Chapter 53

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Chapter by syaminhazam


The urgency in Marcel voice makes me shudder with all the bad thoughts.

“Go now. His life is in danger.,” Marcel shakes me.

Hesitantly i nodded and scanned the hall. My eyes were only looking for Gio.  Silently I prays, hoping that Gio hasn’t touch any alcohol drink.

“Gio, where are you?”  My eyes still looking around while pushing myself around these bodies around me.

“AHA, the apple of my eyes is here.” Gio patted my shoulder.

All these while, i shuddered whenever he is near or flinched when he touches me. Today is an exception. I was overjoyed at his sight and touch so i hugged him tight.

“Where were you?” i asked before he opened his mouth to ask me anything.

“i was somewhere around here. meeting people,” he answered brushing the aide of my cheek.

“why are you looking so scared?” he asked noticing my pale face. He might be a bad person in the eyes of the law but the last few weeks the affection and love that he showered on me is priceless. He have changed in the last few weeks.

“I have to tell” i was looking around. There is saying, even the wall have ears. I must be careful.

“look into my eyes and tell me what is the hell bothering you? You seem so distracted?” he lifted my chin and hold the aides of my cheeks so that i look directly into his eyes.

“There is something you must know. Your life,”

“Your life means the world to her, right Val?” Vincent appeared behind him. Cutting out whatever i want to tell Gio.

My eyes widen as he smiles showing his white teeth. It seems like the Cheshire smile plastered on the cat face. I know that smile. It is definitely not a friendly ones.

Gio embraced me. My chin rested on his shoulder as his arm circled around my waist. “You are my life too,” he said kissing my forehead.

I saw Marcel from the corner of my eyes. He was holding a tray of wine. He was holding a tray of wine and making his way towards me and Gio.

Gio loosened his embrace and smiled at me lovely. That was the smile that i once fall in love with. The innocent pure love smile. Vincent is still standing beside us making casual conversation with Gio.

“take this drink” Vincent offered a glass of wine to Gio. At the same time Marcel approached us and gave me a glass of red wine.

Taking the red wine i offered mine to Gio too. Gio laughed as he saw two glasses of red wine in front of him. His gaze falls on Marcel who disguised himself as a waiter with moustache. “You look familiar,” he said ignoring the glass of red wine that i shoved in front of his eyes.

“I have attended a lot od your party sir, as a waiter of course,” Marcel answered. His voice was hoarse.

“Whose glass shall i take then,” he ask without preamble . Marcel was shocked at first but he pointed at mine. “The one offered with love,”

Vincent glares his gaze at Marcel. his hand straight goes to the gun that he hides behind his shirt. In a holster. he pointed the gun at Marcel. “ Are you suggesting that mine is without love, pretty boy,”

Gio shoots his hand out, lowering the gun that Vincent pointing at Marcel. “He surely doesn’t mean that,” he chuckled.

“Now you go,” Gio said as Marcel keep on standing between us.

“To make you happy, i shall take yours Vincent,” He said taking the wine Vincent offered.

Putting down my own glass of wine, i took vincent’t glass and about to drink it when Gio swatted my hand resulting the glass falls down and shattered into million pieces.

“Excuse us please,” he said as he drag me forcefully to the side of the hall. As we came to a corner, he shoved me away. “Are you mad?. Drinking while we are trying for a baby?”

“listen to me now,” i almost yelled as we finally alone, safe from prying eyes and ears.

“Vincent is trying to kill you,,” i said heaving out a heavy breath.

Gio’s brow creases as he takes in what i have just said. “He once told me the same thing about you. And you did prove him right darling,” he said folding his arm on his chest.

“You did almost kill me with your betrayal,” his eyes narrowed on me.

“I know but just listen to me first,” i said grabbing his hand into mine.

“The drink he offered has been spiked. I dont know with what but it is enough to kill you,” i told him. That was the only information i had.

“How did you know,?” he inquired.

My gaze lowered on the floor. How do i told him the source of my information is Marcel?. How do i tell him that it was Vincent who approached Marcel with a suggestion?.

Indeed it was his whole idea. We were not agreeable to his plan. Three days ago at the park Marcel told me about a man that approached him with a plan of getting rod of Gio forever. He even told me that the man name is Vincent.

Marcel act that he agrees with the plan of killing Gio. He has to as Vincent threatens to expose him. We know that Vincent has his eye on the throne. He thought that he can have it forever when Gio was jailed. He has been taaling care of the business while Gio was away.

So, when Gio came back and reclaim the throne of the Mafia king, he has to step down give it back to Gio. It has been his plan since that day to throw and get rid of Gio forever so that he will be the next Mafia king. It has been his dream ever since.

He has not reveal the whole plan to Marcel. We know that he plans to kill Gio today at any cost as this is the only opportunity he have. Gio trust him to much and now for me, that is the hardest thing to prove.

“I have been making plan with him in pretence of helping him,” i said. That half of the truth.

Gio fingers clamps on my neck almost choking me. “You havent change right?” he said seethed with rage.

Tears stinging my eyes as i try to breath. My head shakes to left and right trying to get free from his hold. He then released his grip but to my horror he takes out his gun pointing it at my temple.

“You can kill me now Gio. The only thing i regret that you dont trust me. I did betray you trust but i never lied to you. Never. I told the police the truth about you. I stand as the witness of your illegal business. I said the truth as i told you because it is against my moral value. But i never want to kill you or wish that someone kill you,” i said looking into his eyes.

He keeps on holding the gun against my temple. Gritting his teeth he stared deep into my eyes. “I love you Val. Too much until i gave you second chance against the wishes of the group policy,” his breath hot on my neck as he drops his hand down.

I Let out the breath that i have been holding. “one more chance,” he said as he puts his gun back into its holster. “Prove to me than i might spare your life,”

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