|The last call|

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All my emotions all over the place,
I was blank, my mind numb.

I hugged my knees, not able to take in the fact that he was no more, still trying to believe, he was there, acting dumb.

I crashed on the sofa, crying in disbelief.

I just sat there, expressionlessly, unable to form words, overcome with grief.

All our memories, flashed in front of my eyes, as I reminisced all my moments with him.

I regretted rejecting his call, which I didn't know would be his last, leaving me in a mayhem.

Every relative, came by to console and left.

But deep down they knew, they couldn't do anything, and our lives, would be bereft.
Song of the day: 'Na saboot hai na daleel hai' by Sachin Limaye

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