Chapter Two

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idea of elena's dress. just to make sure i didn't make you think of a trash bag.



The palace was busy, with maids and servants running around. Resolving the problem between the two tribes took longer than expected.

The King sighed at the crowded palace. Different kinds of people from the city rushed in his hallways. He did not like the idea of inviting hundreds of people, but he needed to do it for his own people. Many in the palace were unmated, and wolves were stronger with their other half.

Maybe he too would finally find his queen. He simply did not have the time to look for her, and he wished she would come to him instead. A king without his queen was incomplete. Half strong.

'King Ethan, preparation for this evening is almost done.' Arthur bowed his head in respect, informing his King. 'Why don't you head back to the office for now? You still have a mountain of work to do.'

Ethan simply nodded, 'How did it go with the tribes?' He asked as the two climb a flight of stairs.

'Many were heavily wounded, and many, unfortunately, died.' Arthur informed sadness laced his voice.

The King sighed, 'I should have stopped the feud sooner.'

'There was a majority who celebrated, your Highness. They showed their gratitude and called out your name,' he reassured the King.

The King remained unconvinced. He had been planning on stopping the two tribes for a long time, but there were other matters who seriously needed his attention. 'Many still died.'

'My King, this tribes' problem, is in no way, the Royals' fault,' Arthur insisted, but those were still his people. The King was responsible for them. Lives mattered.

Ethan sat before the mountain of paperwork. His shoulders already feeling stiff. He reminded himself to later change the chair to something more comfortable. How did his father sit here for longer than a decade?

'Alpha Philips and Alpha Ren would be also visiting tonight, hoping to find their Luna here.' Arthur bowed after informing the King, then quietly closed the doors as he left when the King dismissed him.

The day was too good to spend inside, doing work. Birds chirped, and the sun shone, giving everyone warmth to bask on. It was one of the rare days when Ethan only wanted nothing but to sit outside and inhale the fresh air. Work often takes most of his time, and he ends up missing his childhood when he had lots of free time, and he would spend it outside, playing sword with his brother.

Speaking of his brother, he expected him to come tonight. He was mateless, after all. And his younger brother was hopeless when it comes to mates. All his years, he would wish for his mate. He was already in love before he knew her.

Ethan chuckled at the thought. He stood up and walked towards the opened windows. He inhaled the scents of greens, itching to run his paws against the dirt. How long has it been since he shifted? Way too long.

He threw the double doors open, guards bowing as he walked across the hallway. He deserved a free time too, and he wanted it now.

Walking down the same flight of stairs, he reached the palace garden. The smell of different flowers soothed him, making him sigh. He walked in the other direction, where tall, thick trees stood. His pace picked up, and before he knew it, he was on four of his feet. He heard every sound the forest made: the rustling of trees, the chirping of birds, the footsteps of other animals, and the splash of the waterfall.

The wind hissed in his ears, but the quick pace of his feet never faltered. He wondered why he always drowned himself with work when he could pause any moment and take a deep breath. Three and a half years as a king, and only now has he realized the privilege he has. He was a king, he'd take a break whenever he wants, and no one would say otherwise.

Except for Arthur.

The old man has served Ethan's great-grandfather. He no longer was afraid of any King. He was persistent, and the only one who dare order a king. But Ethan was thankful, he made him a King he'd never achieve without him.

Ethan slowly made his way back to the palace. He noticed the moon rising, making him aware of the time he spent just running around. He didn't mind, though, the run relaxed him and prepared him for the long night.


The King walked around his palace with a smile pasted on his face. He wore his evening clothes that hugged his body. His white jacket was made of leather, outlined by gold. Under the cover, a white shirt clung to his body. The hem of his white pants was tucked into his black boots.

It was expected of anyone who entered the palace to wear white as a sign of purity. Purity was the kingdom's symbol, and it has been since the beginning of time.

'Not one paper was signed, your Highness. Where have you been?' Arthur asked as he came out of the corner.

'They'll be arriving soon, Arthur. Stand by the door and greet our guests.' He ignored his question as he went to greet his family who arrived an hour ago.

'It has been my duty since.' Arthur bowed and left to follow his King's order.

Ethan hugged his mother. 'Mother, father, it's nice to see you.'

'If it weren't for the custom, then we wouldn't be here.' His father first said, laughing at his words.

His wife slapped his arm, 'oh, hush, Richard!'

Ethan beamed at the sight of the two. After the first year of his crowning, the two went to live someplace else, where royalty wouldn't bother them. The couple wanted to spend the rest of their lives beside the water as normal as possible. Ethan missed them dearly, despite the fact they visited few times in a year.

'Where is Marcus?' Ethan asked. He usually arrived with their parents.

The mother sighed, 'oh, don't worry, the boy will arrive soon. Better late than never.'

The room was already filled with his men, some were maids, guards, soldier, or warrior.

Guests started arriving a minute before the time. Each one wearing a different colour sash to symbolize their pack. Many already found their mate at the doorway, gleaming at each other. A couple were also nervous, afraid this year was another failure.

Chatters filled the air, and the King, who stood on the staircase, clapped his hands loudly.

'A moment, everyone.' His voice boomed in the entire room, power laced in his voice. The sound died down, and every eye was on their King. 'I see quite a few of you already found your mate. Congratulations.' Ethan smiled, and the lots cheered before dying down in silence again. 'For those who haven't, worry not. There are more to come. Let us enjoy the night.'

Everyone clapped as the King descended the stairs. He looked around, sniffing the air. The Alphas haven't arrived yet. They do like to make an entrance.

Ethan sat at the round table which consisted of his family. Three chairs remained empty.

Arthur, who stood beside the King's chair, bent down to whisper, 'your Highness, I've lined up some ladies who by some chance could be your mate.'

The King laughed. Arthur did this activity for the previous party. He was used to it by now.

'Gorgeous looking ladies!' The king's mother beamed, making the women blushed.

They were, in fact beautiful, but the King was once again disappointed. None of them was his queen.

'She's not here, Arthur.'

'Look closely, my King.'

The King shook his head, 'I would have smelt her by now.'

Ethan tried not to look too disappointed, but the worried look on his parents face made him feel worse.

'You'll find her, son.' His father reassured.

Arthur sent the ecstatic women away, the disappointment on their face evident.

The room went half quiet, all attention on the doorway. Ethan noticed the sudden change and focused his attention where everybody looked.

The two Alphas finally arrived, they stood in the doorway as they converse with one another. Ethan chuckled to himself. They did like to make an entrance. They then walked to the King's table, bowing in submission.

'It is an honour to be here.' Philips stated as he shook hands with the King. Ren said the same as he took Ethan's hand.

'Sniff away, gentlemen.' The King said, making both Alphas laughed.

Philips' face then went serious, walking away as his body got lost in the crowd.

Alpha Ren laughed, 'I guess he found his Luna.' The Alpha then went to talk to his members, welcoming some newcomers after failing to find any smell of his mate.

Arthur cleared his throat, gaining his King attention. Beside him where another group of girls.

The King sighed. 'Arthur, ...' He started but paused at the strong smell of roses. He eyed the women beside Arthur, halting his stare once he met eye with a black hair girl. Her eyes were already on him, and for a moment, Ethan could see the panic in her eyes once his gaze landed on her.

'I'll gather every unmated wolf in the world if it meant finding our Queen.' Arthur spoke with determination, but the King paid him no mind.

His eyes were on her, and only her. He studied her closely. Her pale, white arms visibly showed themselves on her white dress. The simple, yet elegant piece of clothes flow from top to bottom. The soft silk wrapped around her neck and a small amount of skin showed itself at the keyhole of the neckline. A white silk belt was wrapped around just below her breast, its buckle being the only gold in her pure attire.

'That wouldn't be necessary,' she spoke smoothly with a soft smile. Her attention clearly focused on her mate.

'Speak when spoken to!' Arthur lectured, making the King turned to him. But his gaze returned to the Angel before him, afraid she would disappear.

'Mind your manners, Arthur,' Ethan ordered. 'You're speaking to your Queen.'


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