chapter 43: killing her.

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Reaching another fine mansion with decorations popping everywhere, that festive season, Christensen didn't smile. He was rather terrified by the fact that his mother wasn't with him. It wasn't like he went no where without her, it's just was the feeling that she wasn't at the right place.

He looked over at Charlotte who was still looking out the window staring at the beautiful town. The whole ride there was silent. Charlotte felt like a child, younger than him,  but at moment she took the responsibility of being the older one.

This town was more familiar than the city they were living in. Christesen loved snow, whenever he was down from all the chaos in his home,  he would come here and be cheered up by watching it. But this time it wasn't working. It's was cold ,  really cold,making his tannish cheeks red. His breath creating smoke,  and his feet numb.

He wished that his whole body to go numb. So that he wouldn't feel as cold.

He snapped out of his thoughts when the driver who drove them here opened the door for him.

Getting out he looked around, the house was creatively decorated, not even an angle missing,  some may call it a dream house, but for him, it was just home. The door behind him closed once Charlotte got out,  and the car drove away.  It was snowing lightly that day, he looked up just to see the clouds crowding up in the sky as it lightly kept snowing. Refection of the light greyish sky made his eyes all pop grey. He turned his head back low when he heard someone call him out.

" oh my look whose here! " a sweet voice hit his ears.

" grandma!" Charlotte exclaimed running to her, wrapping her little arms around her.

" oh Charlie , what grandma,  I'm fresh as the morning, not rusty as your father, call me Riley. " Riley complained.

" and what are you staring at mr.?" she continued.

" I guess I'm admiring a beautiful morning. " he said walking towards them.

" oof these dialogue. " Charlotte complained under a whisper. While Riley stuck in the awe.

" it's cold let's go inside. " Riley suggested as they walked in.

Inside it was warm, the fragrance of cinnamon around surrounded him, Calming him down a bit.

Walking in, the echos of his footsteps were heard, ground came both of them.

This is is home? He found himself asking.

" did you eat? Even if you did, I made you some cookies! " Riley exclaimed.

"I'll eat! Chris you? " Charlotte asked.

"later. " he said as he walked toward one of the room.

Entering the room, it was bright, brighter than the hall, it somewhat had that playground vibe to it as  toys were scattered around, anything you can wish for, was there.

Chris sat on the ground next to a doll, his mother bought it, even tho he wasn't interested in girly things being a boi,he loved this doll.

Taking the doll in his hands,  he caressed her head. And gentle placed it back to where it was, Staring at her.
Just kept staring, while he talked to himself, why are you so beautiful? How do you smile like that? Do you feel sad? Will you leave me if you are happy and I am sad?  Cause that's what most people do right? We don't need to be perfect they say,  but people leave when they feel they feel it's not ok, why is the world so crucial?  Does it have to be this way? Is this happening because of me?  Is she in pain because of me? Should I just...Disappered? All of their problems will vanish away with me right?

"Chris? " a sudden voice echoed in his ears as he snapped out of his thoughts.

He didn't look back to see.

" Riley is calling you. " Charlotte spoke.

" Ok. " Chris responed. He had this special spot for a few people to whom he refused to. Other wise it was a still no to everyone else if needed.

As he walked past her. Charlotte took a moment to admire that doll. She even couldn't deny the fact that she looked really beautiful.

It has been two days since that has happened, Chris almost forgot about it all, he was playing happily in the garden when all of a sudden from the corner of his eye. He saw a face he never thought he would see. Riley was sobbing softly at the corner. His heart broke into a million pieces just by the sight of it, he felt a slight pain in his chest.

Not wasting any minute he started making his way to him, almost reaching there he heard something,

" she's thre just bleeding heavily. " someone said from the other side.

" I'm coming there right now. " Riley replied.

" there's no need-" the person was interuppted.

" I don't need your permission to see my own daughter. " Riley said before hanging up .

She took a deep breath in when she finally spotted Chris, he was staring at her blankly.

" Chris for a few days now you have to take care of yourself and your sister ok? " Riley confronted.

" where's mum? " he didn't hold back.

" she's ok,  don't worry, I'll come back with her. " Riley answered.

" where are you going? " he asked.

" to her. " Riley said as she walked away.

Taking another call as she walked to her taking out her luggage.

" something went wrong. " she said.

" I told you that I don't trust that Dr! She's not even a doctor, she's a nurse. " spoke someone from the other side.

" she knew didn't she? " Riley asked.

" I know she did, but due to all the chaos he was causing she took quick action. " they said.

" where are you? Are you with her? " they continued.

" not at the moment but soon to be. " Riley replied.

" contact me as soon as you get there and if you need anything. " they said before hanging up.

A hum escaped Riley's lips as she went on with packing her stuff up.

Riley never thought she would be so in hate with her daughters husband till today but now she was 100% sure of it.

He was killing her daughter somehow.

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