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This story was always a complicated one, one full of pain, love, and adventure. Every day was clear to my memory, if you want to understand my story I shall start from the beginning. Yet beginnings don't always have to start nice, and endings don't always have to be perfect. Now....the story of it all, shall begin.

It was a warm summer day, the sky completely clear, and the ocean was were peace full. I felt excitement bubble up in my stomach, I was running around on the ships deck. Everyone on the cruise quickly dodged me, trying not to get tackled by the teenage girl running at full speed.


"Hey dad wait up!"
I call

My dad turn to me his short blonde hair flowing his tannish skin looking pale. His dark blue shirt and light blue shorts looking kinda wet from the small waves. His sandals were black and his hair legs showed.
His dark blue eyes very dark, but showed so much emotion.

"Yes crystal?"
His deep voice always sent chills down my spine

"Where's mom and little sis?"
I asked

He smiled at me his smile breath taking to any one.

"They're at the point of the ship."
He said

"Thanks dad!"
I yell while running off

I ran to the other side of the boat.
A butler came in front of me with a tray of chocolates.

I yelled quickly doing a front hand spring barley making it over him but knocking the tray of chocolates in the air.

"OH MAN!!"
I grabbed the tray catching each chocolate before they hit the ground.

I grabbed one handed him the tray and ran.

I giggle to myself taking a bite of the mini chocolate.

It's sweet milk chocolate flavor combine with cherry filling so delicious.

I made it to the point seeing my mother holding my little sisters hand.
Looking towards a cloudy sky up ahead.

"Mom you ok?"
I asked
Putting an hand on her shoulder

"Yes, dear but that cloud seems deadly." she said fill with worry

I'm not surprised she feels like that her lighting ability she must sense it.

Her whitish blondish flow in the wind my little sisters long normal blonde hair flowing as well. They both wearing the same dress and flats which both are purple with some pink.

I grab my sister all ready knowing what to do.

"We'll meet you soon mom."
I said
Walking to the stair case.

20 minutes later

We were in our room the boat rocking back in fourth the storm we had gone though getting worse.

"Sis grab you emergency bag ready just in case."
I said looking into her extremely pale blue eyes.

Was all she said knowing not to question it

I grabbed my dark red one putting a mirror and a pocket knife with it.

The mirror had my reflection in it my short white hair with light blue highlights at the end was kinda messy.
My dark blue matching my dad's but, at the moment filled with worry. My white skin seemed kinda bright at the moment my green hat kinda crooked, dark white shirt with a dark green shorts, and my dark green jean jacket all matched pretty well.

I smiled at my self people say my looks came mostly from my dad some my mom, but I think I got a good mixture of both.

Then the ship was thrown from the waves. I hit the wall hard while my sister hung on the bed she has a good grip.

I quickly got back up grabbed my bag.

"Let's go now!!"
I yelled

The loud speaker said most likely the captain

She ran to me grabbing my hand quickly running out the door.
We kept being thrown back and fourth.

(To think that this happens to us when Me and sis where suppose to go to a new school and dad and mom was suppose to go to a big world wide meeting.)

"Come sis hurry!"
I said as we ran out side

Seeing lighting flashing, waves making there way onto the decks, every one running and screaming pushing each other, and my parents no where to be found.

Then a flash of lighting hit the deck I covered my sister in fear of is getting hit.

I slot turn back to see a man with black hair, blue skin, and a sinister smirk his sharp teeth look like try could rip anything out. He looked about my age which is 15.

He turns to me the smirk going wider.

"I knew we had to kidnapped these two, but damn she's hot."
He said checking me out
making me scared

"Stay back or I'll hurt you!!"
I yelled holding out my hand

"Whatcha gonna do? you can only control plants do you see any?"
He said

"What? what are you talking about?"
I said pretending not to know

-hehehe....fool of a fool-

That makes no sense?!

"Unless your the wrong girl."
He said

"Crystal! Megan! Go to the boats!"
My dad yelled
We dash towards him quickly running behind him.

"Mom at the boat I'll meet you soon."

We listen and dashed to the boats a man cut the last one down.

"Oh no!"
My mom was on a boat too

She yelled

I grabbed my sister bridle style and ran using the rail to push me further

I held sis right everything went in slow motion a metal security man shot a metal rope towards us. At the same time I look back to where dad was seeing a horrible sight.

Another man wearing a dark hood had long deadly looking sword in dad who turned slowly black then Turing into dust.

Just before he did he looked at me and mouthed something I understood some.

Run.......never look back.....protect your sister...and I missed the rest.

The metal thing grabbed me pulling towards the boat.

My eyes widen as everything went into motion again.

I was in the boat but watched as the rest if the life boats got caught under a wave.

Tears flooding down my face, and a giant boat pulled next to us.

"Give us the girls!"
A man called some how the other two men from the other boat was there.
I turned my attention from them seeing the boat sink.

"Never she would never help you!"
My mom yelled

Then I see a man pull mom blood splatter then throwing her body away.

I yelled

The man jumped in front of us taking a fire slash to the stomach.

I screamed covering my sister eyes and turned mine as they slice his head off. They throw him off the boat then jumping on to ours.

I felt horrible I watch both y parent a die and every one from the boat I can't let them get my sister I rather die.

I always have knives on me so I grabbed my most dangerous knife from my pocket.

I turn my head just barley enough to see a man with green skin try to grab me. I slashed my knife at him cutting a very deep long cut on the guys cheek to his nose in his right side of his face.

He yelled going for my neck

I kicked him in the gut then stabbed him in the gut. Right after my fast reflexes making me grab back my sister.

He fell off the boat and another man grabbed me by my neck holding me tight. I then notice my sister eyes glowing it was a blue color a giant hand made out if water rose in the air.

The men let's me go and I crawl back to my sister coughing from being chocked. The hand grabbed the man pulling him under water then a giant wave came separated us from the boat.

My sister then fainted in my arms I held her close then a wave began to come over us.

I felt a powerful urge throwing my hand a type a shield protesting us from it's full rage.
But soon after another one came I grabbed my sisters body close to me closing my eyes. As the wave consume us and I refused to let my sister go even if we die I quickly was swept away.

I held her then went up for air then another one hitting me so hard I couldn't handle it.
I just see a wave then a black wave consume me.


I slowly opened my eyes remembering nothing really.
A boy and an old looking man stood over me. My instincts kicked in making me attempt to kick them both, but they both dodged it.

I get up seeing a girl who is starting to stir a bit. I took in my surrounding I was on a beach a bunch of broken boat parts every where. I looked at the boy who stood over me he had dark brown hair you could mistaken it for black, black eyes, he had a black school uniform on.

(Not sure how I knew there was a school uniform)

I then look at the old men he had long old white hair, a long white beard, he had a red/dark yellow robe, and he had pure green eyes.

I look back at the girl a name began forming itself in my mind

I muttered

Then it clicked she's my sister!

I ran over to her shake bing we tears the threating to fall.

"Magen wake up come on little sis I can't lose you too wake up!"

Wait...what did I mean lose you too?

"Sis is"
She asked her pale blue eyes making me cry

"Your awake thank goodness I thought I lost you forever!"
I yelled hugging her close

She hugged me back soon I felt tears wetting my ripped up shirt.

"We lost mom and dad I can't believe it...."
She cried

I looked her in the eyes heright blue eyes gleaming.

"Mom? Dad?"

I don't remember having parents know that I think of it I don't remember almost anything!

"Don't you remember what happen sis?"
She asked

I shook my head

"No I don't I just remember we were almost killed, my name, and age."
I said looking down

"Miss can you tell me who you are?"
The old man said his voice very relaxed

"I'm Magen I'm 13 years old."
She said

"I'm Crystal I'm 15 years old...."
I muttered

Why am I trusting this guy?

"Listen I'm a head master at a school near by come with us and let's take care of your injuries."
He said

I got up in front of my sister.

"Why should I trust you?"
I asked thinking this may be an act

"Because you have no where else to turn to."
He said

He had me beat but....I didn't feel right.

I look at the boy who has been staring at me this whole time.

"What's up with you?"
I growled

He smirked

"My names Charlie I'm 15 as well."
He said

"So what does it look like I care?"
I said giving attitude

"I like her head master she's got class."
He said

"Come with us we'll show you the way."
He said walking to a nearby path

I looked at my sister and nod

The boy goes after him us walking not to far behind.

(I wonder what happen to us?)


See what you like?
I hope you like it I couldn't just stick to pokemon stories so this story came to my head and here it is. I just starts it and In already working on another book so I may not update it often.

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