9 - Flynn

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The rooms he's given in the temple are beautiful but not ostentatious. The walls are made of pure white marble and shiny seaside stones. His room overlooks the city square giving Flynn a perfect view of Comraich Kyst's nightlife. However, his favourite part of the room is the plush bed in the centre. It felt great against back as the firstmate dropped him onto the bed then crawled on top of him, latching onto his neck immediately. Lyam seems to have developed a specific fixation on Flynn's neck, which he's not entirely opposed to.

"I'm so glad I met you," Lyam purred, nipping gently at Flynn's neck. "Gods you're perfect..."

"Yeah, me too," Flynn muttered, distractedly. He was more interested in the way Lyam's body felt on top of his.

Lyam must have taken Flynn's response as a cue to continue because he started to unbutton Flynn's shirt, exposing his freckled chest. He started nibbling his way down to his chest. Flynn hummed in appreciation as Lyam's mouth closed around one of his nipples and sucked gently. He gasped as Lyam's hand slid down his stomach, dipping below the waist of his trousers.

"Gods, yes," Flynn moaned as Lyam's fingers brushed against his cock. He arched his back, pushing himself into Lyam's touch. "Hurry, we don't have much time. I've got the banquet in less than an hour."

Lyam hmphed and pulled back, half undressing while Flynn quickly shimmied out of his trousers and under garments. He laid back against the pillows, admiring Lyam's body as he did so.

The first mate was beautiful, all tanned skin and toned muscle. Unfortunately, he was too aware of his own attractiveness, which showed in the way he moved. It was arrogant, bordering on cocky; A turn off, but Flynn could overlook it.


Once he was sufficiently undressed, Lyam pulled Flynn closer by the thighs and kissed him, deep.

"I love the way you taste," Lyam muttered against Flynn's lips. "You're so sweet."

Flynn let out a moan and pulled Lyam closer, wrapping his legs around the firstmate's waist.

He could feel Lyam's cock, hard and pulsing, pressing against his own hardness. The firstmate wrapped his hand around both erections, stroking them both in unison. Flynn gasped and tilted his hips, pushing himself harder against Lyam's hand.

"Please," He begged. "I need you now."

"I need to prep you first," Lyam chuckled and let go of Flynn's cock, pushing two fingers inside of him. Flynn gasped and arched his back, pushing down onto Lyam's fingers. The firstmate added a third finger and started to move them in and out in a steady rhythm. Flynn's breathing quickened as his pleasure built. He tilted his hips and bucked against Lyam's hand, moaning loudly.

"Yes, just like that," Lyam encouraged, moving his fingers faster. Flynn's body tensed up. He was close, so close. He cried out as Lyam's thumb brushed against his cock in just the right way and he nearly came.

The firstmate chuckled and kissed Flynn's neck, gently nipping a trail of hickeys down to his clavicle. Flynn writhed against Lyam, silently begging for more. Lyam laughed and kissed him again, then finally obliged him and manhandled Flynn into position on his knees.

"You're so beautiful," Lyam muttered, pushing himself inside of Flynn. Flynn gasped and gripped the sheets tightly, bracing himself. Lyam didn't build up slowly like he had last time, he just pushed himself all the way in until Flynn couldn't take anymore. He cried out and Lyam stilled, letting Flynn adjust.

Once Flynn had, Lyam started moving, slowly at first then picking up the pace. Flynn moaned and pushed back; matching Lyam thrust for thrust. The sheets were bunched up in his fists as he fought for leverage, his toes digging into the mattress. He cried out as Lyam's cock brushed against a sensitive spot inside him and tilted his hips, trying to get more. Lyam kept missing that spot, not quite scratching Flynn's itch.

"Gods, you're so tight," Lyam moaned, thrusting into Flynn hard. "I could stay inside you forever."

"Don't get too comfortable," Flynn gasped out. "I'll be gone soon."

Lyam just redoubled his efforts, slamming into Flynn hard, still missing, and wrapped a hand around his prick. Still, it was good enough. Flynn tilted his hips, finding that spot for himself and came hard, spilling onto the bed. Lyam followed soon after, pulling out and spilling over Flynn's back.

As he did, he whispered, half delirious, in Flynn's ear. "I love you." Flynn's eyes widened and he looked up at Lyam, who was staring at him, panting.

"What did you say?"

"I love you." The sailor said, louder and clearer this time with a dopey, hopeful smile. Flynn had hoped he'd walk it back so he could pretend he didn't hear him but no, he's doubling down.

"You barely know me."

The sailor's face deflated. "We've been together for three months."

"We've been fucking for three months; we barely even talk." Flynn said, getting mean, maybe that would scare him off. "These might be the most words we've ever exchanged!"


Flynn sat up, grabbing his cast aside clothes. "What do you know about me?"


"What do you know about me?" Flynn asked again. "What do I do? What are my hobbies? What's my favourite drink?"

"I-I don't know."

"Exactly, you don't know anything about me, and that was on purpose." Flynn winced as he twisted in the knife. "I don't want my dalliances getting attached. I already told you that."

"I know but I thougt-"

"That you were the exception?" Flynn interrupted, picking up the sailor's clothes and roughly shoving them at him. The firstmate's silence was a deafening response. Flynn sighed. "You need to leave."



Lyam scrambled out of bed and started to get dressed. "Flynn, I-"

"Just go." Lyam left, looking heartbroken.

Flynn flopped back on to the bed and stared up at the ceiling, wondering what the fuck he was supposed to do now? This wasn't the first time one of his dalliances caught feelings, and he doubt's it'll be the last. He wasn't necessarily opposed to his little affairs developing into something more, but he hadn't found anyone he liked well enough to choose monogamy. The sailor's love confession didn't change that. Flynn laid there for a few minutes, just thinking, before he got up to get cleaned and ready for the banquet, dressing in a pre-picked set of fancy clothes: a pair of fine silken trousers, an embroidered doublet and white cotton shirt.

He tossed his sheets in the laundry basket right next to his bed just as he heard a knock on the door.

He opened it, expecting his sister. Instead, he was faced with Kaeden. "What do you want?" Flynn asked, not bothering to hide the annoyance in his voice.

"I wanted to apologise for my crew's behaviour." The prince answered, eyes downcast.

"Which part? The part where they almost started a fight or the part where your lackey called me a faqua?" Flynn asked, his voice dripping with venom.

"I'm sorry about both." Kaeden looked genuinely contrite. "It was an accident, and my first mate was out of line; He will be court martialled when he gets back home."

"It's fine. We got off on the wrong foot, but we have to work together, so might as well not make things more difficult for myself." Kaeden extended his hand. Flynn stared at it for a moment before sighing and shaking it. Kaeden is strong, his arm very obviously straining his formal tunic. The rest of him was equally well built. Looking at him, Flynn came to the unfortunate realisation that Kaden was exactly his type: well-built, wonderfully sun-tanned, inky black waves and stormy blue grey-eyes. He was... tempting.

Don't fuck your crewmates, don't fuck your crewmates, don't fuck your crewmates, don't fuck your crewmates...

Kaeden must have been studying him as much as Flynn was because as they dropped their slightly too long handshake, his gaze moved to Flynn's neck.

"You're bruised?" He asked, eyes wide with concern. "Did you get it from the fall? I'm sorry-"

"No, no," Flynn hastened to assure him. "I'm fine, really. It's just a... gift from a sailor."

"He hurt you. Do you know where he is? I'll get the guards-" Flynn grabbed him by the bicep before he could rush off, admitting quietly to himself he was also trying to cop a feel.

"No, it's fine, he didn't hurt me. Well, he not without my permission."

Kaeden's face brightened in relief. "Oh! You were sparring?"

Flynn took a deep breath, sucking in his laughter. "Yes, sword fighting."

Flynn expected him to get the joke, he could barely keep his face straight, instead he just got excited. "I've never sparred with another demigod before; Would you spar with me? I'm not much of a sword fighter but I could learn?"

Flynn couldn't help it, he burst out laughing, much to the prince's confusion. "Gods' you're so innocent."

"Innocent? Why-" A look of realisation spread across Kaeden's face, cheeks turning red. "Oh."

"It's okay, really. I'm not much of a fighter and I don't "spar" where I work." Flynn chuckled and patted the prince's shoulder, finally letting go of his arm.

"Right of course, I didn't know you- that you're-"

"A faqua?" Flynn raised a single brow quizzically.

"No! I'd never-"

"I know. I'm just messing with you. It's kind of fun." Flynn laughed, amused by the Prince's flustered state. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm kind of busy at the moment."

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