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"Dina is a friend of mine. Well... girlfriend now, actually.", Ellie started as she drove the car down the long driveway that led all the way up to a parking lot that was covered by leaves and holes. "She... We fell in love a year or so back. After she broke up with another friend of ours."

Without judgement, you listened while you opened the passenger door and jumped out into the open. Warm strands of sunlight fell through the blanket of leaves, painting a spotted picture on the ground.

A soft wind made the green rustle.

"You dated a friend's ex girlfriend?", you asked, one eyebrow raised and handed her back her pistol.

Ellie grabbed it, did not pull away though and just tiled her head in a cocky manner.

"We talked it out. He was cool with it.", she shrugged and armed herself again.

Surprised, your eyebrows rose.

"Oh? I thought she was..?"

"No. Dina's bi. I think? Honestly, I've never asked much about it. She was with me and that was what mattered.", with a gesture, Ellie told you to follow her to the main entrance.

The door was still in one piece, no smashed windows or bigger damage besides some dust that covered the view inside.

Curious, you tried to throw a glance inside. But the doors were automatic ones and wouldn't move.

"Power's out.", you concluded.

She huffed.

"Obviously.", Ellie stretched her neck to look for another entrance. "Maybe around the back."

Agreeing, you nodded and followed on her heels as she got moving.

As you walked, you let your gaze wander.

Even though this place was supposed to be a museum for arts and music there wasn't a whole lot of art around to be seen.

Only a few tiny statues hid between the grass, which grew so high that it almost swallowed everything that could have been remotely interesting.

A strange face peaked out from between the green and made you jump back in fright as you noticed.

"Shit...", Ellie groaned with her teeth clenched as you jumped back and basically fell into her arms. "That's ugly as hell..."

"Is that... the art?", you freed yourself from her grasp and squatted down. "Yeah no, I don't think that used to be... appealing. I hope?"

Ellie examined the thing for a moment before she threw a glance back over her shoulder and let out a sound of satisfaction.

"Found our way in.", she announced and grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you along.

She dragged you all the way up to a sunroof that was connected to a hanging bridge that disappeared between the green of the forest.

It didn't look safe to use no more but looked appealing enough to stop and have a look for a moment. The pillars were pained, the images already faded.

"Wonder what it would have been like to take a walk on it.", Ellie noted and grabbed the handle of the door that led from the sunroof inside.

With a bit of push and pull it opened. Dust rained from the sides, the black rubber compaction seemed so old that it had turned stiff and brittle.

The door trembled with every inch it had to open and you feared it would fall out of the frame and shatter any second.

Again, a kind of tension spread between your shoulders and you had to look around.

The forest lay abandoned, calm and without the influence of anything that wasn't supposed to be there. It smelled of natural scents and all there was to notice were some birds, rabbits and an occasional deer that took a stroll.

The door gave in and opened wide enough for both Ellie and you to squeeze through.

Inside the museum the air was musky, dry and filled with so much dust that it could be seen in the bright sunlight that fell through the glass roof.

A statue stretched its arms, or whatever the shapes were supposed to be, towards the roof while some plants hung from them. Small blossoms started to bloom and spread a sweetish scent as you approached.

Your hands came to a rest on the metal railing of the indoor balcony. There was no rust or chipped paint which meant that the black metal, shaped in funny ways, had never been in close contact to weather changes.

"Ho-ly...", Ellie muttered as she joined your side, her shoulder bruising against yours. "This place is magnificent."

You crossed your arms, leaned forward onto the railing and had a closer look around.

The entrance hall was relatively clean, only a few stands with merch and flyers had been knocked over. Layers of dust could be seen on the concrete ground and plants grew wherever possible.

Some of the walls were painted but it was hard to tell what they once had pictured due to the many leaves and blooming flowers.

It was a pretty nice place. And considering that the doors were shut tight it seemed save enough to put up camp. At least saver than the greenhouse with the hole in the wall.

"Care to have a look around?", you asked with a glance at Ellie.

Her nose stretched upwards, she stretched her neck and took a deep breath.

"Smells so clean.", she noted with a satisfied expression.

You let your fingers wander along a strand of juicy green ivy that wrapped around most of the metal bars of the railing.

"Walls are pretty thick too.", you looked around.

A gold chunk of the building seemed to be made of a giant cube of concrete. And what wasn't concrete was either thick glass or metal.

Most houses in the US were made from wood and rather thin dry wall. If a person really wanted to they could just burst through the door. Or the walls.

The only places that had proper protection from outside influence were prisons and government buildings. This place felt like you had struck gold.

"So we agreed it's good to have a rest here.", Ellie smirked.

You wiped your face with both hands.

"God I'm so... fucking exhausted.", you sighed. "Yeah, let's see if we can find a couch or somethin'..."

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