I didn't realize he was hugging me I pull the blade out dropping it to the ground. Then vines slowly turn back to normal and I pull Charlie close. Crying into his shoulder from the pain I feel and what I did. I killed serval people and maybe the man...I think I love.

"C-Charlie *sob* I'm s-sorry.."
I cried into his chest now

He then rubbed my back in circles

"E-Everything will be o-ok...."
He says trying to be encouraging

"I-I l-l-love you C-Charlie..."
I sobbed looking into his eyes

I felt the grass wrapping around my legs healing the pain I felt on my chest.
I then felt Charlie kiss my lips and I return the favor. I had my hands on his wound. I could feel warmth speaking from my hands to his chest the warmth spreading to my whole body. To my lips to his it felt like positive like I'm showing my love to him.

I then slowly pull back not feeling a cut anymore it was gone. He seems surprised for two reasons. I try walking to the others but, was pulled back to his lips his hand cupping my neck. I was surprised but, kissed him back his hands slipping down to my waist. Mine still on his chest again.

"That's enough you two."
Daniel says picking up Rosa

"W-What are y-you d-d-doing?!"
She asked surprised

"I'm carrying you if you couldn't tell."
He said shrugging walking away with her

I then see Jon give Magen a piggy back ride since she's tried from the fight. She still doesn't know how to control her powers is my guess. Then Tristan grabs Amy wrist pulling her along. I smile holding hands with Charlie tried from today.

"Let's go shall we."
Charlie says gesturing for us to leave

I nod giggling this is the best/worst Christmas ever.


Ok that wasn't Daniel plan but, they still got together right?
Lol any way guys

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