Chapter 29

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Chapter by syaminhazam


My focus pinned on the man with the mask, a skull mask with green hair. His lips were red, like the clowns used to put on.

He used to put in the same mask to scare me off when I refuses to follow his orders.

I can feel the colour on my face drained as that man put his hand forward, signalling a pistol on his hand shooting people around him.

“Leo why are you so scared,?” I heard Marcel asking Leo. I can bet that right now, more than Leo, it is more who is more scared.

Sweats formed on my brow and my breath caught behind my throat. My pulse heightened, running like miles away.

“that man. He wears scary mask,” Leo answered in his tiny voice.

“Which man Leo,?” Marcel puts on the coat on Leo body and turns his gaze on the direction which Leo is pointing.

At the right moment, the man with mask gone, walks away.

Marcel then turns his gaze at me. His face contorted with worry as our gaze met, “Are you sick, your face is so pale.. and did you see the man that Leo is talking about?”

Shaking my head I rested my head on his shoulder. Thought racing in my mind. Only one person can answer that question now, Bob.

The picnic goes on silently, not as I planned. I was planning to reveal my feeling to him, maybe just a peek into my heart that somehow his name has seeped not just my heart but my soul.

I am still looking at both men that has my heart in their grip, Leo and Marcel.

How should I tell him now. A demon from my past has come back, visiting me from the grave that I have buried long time ago.

The memory of four years ago came back. The conversation with Bob came back. His voice rings in my ear. It felt that I had the conversation yesterday, not four years ago.

Four years ago

I was carrying Leo in my womb, maybe just three month. It was only yesterday I got to know. But i threw the result into the dustbin and direct to the big trash outside. Nobody should know, not even the father.

“This is a big risk, your life could be in danger,” Bob sat at the front sit with his back facing me.

I looked away, Bob was talking about the witness protection program. The program offered to a witness in a high profile case to protect the witness.

“You have to use new name, new life and starts fresh and forget all about your old life, can you do it,?” Bob asked. He was taking out a file from his beg.

The meeting even held in a church that I seldom come. I was sitting behind him. Agreeing to this meaning I can’t contact any of my family member.

“This will be your new identity should you want to proceed, but remember one thing dear, he is your husband at the end of the day, the father of your child,” Bob turned his head to the side, checking the surrounding as he speaks.

“He has been living in this life long before you came to his life, so by doing this you are not just betraying him, remember that he is  powerful but with you on our side we might have cleaned the world a bit, cleared the street, and lastly a different future for your child,” with that Bob walked away leaving me alone on the bench.


He supposed to be locked up in some prison. That man with the mask shouldn’t be him. It might only my imagination.

That type of mask however is the same that he have, which according to him is a custom made mask.

My heart pounding behind my chest. Why did i agree on Bob insistence?

The same reason why my heart starts to accept Marcel. Leo.

At the  same time, Marcel and Leo came running to me. Whatever the past has for me, how hard it was, thankfully, I got Leo and if I’m brave enough to face the truth, I have Marcel with me.

That person might be him, a part of my past but right now, standing in front of me is my future. I can let the past grip on my life tightened and put in its prison.

Another choice is accepting the future as long as I can, and live my life in the moment, forgetting the past.

“Why are you so quiet, not playing with us mummy?” Leo sits on my lap. His body wet with his sweat.

Cupping his face in my hand, I kissed his forehead. Are you happy,?” I asked him.

Hs nodded his head giggling. I decided that it is better to live in the moment and right now it means one thing, tickling Leo.

Marcel joins in moments later, joining hand with Leo tickling me to the ground. I was screaming and running away when Marcel pinned me down the ground.

His finger runs along my hand and my cheek as hs speaks “I can’t live without you or Leo Ella, I can’t” he kissed my cheek.

Involuntary I smiled and whispered slowly to him, “ I can’t too Marcel, Leo is incomplete without you, me too”.

Suddenly my eyes widen, realizing that I told him loud and clear as I saw his wide grin.

Feeling shy and surprised, I shoved him away.


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