Chapter 50

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Chapter by lalalandecember


"So what happened, my dear?" Loretta finally asked me. We are in the park with Marco and his friends. But there are like further away from us.

"I missed my son, Mama." I confess. I really do miss my Leo so much. It's been so long since I last saw his and heard his voice.

"A son, dear? You never told me about this. Was it Mr. Elsavator's?" She ask, completely shocked by the news.

"I don't have time to told you. I have to act fast before everything gone wrong." Well I'm sure she knows what part I'm talking about. She has been with Gio longer than I am. She was there when I first brought to his house. He introduced me to her.

"Yes, everything went wrong after you left. His life had been hectic." She gesture with her hands. Gesturing to a chaos.

"You stayed with him." I stated, didn't know how to feel at the moment. When his life being wronged, I am right now. He played with my life and my feelings. Something that I have been shielding away from him, especially him.

"Yes. He have now one, dear. I have been taking care of him since he was a teenager. I couldn't just leave him at his bad time. It wasn't bad, it was worse." She shook her head as she tells me.

"So, your child. Is it Mr. Elsavator's?" She ask again.


"Does he knows?"

"He does. In fact, he met him already." it is true that he already meet him, at the park. It was a bad first impression, but Leo didn't know him which I'm glad and Leo is has no idea.

"I bet he is just like his father. Because believe me, dear. Gio is so into his father's features." She put a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it a bit.

I feel it, I feel a motherly squeezed. "Yes, he is."

"I can't wait to meet him." She says dreamily. Then I felt like my heart being squeeze so hard. I do want Leo to meet Loretta, but she can't.

"You can't."

"Why not, dear? Why is he not with you?" Eventually the question will be asked anyway. As hard as it is for me, missing him everyday is hard.

"He is with his rightful father now. He is safe." That's all I can say. What else can I say? Isn't that the truth?

"His rightful father? What do you mean? Isn't it Giovanni?" I shakes my head, making her more confused. Should I just said Gio is not his rightful father anymore? That will shock her more. She won't be mad, but as a mothers we do our best to keep our child safe. Italy is not a very good place for Leo.

Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. In a quick snapped, I had my head turned to the side. But I saw no one behind me. My eyes still scanning the area of the park. I felt chill air run through the my body.

Swear on my life, it felt so real. But it could be a wind blowing away to me. But was it?

I still can see Marco and the other guys sitting while having a conversation. Everything seem normal, but it feels wrong from the bottom of my heart.

"Do you think I can get a drink for a moment without them following me? I feel suffocating." I ask Loretta, eyeing the three guys.

She look at them, then back at me. "Yeah, sure. I can handle them. You, go." She gestured shooing to me and giving me a nod. I know I can trust her.

I have this calling in my head, like an instinct that told me to go and buy a drinks from one of those stores. There is different stores around the park, but what I loved the most is a coconut water.

Standing up from the seat, I take my first step. My first step is like brought attention to them. Are they watching my every moves? I haven't even made it far. They stopped me.

"Hey!" He shouted. I turn back and see Marco standing up, walking up to us in a fast strode.

Loretta stand up quickly, taking an action. She stops Marco before he could reach me. I didn't dare to move, I can't. I can't just risk it.

"It's fine, Marco. She just need to buy a drink. Don't be too tight, poor woman need a break." Loretta said, pushing Marco back a bit.

I let out a sigh silently, thanking her blindly.

"Go." She nod, smiling at me in assurance.

With her permission, I start to walk again. I know where to go, my heart strongly wants me to go there. My heart felt something strong, stronger than my beating heart.

I never been so sure in my life after running away from Gio. This instinct, this heart is a leading way. I can't trust anyone but my own heart.

When I enter the store, cool air hit me in the face. The store is not that crowd, there's only three customers in the store. Two girls and one man from what I could tell. But the man take my attention to him.

He wears a khaki short pants and a square flannel shirt, he even use a suspender. A black shades with a hat. He looked like an old man, weird.

I walk pass him and get in to the line. I don't mind him, I just feels weird about him. Something about him is telling me to go up to him and asked if he is okay. I mean, it's a chilly day and wears that outfit.

I have a feeling that is not just his outfit attach me to him. His posture, his back, his height, I feel like I know them. Was it even possible? Is this the man who I think he is?

I tried to ignore it and just focus to buy my drinks and get back to Loretta. I don't want any problem and Gio get noticed.

"Can I get two bottles of fresh coconut water." I said to the girl behind the cashier.

"For two bottles is eight euro." I grabbed my bag to get the money. I thought my movement was fast, but I am not fast enough before a hand handed the money to the girl which she accepted.

Looking back through my shoulder blade, I see the man. He stand really close to me. When he saw that I am looking at him, he smiled.

The smile that always make my heart beating fast and melting. There is no way. No way. I have knows that signature smile for months.

My mouth hang open, I think my jaws drop to the ground, gaping at him. I shook my head, in intention to clear my thought. I hope this is just my mind playing trick at me.

He should be mad at me, not smiling like that. It makes me hurt, it hurts me.

"Let's go, Mi amore." He grab the bottles and put his other hand on my back. He lead me out if the line and out. All I do is staring at me, couldn't believe my eyes. I see him with my own two eyes right now, he is standing beside me, touching me, letting me know that he is real.


Me and syaminhazam decided to end the story soon. So, thank for everyone who's following Ella life and love story. It means a lot.

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