2 - Kaeden

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The fourth Prince and later King of the Northern Cerisi Isles was a strange sort, there are almost no records of him having relations with the fairer sex, and he's relationship with his Queen Hersa was believed to be largely sexless, with the few exceptions needed to create his heir.

His most constant and close companion appeared to be Duke Edan of Brini. The two were known to go on long hunting trips alone together, visit bath houses and upon the Queen's death they moved to Goldquest castle to live out the rest of their days together. They were reportedly very good friends.
-Luc de Gavon, A History of the Nobility of the Continent of Elva.

The emerald, green leviathan slithered out from between the mists, swimming through the air as if it was just like the water below, no wings in sight. It approached Kaeden's flagship slowly, massive golden eye, regarding the ship curiously. Kaeden stood in the crow's nest, eye level with the beast as it came closer, great axe and shield gripped tightly in case of the worst. His crew was on deck, silent and still as possible as he confronted the creature. He'd told them to drop their weapons to try and avoid this turning into a fight.

If push came to shove Kaeden could handle himself till, they got their weapons ready.


Soon the beast was inches from his face, head turned so it could peer at him with one wide eye. Its mouth did not move, but he heard it speak in his head.

"I am here to pay respects to my kin." Its voice was sand scraping against stone. "It is not often I meet other skyborne."

Kaeden's shoulders dropped as he untensed. As he suspected and hoped, this serpent was non-hostile. "I am Kaeden of , Crown Prince of the Southern Cerisi Isle and duke of Grale." Kaeden introduced himself in the stuffy and formal way he'd been taught. "Welcome. Your presence is appreciated"

The serpent laughed in his head in return, golden eyes squinting in what appears to be amusement. "By you maybe, but not by your crew. Even now they brandish bows against me in spite of your orders. Though I do not blame them, not every godling can be blessed and cursed with a human form." The creature's voice was now twinged with mirth as it continued to speak. "As for my name. I haven't had a human one in quite some time, but among my people I am known as TheyWhoRacestheWind, and I do not hail from anywhere."

"They don't understand. They see scales and they are full of fear. I've seen too much to be properly afraid."

"In normal circumstances that would be unwise indeed, as most massive scaly creatures would be wrecking your ship right now instead of talking." The serpent coiled and twisted; head pointed to the cloudy sky. "I must take my leave now little brother, tell your men you scared me with your stare, sailors always love a good story."

With that, it soared into the sky, gracefully disappearing into the fog and mist.

As soon as it was gone, cheers erupted from the deck below, weapons clinked together, and someone rolled a keg onto the deck from below.

Alcohol? ...wonderful.

Kaeden sighed and made his way down the rigging, reluctantly joining his crew in their revelry. Once he got to the deck, his friend Arynn was the first to meet him and the first to congratulate him.

"Well done, Kae, you faced down a creature most grown men would soil themselves over and lived to tell the tale." Arynn slaps him on the back hard enough to make him stagger. "Though I must say I'm surprised you didn't kill it. The scales would have made great trophies."

"I don't see the need." Kaeden shrugged as Arynn ushered him to a table the crew had dragged out from below deck. "It wasn't harming anyone, and it seemed peaceful enough."

Kaeden grimaced as Arynn clapped his back and boasted on his behalf. He yanked his hand back as static lightning arched of Kaeden's back. Arynn winced but quickly shrugged of the little shock and continue to brag on his behalf.

"We'll make it to Kirus in no time with the winds on our side," He boasted as two flagons of ale were slammed down on the table in front of him. Kaeden grimaced at the brown swill. If he was lucky, Arynn would get drunk and down both their drinks before anyone could notice he didn't touch his drink. Otherwise, he'd have to stealthily pour it out.

He wasn't very stealthy.

"A toast to the crown and the greatest adventurer in Elva. No beast of the sea or skies stands a chance against our Prince." Arynn shouted before downing his flagon to a storm of applause. "Did I ever tell you about the time I watched this man wrestle a gorlon? It was 13 moons ago to this day..."

Arynn launched into one of his stories, recounting a slightly more glamorous retelling of the fight, as if they hadn't already heard the story dozens of times before, which only served to deepen Kaeden's embarrassment. The only thing Kaeden remembered from that night was having to bathe for hours to get rid of the slime.

His 'adventures' were never as wonderful as they were made out to be, most of the time he was covered in slime, or blood, or viscera and he rarely ever left a fight without wounds or broken bones.

Or a lost limb. Kaeden stared down at his iron hand.

He played along though, because what was his alternative? Sulk off to his quarters because he's moody that his subjects were praising him too much? Not an option, unless he wanted to be forever known as the dick head prince.

And he will admit, today wasn't the worst event for his crew to witness. He had to admit he'd given quite a performance when he swung from the mast. But anyone else with his powers and his advantages in life could do the same.

"...and that's how the halls of Tallan gained their newest centre piece." Arynn finished the story to a raucous round of applause and as predicted, grabbed Kaeden's drink for another toast.

"We'll feast there when we return!"

After a few hours of feigning enjoyment, Kaeden adjourned to his cabin. The ship's medic, a petite mousy woman, was waiting for him. She spread her medical supplies out on his bed and went to work.

Kaeden winced as she finished disinfecting his stump, making sure the wounds wouldn't get infected or scar in an ugly way. Kaeden tried to speak to her, wanting to try and thank the person patching him up, but she turned mute as a mouse and answered his questions in short phrases and single words.

He gave up. She left soon after and Kaeden was alone again.

Nothing new there.

He could go back up and join the drunken party stomping about above his head. But they didn't speak to him either. They spoke about him, they praised him, put him up on a pedestal with no way to climb down.

Kaeden stared down at his stump and studied the circlet about his forearm, remembering the only person he knew that was trapped in the exact same guided cage. He and Arli, they were bound together, for better or worse, and though he loved her, and she loved him, it wasn't in the way they were supposed to.

The way he sometimes wanted to.

Would they still admire me if they knew?


He missed her.

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