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1. Tell us a bit about yourself as an author and as an individual.

Hello! I am Abhipreeti Das, originating from West Bengal, India with a deep passion for reading and writing, in my heart. I never knew I could write. In fact, my parents play a great role in helping me identify this wonderful passion that I had hidden within me.

At the age of 10, I had written a two-page horror play for a school assignment, which was greatly praised by my teachers. Even during that time, I couldn't recognize the mere fact that I can actually imagine and write fiction. The realisation settled upon me finally at the age of 12 when I wrote two more short plays in my mother-tongue Bengali. And then I began experimenting as I grew older. I wrote stories in whatever diaries I could find and which ranged from sci-fi stuff surrounding 5th dimensions, wormholes, blackholes, etc., stories that took place in the Harry Potter universe, to retelling of a fairytale in the modern world, and so on.

If I am not wrong then, when I was 15 one of my cousins had told me about Wattpad and that I should begin posting stories there. I wasn't too sure and was insecure but because of my mother's encouragement, I created an account and joined the platform. It was I think back in 2021 but due to numerous reasons, I had to leave then. I joined again last year with my present account @_abhipreeti_ and so far, my writing journey has been quite memorable.

I have been able to receive great views, votes, comments, reviews, prizes in user-run award shows for my books in the span of a few months. Features from Wattpad official genre profiles and other cool community profiles. Surprisingly, I was even one of the winners in the Ambys 2023 hosted by @TheAmbys (poetry category), after entering it for the first time ever. Above all, I got to meet many authors from around the world, make supportive and encouraging friends, and engage myself in this wonderful community meant for bibliophiles.

Honestly speaking, as a teen when I had joined Wattpad for the first time (with my old account), I couldn't understand why I wasn't receiving any achievements (yes, my plots weren't very constructive and writing skill not good enough back then) but perhaps I have improved a bit now and that is evident when I had begun receiving achievements so soon after rejoining Wattpad last year.

As for some facts of me as an individual, I am a foodie, a die-hard manwha and webtoon lover, a BTS ARMY (since 2020), INTJ-personality apparently, ambivert, and hoping everyday to be successful in creating relatable characters, immersive worlds, captivating storylines and plots, for the readers.

2. How long have you been writing? What inspired you to start writing?

I have been writing for 8 years now.

There wasn't really any direct inspiration at the initial stage. As I mentioned in the previous question's answer, my first step was at the age of 10 when I had created a horror short-play for a school assignment. Hence, it just came in from inside with the thoughts that I have to complete this assignment and do well in it. But perhaps the horror books I had read and movies I had watched played a part in helping me create those scenarios. After that, whatever short stories or plays I wrote mostly, were built up in the genres horror, fantasy, sci-fi probably because as a pre-teen and teen I loved those. I can say that shows like "Stranger Things", the "Harry Potter" movies, etc. did create a sort of inspiration in me as a teen to write something fantastical and sci-fi like those shows/books.

3. Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I am somewhere in the middle, so a definite plantser (if that is even a word, LOL). A plot appears in my head out of nowhere, or I sit down to think of something unique and find myself innovating with it more. To elaborate on this more clearly: I may or may not create certain characteristics for the main characters, a brief structure of what the plot could appear like, begin writing the first chapter with absolutely no definite end or story in mind and from there, note down points that I think could be added to the plot, in which chapter I might want to add which things, and then just go with the flow. I guess, it helps me when I have at least a vague idea of a plot in my mind and then, enjoy the thrill and excitement of not knowing what will happen with my characters or the story and as I have mentioned, simply go with the flow.

4. What was the most difficult thing to write in your book? How did you pull that off?

The most difficult thing to write in my books are the scenes which include rather strong emotions and require great understanding of what the characters feel depending on the situation, their mindset, personality, past, present, future, etc. Angst scenes, traumatic scenes, scenes where a character is going through anxiety issues or panic attacks, a situation where a character is breaking free from something dark holding them back, and so on—such scenes often take some time for me to constructively put down into words.

5. If you could take only one book with you to an island, what would it be?

This is a tough question because I can't choose just one book to take on an island with me (sorry). I would rather take my laptop with me then, if I am to be stranded on the island so that I can do some writing (might as well take some inspiration from the scenery and nature around), and read e-books alongside XD. Although there is the problem of internet and where I would charge my laptop when needed, but anything is possible when it's in our imagination, after all ;)

6. Who is your favourite author?

Here's the weird thing. I don't have any one favourite author. My favourites in authors change with time. For example, let's say I liked reading a book by Author A, so they become my favourite author after completion of reading that book. But I didn't like reading another book by Author A, so during that time period, they won't be my favourite author but rather Author B will be, whose book touched my soul when I had read it.

7. What tips would you give someone who is just starting out?

I don't think I am qualified enough to give writing tips, hence, I am very honoured to have been asked this question even.

Firstly, before you begin writing, you should never think of what may go wrong or right. Just write. Simple. Don't think of the future too much, whether the readers will like/not like it, whether it will be successful or not, and such things.

Secondly, identify what you are. A plotter, pantser or a plantser (somewhere in between the two) and following that, continue your journey. It is my belief that it is always better to have at least a brief idea of the plot you want to unfold, however, this varies from writer to writer and if you happen to be a pantser, you might as well just be good at trusting your guts and moving with the flow.

Thirdly, write. Trust yourself and keep on writing.

Fourthly, overcome the numerous obstacles that may come in your path. For example, writer's block, other commitments in life that are causing an obstruction in the venture you have taken to complete your book, imposter syndrome, etc. Take a break if you must but never force yourself to write when you don't feel like writing. You are doing good even if you are able to put down only a single word in an entire day.

Fifthly, read a lot. Reading actually helps. Expand your genre, enrich the plots, characters, ask yourself questions like what has the author done to make this story appear so immersive to the readers and characters appealing, read articles, blogs, posts on writing tips and advice if you want.

Sixthly, you are your own judge. Of course the views from a third person point of view is important but at the end of the day, you are the creator of your book and must develop the eye to rightfully judge and criticise your story from the eyes of a reader.

Seventhly, don't just follow the popular trends and write those genres and tropes because you think they will garner more audience. Write what you truly want to write, and yes I'm aware that there is a debate that writers should take in consideration of what the readers want to read too but for that, you must ask yourself first: Are you writing because you enjoy this wonderful craft of imagining worlds and building them slowly, and these popular tropes that truly is something you love writing or are you writing to become popular and gain fame (which isn't wrong either because most of us want to be recognized someday for our works, too)?

Eighthly, never fear failure.

These are of course some of the things I follow, however it doesn't mean I expect you to follow them all. Everyone is different and has different thoughts, opinions, perspectives, and writing views. Therefore, embrace yourself, flaws, skills, writing style, develop it, be who you are, and follow your own writing advice.

8. What motivated you to write the book which won the contest?

Both the books that I had entered, namely "Fall of Dragonesia" (in the Fantasy category) and "Tellers of Lies" (in the Rom-Com category) have surprisingly won.

Well "Fall of Dragonesia" was born simply with my desire to create a Dark Fantasy novel which will include a new species inspired from dragons and problems of our modern-world society in the form of fantasy. I wrote down the prologue and ideas began sprouting from then onward.

As for "Tellers of Lies", what influenced or inspired me to write it, to be completely honest, nothing. One day I simply decided that I want to create a novel with its main genre as romance. Thus, it would be fair to say that "Tellers of Lies'' is my first attempt at romance. I have written romance as a minor sub-plot before but never as a main genre. Hence, even the thought was challenging to me.

Initially, I had spent quite a lot of time brooding over the fact whether I wanted to create a funny rom-com, a tragic romantic tale, or a teen romance book taking place in a high school or college setting. In the end, I settled with rom-com with the tropes of fake dating, forbidden love, royal romance and as such (which also includes interracial protagonists) in my hand with absolutely NO plot in mind. I should mention that this was also after I had scratched away two romance plots which I had begun writing but then decided I wasn't getting the feel to continue either of them. So, I trusted myself and just went with the flow, taking the risk.

I sat down in front of my laptop one day, and the words automatically flowed out for the prologue and then boom, there you go, "Tellers of Lies" was born.

9. Do you experience writer's block? If yes, how do you cope with it?

Honestly, I don't experience writer's blocks. Perhaps it is because I am in the middle of being a plotter and a pantser, so I am able to also go with the flow and know what I want to create or write, and innovate with my already created plans for the story. However, whenever I don't feel like writing, I don't do it. It's not because I don't know what to write next but rather laziness XD.

10. What message or theme did you hope to communicate with your readers through your book?

Fall of Dragonesia: It incorporates a lot of major problems (misogyny, racial discrimination, class, sexism, bad politics, etc.) of today's worlds in the form of Dark Fantasy. I have tried my best to highlight those issues into the readers' minds. However, the message that I hope has been/would be able to communicate with readers is, to never let fear trap one and stop them from reaching new heights.

Tellers of Lies: I hope to convey the message that trusting and loving yourself, as you fight through your fears, insecurities, problems, etc. and attempt to free yourself from the demons of past or present, is very important. Besides, you may not realise it, but you are not alone even when you think you are. If you look closely, you will also find the people who genuinely love and care for you. Just how Isha and Calix fight for themselves, with a little trust and love, you can do it too.

11. For readers who are unfamiliar with your works, how would you describe your writing style and what distinguishes your book?

My writing style tends to vary with the genre in which I am writing. When I write Fantasy, I lean more towards the descriptive writing style, written in third person point of view. However, in light genres such as rom-com, for me, more emphasis on the dialogues and emotions written in a rather loose way than Fantasy, works best. I also prefer to write romance in a first person point of view as I believe it helps the readers resonate more with the characters. This is my personal view of course. I change tenses with the writing style and genre I decide to write, as well.

As for what distinguishes my book, maybe it would be best to ask the readers who have/are reading my books, and if you'd ask me, I like to focus more on creating relatable and believable characters and immersive worlds although I am not sure if I'm successful in doing that 😅.

12. Are there any characters or scenes in your winning book that hold a special meaning to you? Why?

There are no special scenes or characters in my winning books that hold a special meaning to me as, every chapter, every scene, every character (even the side characters who may appear only once or twice throughout the book), are special to me.

13. Do you have any future projects or ideas that you are currently working on or intend to pursue?

I do but I'll keep it a secret for now, hehe.

14. What was the most surprising or unexpected feedback you got from readers about your book?

The most surprising or unexpected feedback I have received from readers of my books is when they say they like my book so much that they want it on their shelves, or what a great journey it was reading the entire book, or that they can't believe English is my second language. It is nothing to be embarrassed about but I feel insecure about my books and writing skills from time to time, so when I receive these amazing comments and feedback that people take time to write, I truly feel like I am on cloud nine.

15. Is there a character you created randomly who received more attention than the main character? Why do you believe that happened?

Well funny story yes XD. Although I did kind of expect it; there is a character named Neil in my book "Tellers of Lies" who is the cousin of the female protagonist's best friend. He is flirtatious, charming, outgoing, and I had created him in mind that he may or may not be the male lead of a standalone second book of "Tellers of Lies", if I plan on creating it one day.

Honestly, I am not sure why it happened and maybe my readers could tell you that XD.

16. What do you believe is the most important trait or skill that a successful writer should possess?

I am not sure what this question indicates because according to me, successful writers can be defined in different ways. Like successful in accordance to wealth, fame, writing bestseller books; glad with even a small audience who enjoy their works, etc. Therefore, depending on these factors, there is, I believe, no definite answer to this question, as to what are the most important traits or skills that a successful writer should possess, I believe. What I want to say is, it would not be right of me to place my views on the important traits or skills that successful writers possess/should possess as each one of us are different and I think that is what makes us unique and our identities as writers different from others.

That would be all. Thank you so much for having me! 

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