Chapter 4

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Chapter by lalalandecember


So this is the next day. I already ready getting ready to the job place. I'm so excited about this job. Aside from the paid I get, I could play the the piano again.

I haven't touched a piano since I moved here. And this is just the beginning. The beginning of new life and new me.

"You ready, baby?" I asked while I fix his hair. He loved his hair done.

"Yes." He stands up on the bed and smiles.

"Let's go then." I grabbed my bag and his. I reach out my hand for him to take and we go out to start the day.

We walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus. Regina gave me all the detail about my new job. Poor girl has to print it out for me because I have no access.

I promise myself to buy a new phone when I get my first check. Because now I need it.
The bus came and Leo and I get in. Leo takes the window seat and I sit beside him.  All the ride to the place, Leo is looking out the window.

Fifteen minutes later, the bus stopped at the nearest bus stop around the job place.

I scoop Leo in my arms and I make my way to the restaurant that I should be right now.

My job started at 10, she told me so. I just following what she told me.


The letter is printed in bold on top of the entrance. The entrance is guarded by two guards. Wearing a black uniform and a walkie-talkie in hand.

"Can I help you, Ma'am?" One of the guards asks me.

"I'm a new worker here. Mr Marcel hire me to work here." I explain, my hand is keeping holding Leo's small hand.

"May I see your pass?" He asked.

"I don't have a pass yet. But I have a letter guarantee to show you." Just then I remember the letter Regina's gave me. I think it would be useful, so I bring it to me.

"Okay, can I see it?"

"Yes." I quickly let go of Leo's hand and dig into my bag. I found the piece of paper and instantly give it to him.

I saw and wait for him to read the letter. After he's done, he handed the letter back to me.

"Go straight to the back and the manager is in the office." He tells me as he let me in.
I followed his instruction and found a room with an office tagged on the door.

I knock on the door and look down to see Leo. He is just looking around the kitchen. I think he is mesmerized by how amazing the kitchen looked and when we passed the hall, it's not fully set up but the patterns are really nice.

The door in front of me opened and I saw a man standing before the door.

"You must be Ella." He pointed at me.

"Yes, sir," I answer.

"Come in." He gestured to come in.

I walk in with Leo and the office is not that big, but it holds everything like files.

"Take a seat." He pointed at the seat in front of a desk. I do as I'm told and he sits down on his own seat.

"Mr Santiago inform me that will be a new employee. And I am very enthusiastic to hear there will be a new pianist here. Because we've been searching for a pianist since the last one is quiet."

"May I ask why they quit?" I ask carefully. I know that I'm out of line for a new employee. But I'm curious about the history of this restaurant.

"He's just too old to do the job anymore." He waved in dismiss while chuckling.

"Oh." I just smile awkwardly.

"So I see you have a child." His eyes go to Leo's who is sitting beside me. I just can nod my head and smile.

"Mr Santiago give you tolerance for a month to bring this little guy to work. So you have to settle the things and we could do our job in order." I nod.

"Your son can stay here while you are on your shift. I will give you your uniform. What's your size?" He asked. His is already standing up and walking to a kind type of closet.

"38." He gets the uniform and gives it to me. The uniform is still new because there's plastic on it. So I know it's new.

"You can work today." He declared.

"Thank you." I smile and shaking head with him.

"Call me Joe. Everyone call me Joe, no Mister thing." He chilled and stand himself before walking out of the office.

"Leo, you listen to Mommy, okay. Mommy's gonna work out there, but you have to stay here until mommy is coming to get you. Do you understand?" I tried to tell make him understand the situation.

"I be here alone? No mommy?" He asks.

"Yes, but I will be picking you here in no time. Okay?" I give him an assurance smile.

"Okay." I know it's hard for him to say this. Because he is always by my side every single time. And this might be the first time I won't see him for hours.

"Be good for mommy, okay?" I ruffle his head softly before placing a kiss on his forehead.

Once I make sure that he will be fine here by himself. I walk out of the office to the locker room. Joe gave me the key just before he walked out.

As I make my way to the locker room. My eyes met unexpected grey eyes that I craved since I saw them for the first time.

I didn't expect to see him here today, let alone today, not even after he gave me the job.

I keep on walking, but every time I stole a glance to him. His eyes are still on me, watching me. When he is talking to the manager, Joe. I wonder how he does that.


Please keep support us.

I love you all.

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