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It wasn't often that you were in the company of other people. Most of those you had crossed paths with had either left quickly or died at your hands. Some because they had provoked it and others because you had not dared to trust them.

But that was the way of the world. Better them than you. An eye for an eye. In the end, everyone just wanted to survive.

You casually glanced over your shoulder at Ellie. She was a silent companion, barely audible on her feet and very careful to always walk in your blind spot so you couldn't see her. She would be able to overpower you. You would be dead before you could point the gun at her.

But that was just the scepticism in you. Common sense figured that she would make an excellent ally as inconspicuous as she was. She probably also knew how to steal something from someone without it being noticed before it was too late.

You shook your head hastily and turned your gaze back to the wide corridor in front of you. It would be foolish to make plans for a future that didn't exist.

Yes, she had skills that could be useful, but that would mean she would stay with you for a long time. You weren't keen on the idea yourself and Ellie didn't give the impression that she was seriously considering it.

Maybe she would be around for a few weeks. A month or two if she had a lot of patience. Although, after you practically had to force her to let you help her, you didn't think that patience was her best quality.

With a snort, you curled your nose and took a quick look in one of the small shops.

"Clear.", you called to her over your shoulder.

Lost in thought, she plucked at the string of her bow. It was a good piece, with a string that looked freshly strung and polished wood. There was a small projectile where she touched it, just like sportsmen used to use.

At least that's what your father had told you. Maybe that was just another one of his many stories he made up to make the past look better than the present, but you could make sense of it.

"Are you good?", you asked with a nod to the bow.

Ellie frowned, almost offended. She turned the bow in her hand, let the fingers of the other slide over the string and stopped. Her gaze was glued to the stumps where there had once been two more fingers.

She still hadn't got used to the sight and it would certainly be a long time before reality and her perception coincided. With a suppressed sigh, she plucked at the string to make a sound.

"Had a good teacher.", she said, pointing with her chin at the rifle in your hands. "You?"

Your eyes travelled over the barrel of the gun. It was a slightly older model but in good condition. As it was a common weapon, ammunition was easy to find.

You tapped the trigger with two fingers. A click filled the silence but no shot was fired.

"My mum was a hunter.", you said, raising the rifle to your shoulder to take aim through the sights in the distance.

You put a finger on the trigger again. Inhaling deeply, you held the air in your lungs until it began to burn. The beat in your heart calmed down. But this time you squeezed a little harder.

A single shot rang out, so loud and sudden that goose bumps crawled up your spine. Something gurgled. Then it sounded like a rotten pumpkin bursting.

Ellie's head jerked round. Her whole body was alert, tense. It seemed as if she had never had a quiet moment in her entire life. As if life had taught her to always be on her guard.

Or someone had.

In the distance, where the shadows distorted the walls, an infected fell to the ground. Blood and fluid covered the floor. A small cloud of spores filled the air with a soft green glow.

"Good shot.", Ellie admitted.

The words felt honest. She could appreciate good skills. But more than that, she could respect you.

"Thank you.", you pressed the rifle to your side and listened. "We should find a position higher up. In case more come."

Without waiting for them, you climbed up the decorated façade of a shop and positioned yourself among the fake flowers and dust.

From there you could look straight down on them. Green eyes met your (E/C) gaze. Her face seemed relaxed, the neutral expression somewhat sullen. But in the blink of an eye, the corners of her mouth curled and it seemed as if Ellie was smiling up at you.

Something in your chest jumped. Warmth shot through your body only to leave icy coldness behind the next moment. It was hard to tell what it was but you hated and loved it at the same time.

Unable to form a clear thought, you licked your lips and had to smile. It felt so incredibly idiotic but you just had to smile at her.

What was that?

Never before had you felt so strangely headless. She was a stranger, a potential threat to the well-being of your family.

And yet.

Something about her made you chuckle.

"Are you coming up?", you asked, clearing your throat.

With her arms folded across her chest and her head tilted to one side, she was still smirking. How strangely attractive she was with that gleam in her eye. So much self-confidence.

Pride goeth before a fall, you thought to yourself, only to regret the next moment that you thought so badly of her. She hadn't done anything to you.

Not yet.

"Do you like looking down on people?", she asked suddenly, more in jest than in earnest.

With a snort, you rolled your eyes and lifted your chin. Your gazes parted but there was still that burning inside you.

Your lips were already open to answer something snippy when suddenly a noise sent a shiver down your spine. Startled, you stiffened. Nails clawed into the handle of your weapon and the blood froze in your veins.

"Ellie...", you whispered.

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