Chapter 9: Hero

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And the award for the stupidest ideas ever goes to...Percy. That was no surprise. He'd done thousands of stupid things in his life, some of which actually saved his life.

Now if Hero was going to do anything like he was hinting at, one of Percy's stupidest ideas would save his life.

The world was a blur of swirling whites and blacks. The four seemed to shifted under his feet. A spiking headache pounding in his skull. Every part of Percy wanted to lay back down and sleep.

Luke is about to die! Percy thought

Sleep...his body ached.

Percy grabbed a nightstand and yanked himself up. He cooked back bile that was climbing up his throat. His hands jerked to steady himself spontaneously knocking a vase of lilacs off the square table.

The glass cracked on the floor scattering transparent wedges across the black tiles.

How much time had passed? How long had it taken got Percy to get himself up?

Too long.

His knees were shaking under the weight. His eyes were having difficulty keeping the stars out.

"What the Hell!" Two people rushed into the room, one cursing extravagantly, in Greek and in English.

Percy found two sets of arms balancing him, on his right Bianca shone a mixture of recent tears, annoyances, and thankfulness. On his left, Halo seemed to be resisting the urge to strangle him....barely.

"Seriously!? You almost faded right there!" Halo gritted, "What possessed you to get up?! We are not invincible beings! Archangel help me put him back-"

"NO!" Percy yelled, startling the two. Percy looked at Bianca under the brim of his hood, "B-Archangel, do you trust me?"

Bianca moved her mouth but no words care out.

"I need you to take me to Luke." Percy said.

"Who?" Bianca said in a small voice

"Hero," Percy corrected himself, "Hero, he's probably in the arena. I need you to shadow travel me now!"

"He's delirious," Halo insisted with a roll of his eyes, "I need to medicate him. Help me put him on the bed 'Angel."

"I am not delirious!" Percy shouted. "Archangel, please!"

"Give me five minuets-"

"I don't have five milliseconds!" Percy yelled, "He's going to kill himself!"

"Nonsense!" Halo countered, "Hero is a good, self respecting-HADES!"

Percy clung to Bianca's side, closing his eyes. The darkness of the shadows crashed over them like a huge title wave. Halo screamed as he got sucked into the shadow travel with them, cursing them.

It seemed like it was over in a second, like mere teleportation than shake travelling. Percy felt a pain rip across his chest, his headache intensifying dramatically.

He figured that he'd get the same feeling if the top part of his body got run over.

Halo dropped off of his arm shaking catastrophically. Percy landed on Bianca, who stood in shock. Her eyes flashed under the hood, something like horror and fright.

Hero had pulled off his cloak, reveling the inner demigod. The sandy blond hair, the taller build, the scar across the side of his face. His eyes were pooling tears, his knees shaking.

A sense of dejavu swamped Percy with a nauseous clutch. This same same scenario from like two years. Luke was holding a dagger right over his Achilles heel.

"LUKE!" Percy let out a strangled yell.

The demigod swung around, a startled, ashamed, miserable sob.

The arena was silent, like no one knew how to reply. Halo looked petrified, pale and almost like he'd need his own doctor in a minute. Percy let out a forced breath, his chest was on fire with pain.

" have to...Stop." Percy struggled to get the words out.

"This is the only way!" Luke yelled, "Everywhere I go people die!"

"No!" Percy insisted warily, "I...I...made that...decision. I"

"And you almost died!"

"But he didn't!" Bianca said. "Don't do it, Hero. Zoë wouldn't want you to!"

The name shot out like a slap in the face.

Luke lowered his voice, "it was my fault she died, both times. It was my fault Kronos rose, my fault that Camp almost got destroyed! Every demigod who died in that war's blood is in my hands!"

"So what?!" Percy yelled. His voice seemed to echo in the room. "Do you...really...think...killing...yourself is...going to... help?"

The arena was swept with a cold chill, something so frosty that even Bianca shivered. Black dots were spotting Percy's vision, unhelpfully.

Luke looked right at him one word ringing indefinitely, "Yes."

Percy's heart pounded. He froze. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The dagger gleamed in the artificial light. Luke's eyes unfocused, his arm jabbed the blade onto his shoulder.

Bianca screamed. She reached out mostly on instinct the black shadows bending and warping like a light show. Mere milliseconds felt like days.

A fabric shadow shoved the dagger away from his shoulder scraping his arm. Halo tackled the older boy skidding them both across the polished floorboards. Hero's head slammed heavily on the ground.

The metal weapon scratched the wood bumping to a stop next to the weapons wall.

Percy let out a breath, painful, that he didn't know he'd been holding.

"What the Hades, man!" Halo yelled.

Luke's eyes uncrossed, his head shook.

"What are you doing?" Halo demanded.

Percy focused on breathing, the conversation in the background like an unimportant mindless thought. Why couldn't he breath?

"So many..." Luke mumbled, "the entire teams death was my fault. And then I got Zoë killed again! How can you not hate me?"

Bianca shifted looking down at him, worry creased her features. "Percy, you okay?" She whispered.

His breath came out in short brief puffs, his head felt like it was about to come off his shoulders.

"I died defending the Empire State Building, I cursed you with my last breath, before I drowned. But you thick headed, stubborn, idiot, you've saved my life so many freaking times it didn't matter any more!" Halo spit, "Gods,  Castellan! You'd think after the first twenty times it would get into your head!"

"Yeah but-"

"Savoir!" Bianca screamed.

Percy felt off her shoulder hitting the ground roughly. He gasped but no air came in or out. The black dots danced like fireworks in his vision. Halo and Hero ran over.

"You are incredibly stupid!" Halo yelled, though to who he was talking Percy wasn't quite sure.

"There's...a...reason...she...calls me...seaweed...brain...." He gasped.

Halo frowned like he was trying to remember something. Luke's eyes widened, Bianca gasped.

"I...think...I'" the words were barely out of his mouth before, Percy's head hit the marble tile.

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