Chapter 17: Dream World

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Percy's head pounded. His ears were ringing slightly. The world around him seemed to be spinning. Black pixels dotted his vision in the color scheme. He could feel someone right next to him holding his head.


Two people actually, taking rapidly, and loudly. Percy couldn't make out what they were saying. What happened? He remembered purple. And Hero. Then the pain.


A blinding light exploded into Percy's eyes. He yelped squinting sorely raising an arm to fend of the light. His senses came back, the pounding retreated to a dull thud of a normal head ache.

"Oh Gods," Percy mumbled groggily, "What the Hades happened?"

Halo snorted, "Can't you at least try to not need medical attention for one day?"

Percy ignored that, trying to sit up. His entire body protested like he'd been sleeping in a suitcase for the past eight hours. He knew Halo was just worrying for him.

Percy looked up to where Omega was towering over him, his green cloak fluttering like he'd just been pacing.

"Hi." Percy said, dumbly. Then he groaned as a wave of pain washed over him, and put a hand on his burning forehead.

"Do you remember what happened?" Omega asked, urgently.

Percy frowned, scrunching his eyebrows together. "Purple." He recalled, "The planet, we were looking and then-Archangel!" Percy shook his head, "We found her, Grapevine was calling it in."

"That was over three hours ago," Halo informed him, "Grapevine cut off and didn't come back. We searched for literally two and a half hours! We're lucky Forge found your signatures down here!"

"Halo," Omega warned. Halo waved him off, helping Percy to his feet.

"What happened?" Omega asked again, "We already had to get Revenge to carry Grapevine to the medical bay. He was in really bad shape, though."

Percy looked around the room, the planets shifting around lazily like they didn't have a care. Percy staggered on his feet nearly falling. He did a count, again.

Earth floated in the corner, the black misty one in the center, and the red planet dancing high over head still. He looked around distracted from Omega's question.

"Where's the purple one?" Percy asked.


"The purple planet," Percy said, "You know, this planet?"

Omega looked around, Halo frowned looking at the ground as if wondering why it hadn't exploded or something.

"I didn't know they could move." Halo said.

"They can't, not really." Omega said, "They have to be taken."

"That's not good." Percy whispered, "He had to have taken it." Percy groaned as another wave of pain washed over him. His vision tunneled bouncing between light and dark and his stomach churned unhelpfully.

"Savior!" Omega shouted, but he sounded far away.

Something stung across his cheek, a blurb of pain that pulled him back into consciousness. Halo was looking really worried, and he was basically the only thing holding Percy in a sitting position.

" just...slap me?" Percy breathed heavily.

Halo didn't answer. Omega knelt beside him, "who?" He asked, "where's Archangel and who took the planet?"

His voice was low and even, a commanding tone, but Percy could hear the building frustration and desperation. He wanted, no needed, he needed to protect his team. But he couldn't if he didn't have the information. Percy could see he felt useless.

"Hero." Percy said.

"What?" Halo asked stunned.

"Not Hero, sorry," Percy quickly amended, "a Shapeshifter....He was Hero...we thought..." Halo nodded looking at Omega who remained stock still. "He said something about Order rising and plans..."

Percy lolled his head back, his mind pounding as he sorted through his memories and his thoughts.

He knew that what he was saying was bad, really bad. Halo confirmed it and Omega's lips pressed together in a thin line showed he didn't like what Percy was saying any more than Percy did.

Omega took a steady breath, "Where's Archangel?"

"I don't know...the place..." His eye lids drooped, he had to focus on Halo's shaking hand in order to stay awake. "Grapevine...said something about...Jacob."

If possible, Halo paled more making his ghostly skin look translucent in the pale glow of the three planets. Omega nodded distantly.

"Halo, Get Savoir up to the infirmary." He said, then he put a hand to his ear turning on his Elite hot-line, "Forge, Secret, Revenge, meet me at the corner of Seessem street, now. Hero, I want you and Halo in the medical bay."

Omega's words began to fall murky, every time Percy blinked it hit harder to open them. Omega turned back towards him, lowering his hand from his ear.

"Good work Savior." Omega said, though Percy couldn't help feeling like he was sending Percy off on his death bed.

And unfortunately that was the last thing he saw. Percy fell away and the world melted to black again.


He sat up in a dark place. Shadowy, dark place. But it felt friendly, like the other night when Bianca pulled him out of his dreams. He wasn't wearing his cloak, which didn't bother him. But instead his old blue jacket and camp Half Blood T with his tan cargo shorts and sneakers. Percy felt his stomach churn as he resisted the urge to check his pocket for his promise ring for Annabeth.


Percy looked up to see a familiar face. Bianca looked a little worse for wear, her skin was paler than when he last saw her, and her eyes were dark. She wore her Hunters sliver parka and she twisted as moonlight necklace in her fingers.

"Bianca!" Percy said.

She gave him a half wave. "Perce, how's it going? Enjoying get knocked out repeatedly within the same week?"

Percy stood up rubbing the back of his neck. "Totally." He replied sarcastically.

She smiled. "I heard you found a way to track people that almost destroyed the world! Good job!"

"How'd you hear that?" Percy asked, "Aren't you, like, being held captive in an apartment?"

Bianca's face darkened, contrasting the glow of her clothes. "I am, but I prefer not to be awake right now. Besides I just had a lovely conversation with a friend. I don't think you really knew him in your life, but i kinda enjoy hanging around him. Come on!"

She grabbed his arm and pulled him towards a wall before he could protest. Immediately they were in a different place. It wasn't like shadow traveling, more like the room magically appeared to Archangel's liking.

It was wide with huge floor to ceiling windows and comforting sea foam walls. Outside was a sunlight beach with waves rolling over in a way that easily calmed Percy down. In the middle were a couple couches and a coffee table with food. There was a person already there putting ketchup on a hamburger.

Bianca sighed, "You know the food here isn't actually real!"

The guy laughed, though it just sounded miserable. He didn't turn to look at them but Percy could tell who it was instantly.

"You handle despair your way," Grapevine said, "I'll handle it mind, B."

Bianca shot Percy a small smile as she rolled her eyes at him as if to say what-an-idiot-can-you-believe-this?

Grapevine wasn't wearing his cloak. Instead dusty blonde hair curled on his head matching his ratty old T shirt that's color had been worn away with care. He bit into the burger dripping excess ketchup out the back end.

Percy thought the food looked real.

Bianca jumped and landed bouncing on the sofa, laying down like she was about to watch something particularly entertaining.

"Castor?" Percy asked.

"Percy?!" Castor choked on his sandwich.

Bianca had a slight smirk on her face, like she was enjoying a plot twist.

"How are you-?" Castor sputtered dropping his burger into a plate of watermelon. The ketchup covered everything. Percy couldn't help but think that was gross. "Bianca, you said you couldn't-! How is he-? But we're-?"

Percy was speechless. What was he talking about? Bianca watched amused still, calmly picking a potato chip from a bag. "Castor, complete sentences would be nice. It helps communicate."

Castor didn't look pleased, "Bianca, you said you couldn't bring living people here. We're dead, remember?"

"Who says I'm not?" Percy spoke up. "Grapevine?"

Castor looked like he'd been hit with a frying pan. "Savior." He looked at them, "You're Savior?" He said it again like he couldn't quite grasp the concept. "Savior...Are you sure?"

"No." Percy sarcastically, "I'm not sure, could you check?"

Castor laughed, "Excuse while I go throw myself out a window."

Before either of them could move, the dead son of Mr. D bolted off the couch and right through the nearest window. The glass didn't break it, Castor just phased right through them. Outside the wind blew, rustling the leaves of a nearby palm tree.

Percy bounded after him slamming into the glass window, heavily bouncing off and falling on his backside. He jumped back to his feet searching through the window for any sign of Castor.

There was none.

"Don't worry, Perce." Bianca hummed, "He's fine."

"How do you know?"

"Well first off, we're dead, so it could actually hurt him anyway. Second is we're in a dream world, controlled be me, so I can tell exactly where he is right now. And third, he did this when I introduced myself too."

She smiled contentedly, "Hey you up for some burgers?"

Percy pulled away from the window, and after a couple tense moments he and Bianca were chowing down on burgers, cooked to perfection. She even managed to make his blue with a wave of her hand.

"So...." Bianca said drawing out the syllables for emphasise.

"So...." Percy mimicked, "Dream world, huh?"

"Yeah, it kinda protects me." She took a worried bite of her burger. "Since I'm so connected to this world, able to manipulate it, walk through, when I do it I transfer a little bit of my soul in here. In the real world, I'm intangible."

"Sounds fun."

"I-no not really." She set down her burger, it didn't look like she had an appetite. "Percy, I'm scared. This is a lot bigger than it seems. I just know it. Jacob was crazy for me, but not this crazy. I don't know even how he got the Dimetrion Disease! And why he would give it to Huntress."

"What is up with this Jacob guy?" Percy also set down his burger. He felt the need to comfort her. In the older brotherly way.

"Remember when I saved that planet? Yeah, well, that was Jacob's planet. He came to thank me personally. And well I guess he fell in love. Really in love. He would bring me flowers and chocolate, and act like a real gentleman. He tried dining under my window once." She pushed a lock of her dark hair behind her ear, keeping her gaze firmly on the sofa pattern, "I asked him to stop. But he was obsessed with me. He asked me to marry him. When I declined he insisted that we were meant to be. Soul mates. A match made from Chaos.

"Chaos informed me we were not a match made by him. Thank gods. But He couldn't leave me alone. He hadn't bothered me in so long though...I thought he'd moved on...And...and then this!"

Bianca put her head in her hands. Percy slid around the table to sit next to her.

"Hey, hey," he said, "it's not your fault!"

She cried anyway. Percy pulled her into a hug. And she hugged back.

"Huntress is going to die, Percy." She sobbed, "She's going to...." Percy did his best to tell her everything was going to fine. Lies, but Percy didn't know what else to say.

He comforted her, doing his best. Her dark eyes were wet with tears, and they pooled over sliding down her cheeks. She cried into his shoulder, soaking his shirt.

After what felt like hours, her heaving sobs dropped to dull flickers of hiccups, and then to sniffles. Finally she pulled back dying the rest of her tears on her silver Hunters' parka.

"Ugh, I'm sorry, Percy." She sniffled

Percy nodded with a tiny smile. He could understand. She had died, watched her brother inadvertently break down over her death. Then she had a crazy guy after her hand in marriage. Of all the crazy things in the world, he poisoned her best friend and kidnapped her.

Percy would be surprised if she wasn't having a mental break down right now.

Bianca looked up at him and her face blushed red, with embarrassment. "Sorry, I've needed to let that out for a while now."

Percy shrugged, "I'm always there if you need me. Even if I'm in the middle of something, just pull me out of consciousness." He meant it as a joke. He could see someone's reaction, Hero's maybe, as they talked and Percy suddenly fell over unconscious. Halo wouldn't be pleased at all.

But Bianca shook her head. "It doesn't work like that. I can only contact people who are asleep or unconscious already. Otherwise I would've already told everyone where I was to save you the hassle of finding me."

"But we did find you."

Percy and Bianca were still really close. He looked at her, and she looked back. She looked miserable but still beautiful. Almost as beautiful as Annabeth. Her olive skin was soft, and her dark dark skinned in the artificial dream light.

"Yeah." Bianca breathed back. Her breath ticked his cheek.

And then they were kissing.

Percy wasn't sure how, or why, but he knew that they had been sitting there and suddenly her lips were on his or maybe it was the other way around. Honestly, he couldn't remember who started it. It just...happened.

And he knew it felt wrong.

It wasn't Annabeth. He didn't deny that Bianca was beautiful, and kind, and dangerous when she wanted to be, not to mention a good kisser, but she wasn't Annabeth. And Annabeth was the only one for him.

They both pulled back, almost looking surprised at themselves. Percy's face turned the color of a Drakon's hide. Bianca mumbled something incoherent.

"No please, don't let me stop whatever the Hades this was."

They both whipped across the table to see Castor back and eating a plate of Mac n' cheese. It looked like the homemade type. How long had he been sitting there...?

"Long enough to feel uncomfortable." Castor answered the unasked question. "You guys were doing that for like five minutes."

Bianca's face went darker, Percy felt his stomach tied into giant cannonballs. Apparently since they were dead, things like oxygen didn't appear to matter anymore. Now he felt really bad. Annabeth...

"I've got a girlfriend," Percy said finally.

Castor waved his face. "None of my business." He shrugged, "Anyway I-"

Suddenly Bianca cried out.

She yelped and put her hand to her head as if she had a tremendous headache. At the same time, the entire dream world flickered. The sunlit room was replaced by dark corners and the table was gone. Flashes of lights, lift up and very very distant yells attached their attention.

But before Percy could do anything the beach room was back. Castor jumped to Bianca's other side.

"B! Are you okay? Bianca!" He called.

She winced in pain, "something... something happening...right by me!" She trekked again and the room shifted dark again, "whoever...whoever came got hurt! Guys it had to be an ambush!"

Percy looked around the room the images bury and distant making Percy's eye twitch. Nearby Bianca's real body twisted and turned like she was having a nightmare.

"We've got to do something!" Percy said automatically.

"Like what?" Castor replied.

Across the room the door burst open flinging shards of wood all over the place. One spin right through Percy's shoulder and he didn't feel a thing. Forge was knocked back into the room landing landedright next to them. When he got up his entire body was in flames, not unlike Leo Valdez.

Could it be Leo Valdez? They were all dead. Then Percy remembered that Secret and Forge were dating. And he felt slightly stupid that he didn't realize their identities earlier.

Forge leapt back toward the doorway, but a huge crackle of energy sent him flying backwards he slammed into the piping in the wall and crumpled to the ground.

Water spewed out of a crack in the pipe sloshing all over the ground.

A figure in the doorway, someone wearing a red hood laughed, though sounded remote and hard to hear for Percy. The threatening figure said something as Forge struggled to get up, his fire sputtering out because of the water.

Lighting zipped from the figures finger heading straight for Forge.

Percy didn't know what he was doing. It just felt right. Faster than he thought he could he ripped the water off the ground And formed it into a watery shield protecting Forge from the deadly amount of electricity.

"What-? How-?" Castor gaped. Forge's mind must have been doing the same thing also.

Percy looked at Bianca and Castor.

"I've got an idea." He proclaimed, "Castor can you use your powers here?"

"Uhhh..." Castor made a throwing motion with his hand towards Forge's tormentor. The guy acted like he got hit with a water balloon filled with grape jelly. "Apparently."

"Than we can help." Percy smiled, "Castor and I will go help in the real world. Bianca you could-"

"I can't do anything." She said, "I've been in here rather long, after a while if I go back to my body I'm disconnected for a couple hours."

"Right, then you can stay here." Percy said,

"It's not that easy either!" Bianca huffed, "if I don't find something to do I'll slip back into my body anyway."

"Why does this power of yours come with so many difficulties?!"

Bianca just shrugged.

Something exploded in the other room, intensifying the air.

"Give me something to search for." Bianca said suddenly, "Anything. A ring, a book, a long lost'll anchor me here."

Castor and Percy shared a look. "You can find things?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I have just the thing." Percy said, "Castor go help them, I've got this."

Castor nodded and ran out of the room, right through the wall. Forge and his attacker were wrestling now. Percy turned back to Bianca.

"You know Zoë's secret stash of rewards?" He asked. Bianca's face lit up, so he assumed she understood, "Find that."

She nodded.

Percy rolled his shoulders Bianca shimmered, suddenly redressed in her cloak, hood down. The air changed and the room was becoming clearer for Percy, Bianca's ghost figure becoming fuzzy.

"Oh and Percy, about that kiss..." Bianca said, smiling slightly, "Thanks, but you're not quite my type."

Then she turned away and disappeared completely, leaving Percy in the middle of the dark apartment, with two guys fighting and an unconscious girl in the corner.

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