chapter 32 : keep you safe

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Roseline walked off to her room, her brain now on the edge of getting completely switched off. But she couldn't let it. Her eyelids getting heavier as the time passed ,this feeling was fimiliar. Maybe too familiar to be called usual. The more closer she got to her bed the harder it got to walk. Her legs could give up any moment but she carried on. As her knees finally got in contact with the edge of the bed her body collapsed and her shut down . The pain was too much now. Too much to bare, so tried to escape for a while. Her mind imidiattly taking her to an alternate universe. Her body not believing the comfort it received, and the most relaxed were those eyes those eyes. Which cried an ocean today, which were constantly staring at the deep dark sky. The unconscious figure of the little girl was adorable to watch. But at same time, painful.

Roseline woke up as the cold wind slipping through the window touching her warm body.

Her eyes half opened, almost semi asleep. She rubbed her face with her tiny palms. Sitting on her butt she looked out the window her vision still blurry. The moon smiled at her as she stared at him.

How calmly he smiles at her pain. But except of questioning him or cursing him today, Roseline found herself wishing to him, wishing to bring him back to her. The fear of losing him was impossible to imagine . The pain was already unbearable and now if this happens... She'll be destroyed.

Shaking all her extreme thought away Roseline made her way to her bathroom which was a few steps away. She sighed as she made her way to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror , her reflection saying it all, her red swollen eyes perfectly complimenting her tired figure . A perfect contrast of colours from an Artists point of view. She looked at the clock which was barely visible from there but still enough to tell her the approx time.

It was almost past 3 now. She went to the bathtub and turned the tap on. Letting the water fill it. The echo of the water flowing was very calming to hear. As if she could call it music if it had a little more melody in it. As the tub got filled, Roseline switched the tap off and with out even wasting a second stepped in the water, fully dressed.

She layed her lead on the edge of the tub as the water hugged her warm body. The water felt warm. Not hot nor cold. Just perfect. The wildest of all thoughts started to run through her head. Not being able to shake them away she sank deeper in the water. Leaving her eyes and nose above the surface. Closing her eyes shut , she thought of everything that could go wrong but her mind was not able to figure anything after that. She opened her eyes as she felt a presence there.

And there it stood. The figure in black. Why is he here again? she questioned herself as she just ignored it and completely sank to the bottom of the water. Roseline opened her eyes as she  reached the bottom. And before she could perform further actions , The figure dipped their in the water. Roseline's eyes widened as the water around the figures head started to go black. She tried to take a breath in forgetting about her surroundings. And as the water entered her nostrils her body imidiattly refused to accept it.

Rosline jumped up as the water wasnt something her lungs needed to breath. She coughed as the water felt triggering to her nostrils.

Taking a deep breath as she finally calmed down from the sudden happening. The black figure stood infront of the mirror staring at its own reflection. And Roseline couldn't help but wonder why it did so. Even though the fear was still perking up inside her, she collected her guts and dared to look at it.

But before she could get up and go look at the view, she heard an echo in her ear.

Roseline blinked her eyes as her vision got kinda blurry and when it was clear enough, she found herself staring at mirror at the same spot where the figure was standing a few moments ago. Roseline frowned as she couldn't figure out what just happened. I was in the water and he was standing here? Where did he go? Roseline questioned herself as she looked around  hoping to see the figure as if it were trying to hide away from.

" Rose?" a voice sounded into the empty room.

Roseline looked at the direction from where the sound came from.

" we should head to the hospital, it's the time. " sandy said peeking through the door.

Roseline just nodded in agreement. Cause there was nothing else she could get out of her mouth. She was too perplexed to answer anything.

She sighed as she entered the building with Sandy beside her, The fragrance of the hospital filling her nostrils . She get used to this. Even though she never really liked coming to this place, but sometimes you need to surrender to fate.

She walked down to her spot where she sat the other day, but instead of sitting there she decided to walk around for a bit.

She excused herself and started to wander around. After wandering around for a while she came across a place which looked like it was meant for kids. Roseline decided to walk inside of the place, as she roamed around the small dorm, kids ran around playing. This felt familiar, this is how they used to play when they were young. We grew up a little too quick. Roseline thought to herself as she finally reached back to the entrance walking out going back to where sandy was. Before she could even realize it had already been an hour as she was roaming.

When she reached back to her spot and looked around but sandy wasn't there.

She looked at little and there she stood taking to the doctor.

Their voices were kinda inaudible to her. Sandy realized her presence and called her over. Rseline felt her Legs go numb as she walked to them. Every bad thought she ever thought of ran through her mind. But at this moment all she could do was hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

" Roseline dear, listen to me. " the old man in his fourties said in a deep and empathetic voice.

Roseline nodded , waiting for him to continue. He took a moment and exchanged a glance with Sandy.

" Look Roseline, people survive the most deadliest diseases if they want to, but if they don't, even a small cut can kill them. "the doctor spoke as sincerity was shown in his eyes.

" we have removed the damaged vein and all we hope for is to let the new vein to built up and get connected. The cut was really deep so we couldnt do much. " he continued speaking with concern shown in his eyes now.

" if he wakes up before 8 am then only he will be able to go home back with you, but if he doesn't.. Then... " he shifted his glaze to sandy who just bent her head low.

" it's all on his will power if he wants to come back he will. he can make through this he is a strong boy. " he said as he patted Roseline's shoulder forcing a smile.

Roseline looked down on the floor forcing those salty tears to go back in and said
" can I see him? Please? "

The doctor nodded as she lifted her head and started to walk to his room.

Sandy was about to go along but the doctor stopped her.

" he needs her. "

Sandy turned back and just nodded staring at the girl leaving the long hallway entering another room.

Roseline peeked through the door as her eyes met the white room with with white sheets.

Beeping of machines and told of the clock made the air feel heavier .

Roseline walked toward the bed with white sheets, her legs barely stable. Her eyes instantly filled with tears as the face of the boy came in view . She asked closer and took his bandaged hand in the little ones of hers. Tears dropped on the pale hand of the boy as Roseline just stared at it.

" why are you leaving me, Ain? " she said in a breathy whisper.

" what happened? Please tell me.. " she continued.

" I'll fix everything, I swear ." she said louder than before now audible.

" tell me what I'll tell dad huh? " she asked the unconscious boy infront of her.

" I don't know if know yet but if he does he'll surely be mad. " she talked to him like as if he was listening to it all.

" so get up before he comes back. " she said as she wiped her face.

" I said get up before he comes back or else the both of us will get in trouble. " she said getting up his hand still in hers.

" come on why are you lying down? We have to go home! Come on get up!" she said in a semi shout.

No reply ever came to hear.

" so you'll not get up.. " she said settling back down.

" Ain, do you remember what she said. Take care of me when she'll be gone. You promised her don't break promises. " she said as he'd vision got blurry not being able to keep her mind stable.

" she said be there with me when I need you.. And I need you the most right now. " she continued as the tears now ran down her cheeks .

" you said you'll not leave me when I need you! So wake up! I need you! NOW ! " her shouts reached his ears but why isn't he replying.

The dangerous silence took over as the girl sobbed staring at the body infront of her.

" no Austin you are not allowed to leave. " she spoke as now louder sobs filled the room.

She looked behind her and say a teary girl standing there.

" he isn't waking up sandy.. " she said as she sobbed.

Sandy ran to her and took her in her embrace. The girl sobbed harder as her head hit her waist.

She pulled away from her and looked back at the unconscious pale Austin.

" I need you.. Please don't leave. " she said as she buried her face in his white sheets.

The doctor stood there as the time for visiting ended but couldn't say a word. The moment was too heartbreaking to interrupt.

Roseline sobbed as she caressed his hand with the tip of her thumb.

Sandy noticed and pulled Roseline a bit.

" Rosaline the doctor is here we need to let then start the treatment. " sandy said as Roseline lifted her body up.

She took a moment to scan his face still have had in hers.
She caressed it for the one the last time before walking off not even turning back to look once.

Roseline sat there as the time passed it was almost 8 now. The anxiety got unbearable as the time and closer.

Roseline looked at the clock as it was finally about to hit 8.

A nurse walked out of Austin's room and walked off .

She came back as the doctor rushed before her.

It went silent.

The doctor walked out the room his face not reading a word.

He came closer and stood before her.

" what Happened? " Roseline asked in a whisper.

" I think you should go see yourself ." he said his voice not giving much hope.

Terror built up in Roseline as she heard those words she repeated the same question a couple times over but no reply came back.

Giving up Roseline finally collected the left over self esteem she had and started to make her way to the same room.

Terror and fear making the air air heavier and her vision a little blurry.

Roseline finally reached to the door. Roseline held on to the door knob getting a little support to stand straight and get her breath.

Roseline closed her eyes shut as the words ran through her head.

"I'll keep you safe. "

And without wasting any second she oped the door.

There layed a body. The beeping sound not audible anymore.

Roseline's whole world took a total turn as she walked to the body.. Of her own brother.

Roseline Roberts.

-to be continued

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