Chapter 2: The Powerful Wizard

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Mikchu was walking half a mile down a big hill. "Man, how long do I have to go before I find a wizard." She groaned. At about ¾ down the hill, she tripped on a small rock and started rolling down the hill. "Ahhhhhhhh!" Before she hit the mile mark, she whacked her head on a boulder and fell unconscious for a few hours. When she woke up, she was lying on a full-size bed with white thin sheets and a red quilt. Mikchu looked all around her. Then she noticed someone making some soup. "Who are you?" She finally asked. The man turned around, he was wearing a long light blue and black robe with lots of jewelry. "Who are you?" She asked bravely. The man replied, "I am Morgini, the most powerful wizard in the whole land." Then something clicked in Mikchu's mind. The Arcana Lord said that you needed a wizard to help her on her quest. "um, I have a question." "hold on. Hold your thoughts while I fix you some healing potion for your head." Morgini replied. Mikchu touched her head. She felt a slight pain in the middle of her forehead. Then she remembered that she tripped and hit her head. Now she feels really stupid. Her face blushed a cherry color. Mikchu covered her face in embarrassment. Her face blushed a deep red. Morgini looked at her for a split second and his face turned red also. No one said anything for a good half hour. Then Morgini asked her a question. "Why did come all this way by yourself?" She replied, "Because, My village leader said that I need to gather people to stop the evil wizard that attacked my village." "don't you have a family to go to?" "No. My parents are dead. My mom died while fighting a huge Dragon sent by the evil wizard, Nans." Morgini jerked up a little. "Nans, The Mage?" He asked. "Yeah, you've heard of him,"  she replied. Morgini shook his head yes. She looked very confused at him for the moment. Then he replied, "Nans used to be a student of mine." Mikchu all of a sudden, got very shocked. Morgini walked around for a little while. It was for a good 5 minutes. He explained to Mikchu that he and Nans were good friends back in the day, Then one day, when they were training their magic skills, their master walked into the orange room with a serious look in his eyes and he told them that he wasn't in the best of health and he needs a successor to take his place. He gave it a lot of thought and he chose Morgini as his successor Nans got very angry with his master. So later in the night when everyone was asleep Nans went into his master's bedroom murdered him on the spot and hid his body in a well until the next morning Then all of a sudden, a medium-sized rock came crashing in through the window. It had a paper note written on it. It said, "Hope you are enjoying your little quest because I am going to be sending my troops to come and kill you." Signed Nans. Mikchu looked at it with disbelief. She got a little scared. Then Morgini placed a hand on Mikchu's right shoulder. "It is going to be okay." Mikchu looked up at the wise mage and replied "ok. If you say so." Before Mikchu could walk out on her new friend, she remembered what she had to do. "Oh, I almost forgot. Mr. Morgini, if it is too much to ask, do you want to come with me on my quest to bring down Nans?" she asked Morgini. The sudden question caught him off guard. He had to think about it. "let me think it over and then in a few minutes, you will have my answer." He told her. "ok, I can wait." Mikchu replied. So she waited for a full half an hour, then Morgni finally said: "I will join you on your adventure. But first, I want to test your magic skills." Mikchu was a little confused at the sudden deal, but all in all, she agreed to the terms. Soon after, they walked outside to the clear, sunny skies.  So after a few minutes,  they were a few feet from the house. "Ok, I want you to attack me with everything you got to see where you are at." Moragini told Mikchu. "Ok." She replied. She got into her fighting stance. After a few seconds of silence, Mikchu charged at Moragini at full speed. She threw the first punch, but He dodged it to the left side. Then she tried using one of her magic spells on him. But in half a millisecond, he jumped so high in the air, that Moragini had to use levitation magic to stay in place. "I'm impressed by your skills in magic, but you still need a bit more work." He said to Mikchu. Mikchu was getting a little frustrated that she could land a hit. then all of a sudden, there was a blue power surge going all over her body. She was planning to use the Photon Strike and hit him directly. She gathered up all the energy that she could and launched it. "Photon Strike!" She yelled out. The attack was coming at high speeds. Moragini had to do something fast or the blast would kill him. So in a last-ditch effort, he put up a magic shield to counter it. The attack made contact with the shield. He lifted the shield upright to the sky and the attack followed. After that, the magic exploded with a loud booming noise. Mikchu got so tired, she collapsed. Moragini was not just impressed but very interested in her abilities.  "Well, that was very surprising to see." He said, with a proud time in his voice. So, the battle was over. He walked up to her picked her up and carried her to his house to heal her.

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