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Alvar: Tell me a story!

Elio: no...

Alvar: N8w.

Elio: It's sad, but fine.

There was once a boy named Forte. He was attending his grandfather family reunion, it was held every seven years.  Forte was extremely excited.

At the large social event people fell head over heels for the child. He was adorable, they asked him his name, his age, what magic he used.

All of a sudden a giant bird appeared, the monstrous thing attacked everyone. Forte was frozen in place! As the more got closer he fell and closed his eyes waiting for the pain. Instead he hear laughing, he opened his eyes the bird had turned into feathers.

Forte looked to his side, a little girl no older that 7 was standing next to him, laughing lightly. She turned around and ran into his grandfathers mansion.

Forte's mother ran to him "My baby! Are you okay?!" She said worriedly. "I'm fine mother, but who was that?" He asked, two lady's came up to them. "That was Lady Lauren's Daughter; San. they say the little girl is cursed. Ever since she was a baby she's displayed immense magical power. Where ever she goes she brings sickness. That's why Lady Lauren is so Ill." She explained.

Forte's mother thought a bit "That means San is your cousin, Forte." She said to him not believing it. She spoke again, "I forbid you to see her again. Promise me son."

Forte looked at his mother. Then everyone around, they all whispered about her and her curse. "I promise mother."

Later in the evening, Forte left the gathering to look for San. He later found San alone in the woods.

Forte tried to be quite at approaching the "Cursed Child" but he broke a twig causing her to turn his way "Wh-who is there...?" She asked innocently.  "It's only me," Forte replied steeping closer to her "I don't want to hurt you I just want to be your friend."

"My friend..?" San asked. The word so alien like. "Yeah, your friend." He said nodding

"You'll play with me..?" Still not believing it the girl asked

"Anything you want!" With that reply San took his hand and dragged him inside the Mansion. Dragging him one way or the other. "Let's play wrestling!"

"I don't want to San!!"

"Let's play houses!"

"No! San! No!"

"I know!! Let's play dress up!!!" San pulled out a dress out of thin air and threw it over the boy. "I knew you'd look amazing in yellow!" San said very pleased.

Forte on the other hand was not! He ran away from her and entered a room. He looked around the room. There was a women, extremely beautiful, sitting on a bed. "May I help you?" She asked in a gentle tone.

"N-no ma'am I was playing with my friend and got lost." He replied to her.

"Forte? Where are you?" San asked from outside.

"In here San I came in the wrong room!" Forte yelled out to his friend.

San then entered the room running to the women in the bed "Mama!!" She said hugging her.

"My San." The women said hugging her.

Forte noticed something, San was smiling. An actual smile. Not the dull one she had most of the time.

The mother and daughter moment was ruined as an old man came barging in the room. "San what are you doing here?! I told you to stay away from your mother!!" He said grabbing San and dragging her out.

"No! Father you can't do this! Let me see my daughter!" The women yelled. Forte gave a rushed goodbye and ran out the room to catch up with San and the man. The man was scolding San for seeing her mother. Saying she was the reason the women was to sick. Forte steped in front of her "Watch it old man!! Don't talk to San like that." He then felt a hand holding his. "Its Okay Forte, I know I shouldn't have disobeyed our grandfather." With that they both left to the woods.

"What's the big deal with him?" Forte asked San.

"He says its my fault my mother is sick... Mama told me that smiles can cure anything. So I smile all the time. But she only seems to get worse. I wonder why my smiles haven't made her better."

At this confession Forte new what Lady Lauren meaned. She wanted San to smile so she wouldn't be scared.

A few months passed, San's mother passed away. Forte was at the funeral, looking for San.

The girl then passed by him. "San! Are you alright?!" He asked worriedly to his friend.

San just smiled, "About what?" She asked innocently.

At that the other People there started whispering.

'Her mom just died, has she have no heart?'

'Shes a monster'

'She must be happy,'.

At these outrages comments Forte snapped. "SHE'S JUST A LITTLE GIRL LEAVE HER ALONE! AND SHE ISN'T CURSED!" He yelled and took San's hand taking her to their spot in the woods.

"What's wrong...?" San asked.

Forte didn't look at her. "San, Your mom told you to smile so you wouldn't be scared. You have a friend in me. I want you to feel same with me," he turned around and looked at her. "San! It's okay to cry when your sad!" He said to me.

San stared at him for a moment. Then she ran into his arms sobbing out her heart. "Mama! Mama! No mama!!" She yelled in him. Mourning the death of her mama.

Alvar: W-wow... H-humans are cruel...

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