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well, i've actually done it.

i've made a huge graphic journey:

from picmonkey to befunky and befunky to polarr and finally to photoshop, i can now saw i am actually pleased at where i am at with my graphics.

thank you everyone for supporting me and encouraging me and even helping me. even if you just looked at my graphics, that still means they were apparently worth looking at. i love you all <3

i'd also like to thank each and every single member of GraphicSociety for letting me join their amazing team and helping me start out with photoshop and supporting. you have been so welcoming to me and so, so kind, and i cannot thank you enough for eveything you've done for me. love you guys <#

and let's not forget molliest who always encouraged me and constantly asked me to make her graphics. i still remember her fangirling when i told her i got accepted into graphicsociety. i love you mollie <3

i'm so excited to continue down my graphic path (and hey, if getting an english major doesn't work out for me, i can always major in desgin!!) and learn new things. <3

this may seem like a farewell, but oh no, this is only the beginning.

i don't know when, but a new graphic shop that is out of this world (; will come and will have new things to offer:


-possibly gifs

-possibly banners

okay maybe nothing really has changed and for me to be sure about the last two i have to practice more and more and eventually i will get better!!

i have been designing for 3+ years and only now i am starting photoshop. i was too scared to try and figure it out and i'd make covers worse than the ones i first made.

i was wrong.

if i had been braver, i would have started photoshop sooner.

but, the past is in the past.

the only thing i can be thankful for is the fact i knew i wasn't happy with my designs and i knew they could be better. that happened about 2 months ago, and it was something scary to admit to myself.

i guess what i'm trying to say is, don't be afraid to try new things!! even if it fails, keep trying and trying until you're satisfied with the results. the only way that you're going to get better at something is if you don't give up.

thank you all again for everything and i'll see you soon <3

love you all; you guys are my family xx

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