Elite (A Percy Jackson Story)

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Somewhere beyond the labels, beyond the titles, the masks, the fancy words that we hide behind, we are all the same. We were all living. We were all true people. Some made bad choices, supporting the wrong side, turning their back on friends, giving in to temptation. Others remained true, stood up, fought back. People died, people were scarred. People left forever, friends broke beyond repair.

No one was the same.

But that's what makes it precious right?

Living, dying, saving, promising.

The secrets will tear us down. The fears will become us. The hope will falter. Heroes will come. Villains will fight. Bystanders will watch. Victims will be scarred. Survivors will tell the tales for generations.

No one will be the same.

I guess that's how everyone felt the day he died. He left behind the world of monsters and fights. Gave up eternal glory. Let go of his life.

His girlfriend broke. His best friend blamed himself. His brother struggled underneath the weight of the world he left behind. Suddenly, everyone seemed to have forgotten how to smile, how to laugh, how to move on.

No one was the same after Percy Jackson died.

He fought two wars. United two rival forces. Survived Tartatrus. How was it possible something as simple as a spear jab, could have killed him?

Well, it started with the return from a visit to Olympus....


"Katie! Please put Travis down! If you leave him upside down for two long it might damage his already damaged brain!"

Percy shouted, at the Demeter counselor who had Travis Stoll thrashing upside down by his left ankle by a plump green vine. He shepherded the last of the Hephaestus first year campers into the campus borders, wondering what they were fighting about this time.

The trip to Olympus had been quite interesting. For once the Gods weren't voting to kill him and the buildings were beautifully redesigned by his totally awesome girlfriend. He and Jason Grace had been leaders of the two groups, taking the first year campers from half the cabins to tour the godly city and learn the history.

Annabeth Chase, his loving faithful girlfriend had originally planned to do it with him, but yesterday the Hunters of Artemis had stopped by. Percy insisted that Annabeth spend some time with her best friend/older sister figure Thalia. The last he saw was Thalia and Annabeth heading off to the Athena cabin laughing.

Besides without Annabeth on the trip Percy and Jason were able to have a game of power tag without interruption. Percy would flick him with a little water, Jason would shock him with lighting, Percy would make puddles in the road, Jason would reroute the winds into knocking Percy over. They decided top stop when Jason accidentally blasted the face of an Ares statue off. Percy figured if they'd ran fast enough no one would notice.

Katie Gardner huffed flicking her hands and turning towards the strawberry fields. Percy almost thought he was going to have to cut down Travis like last time, but suddenly the vine jerked and let go of Travis none too lightly. He landed in a heap of himself flinging puffs of dirt into the air.

Percy ran over to help the Son of Hermes up. To his surprise the Son of Hermes was actually laughing.

"Alright!" He yelled at the retreating figure of Katie. "Pick you up at Seven?"

Percy rolled his sea green eyes. The wind blew through the air rifling his black bed head like hair. Travis wobbled slightly grabbing his shoulder for balance.

"Seriously?" Percy asked. He could see a fresh lump forming over his left temple "She must have gotten you good that time. You should get Will Solace to look at that."

"Nah, I'll be fine!" Travis insisted. "Are there suppose to be two of you?"

"Uh, no. Come on, infirmary. Let's go." Percy rolled his eyes and helped Travis to the Big House. He figured Jason could handle the rest of the kids without any help. After lots of complaints and some dragging feet and even a death threat Percy managed to get Travis into the sick bay. The infirmary was empty, except for Will and another younger camper, probably Aphrodite by the looks of his designer clothes. The beds were empty and Will finished wrapping the kids wrist, patting his head.

The kid ran to the door, nearly stumbling when he saw Percy.

"You!" He cried. "You're Percy Jackson!"

Percy laughed. "Yep."

The kid stared at him opened mouthed and continued waking out liking he couldn't quite believe it. "Percy Jackson." He mumbled in awe. "I just met Percy Jackson..."

"Hey Perce!" Will waved. "What can I do for you?"

"Katie dropped Travis on his head again."

"Oh." Will frowned. "Okay, put him down on that bed." He turned and entered the back room, shuffling through bottles medicine and gauze and wraps.

Percy gently put Travis down on the closest bed.

"Percy! I swear I'm fine!" Travis said again but Will came out rolling his eyes with a square of ambrosia. Percy looked around while the Son of Apollo checked Travis's head. His attention landed on a small square box the corner spouting garbled words.

A news broadcast from some British station was displayed the TV. Percy tried to remember the last time he sat down to watch TV. Because the energy signals attracted monsters, not many half bloods could hang around cell phones, computers and tv's very long. He was slightly surprised Camp even had a TV.

The broadcast was covering a gunfight at a local cafe, where a teenager -Harry something- had been killed.

"I think he's some type of super star." Will commented nodding to the picture of a teenager. "Anyway, Travis I think you're fine, just need a little rest. What were you guys fighting about this time?"

Travis's face flushed. "I asked her out." Percy laughed and Will let out a smile. Travis was saved from further embarrassment when a whole lot of screaming and yelling outside. Percy grabbed his pen from his pocket running towards the door. Travis tried to get up but Will pushed him back down.

"Stay here!" Will said.

Percy ran out on to the porch. The sun was setting over the canoe lake the sky a mystical paint strip of orange and pink and red. But the commotion was coming from the other side, a group of demigods crowding around the entrance of camp.

"What's happening?!" Will shouted.

Percy searched over the heads. They were watching something, or someone!

A Half Blood was running up the hill, an entire pack of Hell hounds following growing viciously. Whoever he was, he looked vaguely familiar, and he had a strong aura. Percy could feel his power radiating from where he was.

Percy could feel his anger rising. Why were they just standing there?! He could be in trouble!

Sure enough at that moment the kid tripped and went sprawling across the ground. The Aphrodite girls "Ooohhhh!" like the spectators at a ball game. That made Percy extremely mad, but he pushed his irradiation away and shoved through the crowd. The kid needed help. He could yell at people later.

The Hell hounds leapt at their pray, the boy just barely dodged, rolling to the side staining his cargo pants green.

"Hey!" Percy yelled, distracting the monsters. "Pick on someone your own skill level!"

He swung Riptide, his three foot bronze blade slicing cleaning through the belly of the nearest dog. It exploded into the golden dust showering Percy in a shimmering. He placed himself in between the monsters and the boy daring the monsters to come closer.

"Are you okay?" Percy asked risking a glance back at the boy.

The boy looked dumbfounded like he couldn't believe what was happening. Percy almost laughed. He had dark restless hair and a small frame like he'd been picked on a lot. He couldn't have been older than twelve. His clothes were dirty and his arms and legs scratched. Percy could hear his shallow breathing from where he was.

Percy turned around just as another Hell hound lunged at him. He caught the claws against his blade and kicked the stomach of the monster backwards. Percy hit it's snout with the broad side of his weapon. It growled and creatures tensed ready to leap on him and end his life.

Percy almost had half a mind to say Good luck with that!

He ready his arms preparing for the strike. Then suddenly the ground started shaking. Rapidly the dogs lost balance running over, the onlookers-the campers most of whom were sitting excitedly like this was some reality show that took an unpredictable twist, placing bets, toppled to the ground fading in piles. Even Percy found himself on the ground looking over at the boy in astonishment.

He knelt on the ground his arms thrust forward an amount of wariness washing over his face. Only then did Percy realize, he was generating the earthquake.

An idea planned itself in Percy's mind. What if...

He jumped up catching the boy right before he face planted in the dirt. Percy wedged himself under the younger boy's arm, letting him lean his entire weight on the two time Savoir of Olympus.

"Come on!" Percy urged, basically dragging him up the hill to Thalia's pine tree.

"Who-?" The boy murmured. "Who are you? What's-what's going on?"


"PERCY, DUCK!" Percy barely had time to move as the air cracked with energy and lightning arced from the fingertips of Thalia.

Lightning charged the air, a metallic taste staining Percy's tongue. Percy ducked and a leaping Hell hound took the full blast. It withered in agony and dissolved into scattering dirt. Howls danced around him and Percy wielded his sword decapitating a snarling snout. Thalia appeared on his left her spear crackling with energy.

"Why do they want him so bad?" Thalia asked stabbing one in the back.

"Why do monsters ever want us?" Percy answered, he kicked away another head.

"Percy!" Then There was Annabeth. She slashed the stomach of a pouncing dog. If she'd been any later, Percy doubted he'd be alive. Her golden princess curls bounced against her back, her stormy eyes angrily glaring if daring the monsters to try.

And somehow, fighting giant demons the size of houses, she still looked as beautiful as a goddess.

"Annabeth, he needs a medic!" Percy said. She nodded and took the boys arm. "Thalia! Cover her!"

Thalia's eyes sparked like she wasn't enjoying being told what to do, but she pulled back whipping out her shield the terrifying face of Medusa forcing the Hell hounds cowering back.

Percy rolled his shoulders and fixed his grip on Riptide. He slashed at the Hell hounds, slicing them into golden bits. Howls and growls echoed, heavy pounding paws on the ground narrowly missing his head. He stabbed one in the eye.

The numbers decreased and Percy backed up the hill. He gave them one last glare and then he turned and ran the rest of the way the hill.

He barely made it.

Pain rippled across his back, he let a gasp of surprise out. Percy stumbled pay the magical camp borders. He fell to the ground, breathing heavily. The huge monster pounding against the invisible wall snarling.

"Buzz off, demon!" Clarisse roared her spear lodged through barrier. It's winced and exploded into dust. The rest of the Ares cabin hustled behind her, still dirty from training in the arena.

The spectators campers went silent, circling around Percy. He let out an annoyed breath and glared up at them. Half of them shrunk back.

"Well someone tell me," He started deathly calm, his eyes shifting like the sea during a storm, "Why all just stood there? Did it ever occur to you to actually go out and help?"

They shifted nervously, but no one answered. Percy rolled his eyes. Clarisse looked livid. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he turned to see his girlfriend. He flashed her a smile, an suggested smile, but a smile.

She wrinkled her nose but grinned worriedly. "Seaweed Brain!" She kissed his nose. "You're bleeding!"

Percy hadn't noticed, but his back was on fire. Each breath felt like someone was stabbing him. Each tiny movement sent pain through his spine.

"Ow." He said dumbly. She gave him a watery roll of her eyes.

"Come on, To the infirmary." He forced himself not to cry or scream as Annabeth carefully wrapped her arms under and half carried to infirmary for second time that day.

"What happened to the kid?" He asked.

Annabeth laughed a little. "He's fine, Will gave him some ambrosia and they're waiting for you."

When they got to the room Percy nearly collapsed the chair. Travis was entertaining the kid with a card trick, with a deck he probably stole from the Hectare cabin. Will rushed over to him And Thalia looked like she was going to kill him herself.

"What were you thinking?" She demanded. "I could've helped!"

"Thals relax!" Percy guarded a trouble maker smile. "I'm fine!"

"Like Hades you are!" Will said, "Percy, you won't be able to use your powers for a while. It'll strain your energy too much."

"Like I said, I'm fine!" Percy insisted. "But is he okay?" Percy nodded to the boy and Travis.

As if sensing the topic change the boy looked over biting his lip. Percy smiled at him.

"Wow, you guys look..." Thalia started.

"The same." Travis finished. "You know except the eyes." Where Percy's sea green eyes flickered with thoughts and suspicions, the boys eyes glittered clear blue like the rushing waters of a river or brook.

"What's your name?" Annabeth asked.

"Achilles. Achilles Crouse." He answered. "Who are you guys?"

Suddenly the room was bathed in a greenish blue light. Will stumbled back, Thalia uncrossed her arms in shock, Annabeth let out a gasp. Travis fell to his knees dramatically yelling at the ceiling "No, not another one!" in a joking manor.

Percy watched, not exactly surprised, as Achilles frowned at the three pronged trident above his head.

"Hello Achilles." Percy smiled holding out his hand for a hand shake. "I'm Percy Jackson, your older brother."

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