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Minutes passed. Maybe even an hour.

All you did was sit there, under this giant tree, and listen to the soft music that its leaves uttered into the silence.

Ellie sat on the ground, her back turned towards you. But she sat closer now, only the length of an arm away. If you would have wanted to you could have touched her.

How would her hair feel like underneath your fingers?

It was dirty, oily and stuck to her scalp like a second skin. She was in desperate need of a clean. Not just her hair but all of her body.

A shivering breath escaped your lips as you squeezed your eyes shut and buried your face between your arms. You were tired. But the events of this day still made sure that sleep wasn't an option.

Tense, you tried to force down the urge to look around just to make sure there was no immediate danger around. Though the only thing that could have been categorised as danger in the first place was Ellie's current mood.

Amused by that snarky thought, you had to snort.

Irritated by the sudden sound Ellie raised her head and let her gaze travel over her shoulder up to you. Green eyes wandered up and down your body.

"Something funny?", she asked in a sharp manner.

But you could tell by the look in her eyes that she wasn't angered anymore. Not even frustrated. Just lost and trying to figure out what to do next.

Chuckling to yourself you did a gesture to try and get her off your case but she insisted, turned around to fully face you and stretched her neck.

"What?!", the fade hint of a smirk tugged at one corner of her mouth.

"Nothin...", pressing your lips into a thin line you shook your head, trying to fight down that stupid laugh that crawled up your throat.

Warmth filled your chest. For a brief moment your body felt lighter, almost unbothered. In this split second life felt alright. Not great, not bad.

Just alright.

Ellie pushed herself up on her knees, hands placed on the old wood of the tree's roots. Her hands were dirty, bruised, with deep rifts where she had held the bowstring.

Considering that the marks seemed old and permanent you figured that she had used the bow far longer than a firearm.

"Hey!", unable to suppress the smirk that grew on her face Ellie tried to get the answer out of you by snapping her fingers in front of your face.

Though, it didn't work very well since she was two fingers short.

Chuckling, you shook your head and turned away to avoid looking at her. Smiling wider, she pushed you, causing you to loose your balance and slide down the root on which you sat.

With a gasp and a laugh you slid to the ground, legs in the air. Soft grass nestled against your skin. The scent of nature wrapped its arms around your body, wrapping you in a blanket.

The voices of guilt inside your head died down and nothing was left but the dull gushing of the slow river that kept on flowing through the greenhouse.

Golden sunlight forced you to narrow your eyes. Warmth caressed your face, let fingers of light run along the profile of your face and placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head.

A dark spot pushed itself into the sun. It looked like Ellie wore a crown of shining gold. The brightness made her hair shimmer in a more light brown colour rather than the auburn shade.

A soft smile appeared on your face, calm, soothing. Your mind was at ease as you looked up at her. Freckles dances across her nose and cheeks. That was something so childishly cute about her.

"You look like a sunflower...", you muttered, more lost in your own thoughts than actually addressing her.

Struck by surprise her eyebrows rose and for a brief moment she seemed at a loose for words. Then she frowned, embarrassed, pressed her lips into a thin line and looked away to avoid your eyes.

"You act like you're on drugs...", she replied but couldn't help that slight twitch upwards of her lips.

"Maybe I am.", again, you couldn't help but chuckle.

Humming, she took your place on the root of the tree, crossed her legs and let her head fall back to enjoy the feeling of sun on her skin.

"What was so funny anyways?", she asked after a while.

Popping one eye open, you eyed her with a smirk. Now she did not look like the bud of a flower anymore but rather like one of those old paintings from centuries ago.

A romanticised version of reality, way too beautiful to be a product of this world. She was gorgeous.

Again, you could feel warmth chase through your body. However, this time it made your cheeks feel like you had a fever.

"I...", you hit your tongue before anything stupid could slip off it. "Actually, I thought you look like a dirt monster. Or an unwashed dog."

"I don't bark. Not for everyone that is.", she replied in a snarky manner.

A flinch chased through her body. And not long after followed a broad, toothy grin. It was so smug that you couldn't help but ready yourself for disaster to strike.

As the green of her eyes met the (E/C) of yours mischief could be found in them.

Slowly, almost like a panther on the hunt, she popped her hands on the roots of the tree, got to her feet and charged at you.

Unable to react in time you caught her fall with full force. Air was pressed out of your lungs and a deep, coughing gasp escaped your lips.

Playing dead you wrapped your arms around her and gasped for air, struggled with your feet.

Laughing like an evil bitch, Ellie grabbed you by the shoulders and rolled with you in the dirt. The grass left green marks all over your, still moist, clothes.

"You fucking stink!", you screamed while chuckling.

Her weight pressed down on your chest. You could feel how the beating of her heart pounded against yours.

"You smell like a swamp!", she protested, laughing.

Curling your nose, you pushed her off in a playful manner.

"Guess it's time for a wash then."

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