Chapter 12: Midnight Dreams

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Percy didn't remember falling asleep. Correction, he didn't even remember walking into his room.

But somehow he was dreaming. Despite his wishes. And his thoughts were seriously messed up. Even for a demigod.

It started at Camp Half Blood, in the mid afternoon. The training arena with the sounds of metal clashing. Percy floated towards it. His body was a white pale like he was made of smoke, just like when Nico had conjured his soul from the underworld.

In the arena two demigods were fighting sword vs sword. At first Percy thought he was seeing himself, but then Achilles turned sweating fiercely. He twisted his silver sword in his grip. It was the same one Percy had given to him minutes before he died.

"What are you doing?" Nico Di Angelo asked lowering his Stygian iron blade as Achilles turned away.

"I am sitting down." Achilles replied.

"Dude, we're not done."

Achilles have him a roll of his eyes. "I don't care what you promised my brother, Nico, but if I don't sit down and breath I'm going to join him in the Elysium."

Nico stepped out of his fighting stance, sighing. He brushed his shaggy dark hair out of his eyes. Achilles collapsed on a bench shoving a chest plate and helmet over.

His green t-shirt was soaked, he breathed heavily. He looked around for something nervously, before looking at Nico.


"No girls around right?" Achilles asked.

Nico looked at him weirdly, "no..."

Achilles sighed a little, pulling off his shirt. The beginnings of a six pack etched in his abs. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Nico rolled his eyes.

"Hey punks!" Clarisse charged into the arena like she owned it, which judging from how much time she spent in it, she almost did.

Achilles let out a terrified peep and shoved his shirt back over his head in such a panic that he knocked the helmet and chest plate off the bench into a stack assorted weapons. Everything fell over. Achilles face was a blotchy red with embarrassment.

Clarisse snarled, "Just like Prissy." But even Percy could see the tears in her eyes.


The world spin and it was replaced by a scene not far away.

Annabeth was walking around camp. Well, no, she was stomping. Dust flecks were popping up in response to her storm, her eyes flashing in an unfamiliar black in their intelligent gray.

"I said I am fine!" Annabeth screamed.

Will, who had been following her frantically, his stethoscope swinging wildly, is taken aback. Annabeth didn't seem to notice. She snarls and continues away. She glares daggers at a couple of the young kids who whimper and run away.

Will exhale heavily. "Her eyes..." he mumbles, "What happened to her eyes?"


Once again Percy was pulled from the scene. But unlike all the other times, Percy didn't recognize the place. It was a square room with walls that moved like it was a big huge orchid curtains. The floor was black marble. The air was filled with sparkling planet-lights.

Then in the middle there was a girl. She looked vaguely familiar, with purple skin and thirteen year old features. She had white hair with dramatically dyed red tips and stared intently with a small smile on her face at a screen in front of her.

The screen was something to marvel at. It was a clear blue with moving pictures, almost like a video feed. It's was round and the pictures were of people and crops; Percy could've sworn he saw a dinosaur in one of the shots. With a cock of his head, Percy realized that the screen was actually a planet, and the girl was watching over it able to see everything going on at once.

"Order, come play galaxy ball with me!"

Percy and the girl looked up together, but the girl quickly averted back to the planet. In a doorway, that wasn't there for seconds ago, an boy, maybe a year or two older than the girl appeared. He had sparkling star eyes and wore a baseball cap over a mane if messy white hair. He had a dark metal baseball bat in his hand.

"No thanks, I'm working." She opened her arms and grabbed corners of the planet screen. She brought her hands diagonally together. The planet shrunk, as if following her moves. With barely a glance at the boy she walked over to a different light and opened it. Just like minimizing and maximizing pictures on a phone. "See, I think I'll name this one Earth! It's my favorite." The girl answered, with a light tone.

"Order! That's all you ever do! Okay the first couple times it was fun but now it's boring!" The boy sulky whined

"All yours were barbaric." The girl snapped.

"All yours were sentimental. And stupid." The boy glared at her with a wave of his hand. The screen in front of the girl shuddered and flickered. When it came back a huge earthquake ruptured the huge continent and breaking it catastrophically into seven parts. "See, breaks too easily."

Percy didn't think it was that easy. The girl screamed in horror.

"Chaos!! What did you do?! You jerk!"  She yelled. Percy was shocked to see she had tears falling down her face. She frantically swiped at the screen, the pictures swirling with the same sight over and over. Dark destruction, smoke, untamed mess. Chaos.

Percy looked back at the boy hard. The boy stared right through him at the girl a mischievous smirk on his face. His eyes were dark making the stars look like disco balls. The son of Poseidon was shocked. That was Chaos!

The girl, -what had Chaos called her, Order? His younger sister. Wait wasn't she the one trying to take over the universe? -The girl lunged at Chaos, knocking them both to the floor

Orders eyes flashed. She smacked Chaos across the face. Chaos yelled out, his bat rolled out of his grip. His hands started glowing and he yanked on one of her white and red locks.

"Why do you always ruin my things?!" Order screamed punching his face.

"Why are you such a work-a-holic?!" Chaos rolled over on top of her. "All you ever do is work! Do you even know how to relax and have fun?"

"Creating life is fun!" Order screamed, black electricity danced at her finger tips she shoved Chaos in the stomach and he flung off of her like he'd been hit by a steam roller.

Percy winced, even in his ghost form he could tell it hurt. Chaos hit the hard enough to leave a dent, and collapsed on the floor. Barely a second passed before the younger Chaos was back on his feet throwing his fists forward like a little kid a recess pretending to have superpowers. Except, unlike that kid, a beam of pure black and purple exploded from his hands. Order flipped and twisted through the air hitting the wall on the other side of the room.

"You're such a weirdo!" Chaos shouted.

"You're an idiot!"




"Wanna be!"

Together they both flung out their arms ready to annihilate each other.


A smaller figure, in a golden dress ran through the door way. She moved too fast for Percy to see any details. Chaos and Order didn't seem to notice her. They shot the mystical energy at each other.

Percy was horrified by the look in their eyes. Chaos's were a terrifying electric purple, emphasized with pure hatred. Order's were a fire of black coal, and anger.

They were going to kill each other.

Then at the last second something even more terrifying happened. That little girl charged fearlessly right between them.

Order and Chaos jerked back, both wide with fear, but it was too late. The little girl screamed...


Percy felt his stomach twist. His entire world flipped upside down. He yelled out and he was sucked upwards and then slammed down on floor.

He gasped in pain. Everything blurred and then when it came back into focus he was in an entirely new place.

"Where am I?" He could only see the area around him. His voice didn't carry. And the darkness didn't feel or look threatening.

"Uhhh...." A figure stepped from the darkness looking around like him. Percy's hands subconsciously grabbed his pen.

"Whoa there, Perce!" Bianca the up her hands and flicked down her hood. "Just me, creeping in your dreams and stuff."

Percy laughed nervously and closed his sword, though he was secretly hoping she hadn't seen any of his thoughts recently. He felt for some reason those dreams were meant for him only.

"Uhhh yeah." Percy could've sworn she turned a light pink.

"So this is dream walking?" Percy asked.

"Yeah, yeah it is." Bianca said, "Sorry to disturb you. But I need to tell you something."


"I was dream walking and stuff like I normally do and I stepped into Revenge's sleep realm. I wasn't really trying to look into anything, but I caught a glimpse. Omega was talking to Revenge and I think he's planning on cursing you before your training tomorrow."

Percy frowned. "Cursing me? Why? Have you tried looking at Omega's for clarification?"

"I can't look into Omega's dreams. I've never been able to. It's some weird magic thing he does. But cursing you does have its benefits. It would ensure that you look terrible in front of Omega and anyone else who decides to show up."

"Show up? Like a sports event?"

Bianca smiled, "I'm not suppose to tell you but every first training involves a one-on-one battle with the commander. It's tradition."

Percy gulped, "oh no. There's no way I'm winning. Will you be there? Watching, I mean?"

"Yes of course!" Bianca said. "But I won't be there in the morning. Huntress wants me to come with her to the market place to copy more pictures of the Stolls."

"Stolls? Why you? Can't she take someone else?"

"Huntress has a certain dislike for boys in general, the Stolls most of all. It's like she has a personal vendetta against them. She likes using their pictures as bullseyes when she had target practice. And Secret sets Huntress's teeth on edge when she talks about guys dating girls, ship names, kissing, all that stuff, so I'm her only choice for company."

Percy poked out his pinky, "Promise you'll be there? I'll need someone to pick up my remains after I'm knocked out."

Bianca rolled her eyes with a sight smile. "Pinky Promise." She locked pinkies with him.

"But for now, just try to think of some way to avoid Revenge. He's sneaky and will do anything to achieve a goal most of the time." Bianca started to fade. She looked at him crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue to make him laugh. Then she waved goodbye and disappeared completely.

Percy woke up sometime later wondering how his dreams went from a midnight conversation with Bianca to having tea with a jabberwocky dressed as marshmallow while bunny rabbits were dancing in the background.

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