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Note: Hey there! This is my first ever one shot and fanfic. Please understand that it's also unedited cause I wrote this for the Percabeth Awards in, like, two days. If there are inaccuracies, I apologize. This story alternates between the POV's of Percy and Annabeth. 

Fun fact: I was among the people who actually grew up with the PJO series when they first came out. It's been awhile since I've read the books, but PJO has always been a series held close to my heart, as it made me into a reader and inspired me to be a writer! I thought I'd write a one shot though to celebrate the upcoming Disney+ series that I will definitely be watching with my dog. 

Note 2: I completed this story while abroad. For some reason, certain words, letters, or phrases are changed when I press 'publish' button on Wattpad, in spite of me trying multiple times to fix things. Please keep this in mind while reading, and let me know if there's anything I need to edit. Thanks! 




Percy liked to think he was a smart guy – even if Annabeth; the literal child of wisdom insisted on calling him Seaweed Brain.

Sure, he could be an idiot at times.

He'd fought The Minotaur, The Titan Lord Kronos, and had defeated Gaea alongside his friends in the war between the children of the Gods and the Titans.

Ok, maybe those weren't idiotic things - they were actually pretty spectacular.

But still... if there was one thing Percy knew best, it was how to surprise someone.

His girlfriend had been hard at work as of late working as a liaison between Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter.

Something about her working with Reyna to build a tunnel connecting the two camps. 

He wasn't sure how that was going to work given how far the two camps were from each other, but he was confident that Annabeth would find a way.

Connecting the two camps would help unify the Roman and the Greek campers even more so than they already were. 

Plus, it wouldn't hurt not having to worry about being attacked by axe-weilding demon grandmothers or telkhines when you could just take the tunnel.

It was cute whenever she talked about the project, though her long monologues regarding "high-beam structures "and "3D models" were a bit much for his ADHD brain to handle. Most of the time, he'd sit there and listen, mumbling a "yeah" and an "uh huh" to indicate he was still listening, though he suspected she knew he wasn't.

She was that smart.

Which was why he needed to ensure that their anniversary went perfectly – no monsters, no angry gods, and definitely no starting another war.

As far as he was concerned, he'd served the first few years of his life as a pawn for the Gods – more specifically as Hera's pawn, only to suffer greatly.

He'd earned his rest, and he intended to spend the rest of the life he had left with Annabeth.

He almost cursed himself for thinking this though, when he felt a cold presence materialize behind him.

Percy drew Riptide out of his pocket and clicked it open, spinning around to face whatever monster would greet him. 

He'd never told anyone this, but ever since the Little Tiber had washed away his Curse of Achilles he'd felt vulnerable.He was within the boundaries of Camp Half-Blood, but that didn't mean he felt any safer. Defeating the Earth Mother had angered many of the monsters in the depths of Tartarus, which had in turn made him a popular target amongst monsters seeking to sate their appetites for unsuspecting half-bloods.

Annabeth had suggested he talk to someone about his fears - he could tell she knew he wasn't telling her everything that was on his mind. But that was just it – his fears were only about losing her.

He couldn't imagine his life without Annabeth, which was why he wanted this day to be perfect.

"Whoa, Jackson!" his opponent said. "Same side." A boy with dark spikey hair held up his hands in surrender. He had on a black aviator jacket and wore a skull t-shirt that he'd tucked into a pair of ripped jeans.

Nico Diangelo; the Ghost King.

"Sorry, Nico," Percy apologized, putting his sword away. Nico was a friend of his – definitely not a monster. "I guess... I'm just a little nervous about this thing  I'm doing for Annabeth."

Nico raised an eyebrow at him. "Yeah...I know how you feel. Will keeps asking me to 'be his Valentine'. Am I even supposed to know what that ick means?"

Percy couldn't help but smile, recalling the last Valentine's day he'd spent with Annabeth at his families cabin where they'd roasted marshmallows, eaten blue food, and shared an under water kiss or two in the lake. 

Coincidently, the day he'd first met Annabeth after his brush with death with the Minotaur, just so happened to be Valentine's Day.

He'd asked Aphrodite if she'd had anything to do with their meeting once when he'd last partied up on Olympus. But the goddess had only smiled and assured him that their relationship would be one for The Ages to remember.

"Valentine's Day is all about being with the one you love," Percy explained. "You know, chocolates, romance - Cupid?"

Nico's face grew ashen at the mention of that last one. "Yeah, no thanks. I'm not really big on Cupid." He spit out the God of Love's name as if it were poison.

Percy looked surprised. Was everything ok between him and Will? 

"Oh, well-,"

"I'm just here to tell you that Annabeth's left camp," Nico interrupted.

Percy blinked. That definitely wasn't part of his plan. "What do you mean 'left'?"

Nico shrugged his shoulders. "I mean, she left. She got an emergency call or something. Told me to tell you 'that everything's fine'"

Percy felt his heart begin to quicken.

He knew Annabeth had a phone, but she didn't let anyone know she had it, so why had she told Nico? 

Cellphones were like giant attenas for monsters that signaled wherever you were, so they weren't often used. If she'd called within the boundaries of camp, would she even have made it to wherever she was headed?

"Did she say where she was going?" Percy asked. 

He knew Annabeth was more than capable of defending herself – the two of them had almost died together often enough, and she'd single handedly defeated Arachne on top of helping him through the depths of Tartarus. 

But that didn't mean he wasn't allowed to be worried about her.

"West Point University in San Francisco" Nico said. "She has a father there, right?"

Of course. 

Dr. Frederick Chase was a Professor there that taught Ancient History. And apparently, Percy had learned during their battle with the Titan Atlas, her father was capable of flying a Sopwith Camel whilst shooting celestial bronze bullets at monsters.

He'd sent a postcard to Dr. Chase a few weeks ago to see whether or not he'd be ok with what he had planned for Annabeth - but he hadn't written back.

"Maybe she's just visiting him for advice on her Secret Project?" Nico said, wrinkling his nose at the word secret. 

Percy knew about the project being her boyfriend, but no one else did apart from Chiron.

"Yeah," Percy said. "Maybe."

Though a part of him wasn't convinced.

"Look man," Nico said. "I can feel the fear coming off of you. If you're so worried about Annabeth-,"

"You're not?" Percy said. "After everything we've been through?"

Nico looked down. "I know, Percy. I know.... I just don't think it's a good idea to rush after her when she said everything was fine. But if your serious about this, then I suppose I could shadow travel you to San Francisco? You won't explode another bus that way."

That was probably for the best. 

The people at the bus depot nearest Half-Blood Hill had finally put up a blacklist sign after too many of their buses had exploded after being boarded by orange shirt-wearing teenagers. His young face framed by jet-black hair was now on the "do not let this person on" list, along with many other half-bloods. 

Percy grimaced.

The last time he'd shadow traveled with Nico, it had felt as if his face had been peeling off. But if Annabeth was headed to San Francisco; the monster city of the world, then there was no time to lose.

Ever since the war, he'd been having this recurring nightmare where Annabeth was in danger. In it, her celestial bronze dagger wasn't enough to fend off whatever enemy was attacking her, and by the time Percy reached her...

"Alright," Percy said, turning back towards Nico. "Let's do it."


It wasn't until Annabeth sent the fifth monster she'd fought that morning back to Tartarus that she thought maybe heading to San Francisco alone without backup of any kind hadn't been a good idea. 

Taking after her mother, Annabeth knew she was skilled in combat, strategy, and turning anyone who touched her work station without her permission into mincemeat. 

Skilled in lying to her friends?

Not so much.

She'd relayed to Nico when he'd caught her leaving camp where she was going as to not draw suspicion and said she was fine, though things were anything but. 

When she'd received a call from her cell, she was shocked to see the San Francisco area code. 

Annabeth had been seeing more of her family after the war ended. She'd been pleased to find her dad had been making some serious life changes like spending less time on campus and more time at home playing with her brothers  - even asking her about how things were with Percy, or about her work designing things on Mt. Olympus.

To her surprise, he was also respectful of her never wanting to stay there for too long, and she knew that he knew if there was ever a need to contact her whilst she was at camp, that a postcard would be better that a phone call.

Confused, she'd answered the phone, although the voice on the other end hadn't been her father.

"Wisdom's Daughter," the voice growled. The very sound of it had cut like steel and had sent a chill down her spine -  as if a spider were crawling up her back. "You have something I want, and if you want your father back - you will give it to me."

Annabeth had replied that no, she didn't know what he wanted and that he'd better not have touched a single hair on her fathers head unless he wanted to meet the end of her bronze dagger.

The voice had only laughed at her threat saying "you have 3 hours to surrender yourself and the plans - or your father dies."

Five monsters and two exploding buses later, Annabeth was exhausted. She'd slipped on her Yankees cap, hoping that if the monsters couldn't see her, she'd be fine.

But no such luck.

The monsters as of late had been getting better in terms of their eyesight, rendering the cap of invisibility she'd gotten as a gift from her mother practically useless.

I still have my dagger though, Annabeth thought as she trudged through the woods. She could see the city line of San Francisco gleaming like a jewel off in the distance. 

When she'd left camp, she'd taken nothing but her dagger, her Yankees cap and her backpack that contained Daedalus's Laptop with the plans her fathers kidnapper wanted on it.  

She should have known better than to think building a tunnel connecting the two camp wouldn't raise an alarm with the monsters. 

But how had they found out?

As far as she knew, only Percy, Chiron and Reyna knew about the project.

She trusted all three of them with her life, so someone else must have betrayed the camps.

But who? Someone who doesn't want the camps to be united? Annabeth wondered.

She stopped to catch her breath for a moment, feeling her heart beat fast in her chest. 

She still had time left to save her father - and then she could go back to Seaweed Brain and enjoy whatever he had planned for her.

Yeah, she knew all about that. Percy's face only ever got all smiley whenever he was about to say something dumb, or surprise her - but he was dumb in a good kind of way.

Apparently, stopping to rest was a bad decision though, as she felt the hilt of something - a sword perhaps? - hit her over the back of her head.

Percy, Annabeth thought, before everything faded to black. 


"I don't know how you do this all the time," Percy wheezed, leaning over the garbage can in Crissy Field Park.

Less than five seconds after they'd materialized to the real world, Percy had felt the overwhelming urge to puke.  

Nico smirked at him in amusement. "It sure clears the sinuses."

No, it sure cleared out my stomach.

"Thanks for taking me here, Nico," Percy said, glancing around him. He didn't know how he knew, but it felt like Annabeth was close by. 

He could see the Golden Gate Bridge off in the distance.

"Right," Nico said. "I'm going to head back now, but take this." He tossed Percy a prism. 

Any other person might have found that strange, but prisms were literal life-savers for demigods, as when held up to the light, a half-blood could Iris Message anyone they wanted. 

"Message me when you find her" Nico said.

Percy turned around to say that he would, only to see that Nico had melted into the shadows.

"Right," Percy said aloud. "I guess I should-,"

He froze, his attention turning to something on the ground off in the distance. Walking over to it, he bent down and realized what it was: Annabeth's Yankees cap!

Percy curled his fingers around the cap, and felt something papery inside it.

Unfurling the paper, Percy's blood ran cold as his eyes read the note:

636 West Road

West Point University

Dr. Chase's Office (Rm 7)

Come alone unless you want your nightmare to be made real. Don't be late.

Percy broke into a run then, praying to the Fates that he'd be able to arrive on time.


When Annabeth woke next, she was lying in her fathers arms. 

He smiled down at her, and Annabeth noted that his stormy grey eyes looked tired.

Thank the Gods, Annabeth thought. 

Her father was alright. Not so much as a scratch on him. 

She knew it was a rather selfish thought, but when she'd heard about what happened with her friend Piper's dad all those years ago...

"Annabeth," her father said. "Are you alright?"

He helped her sit up, which was when she noticed that her arms and legs had been tied up.

Glancing around her, Annabeth took in her surroundings. There were countless books stacked around her covering every table, desk, chair and windowsill in the place. Not only that, but an enormous table stood off to the side of her that had tiny figurines engaged in a toy battle.  

"Dad? Are we in your office, right now?"

Her father nodded. "We are, though the door is locked. I've tried to break it down but..."

He held out his hands, showing her the bruises.

Annabeth winced. "Well, have you tried calling for help?"

"I've tried that, Annabeth. But no one can hear me! Even stranger, a colleague of mine Dr. Mason came in and all but ignored me when I was standing right there in front of him!"

Must be the Mist, Annabeth thought. Mortals can't see through it.

Her mind thought back to all the monsters she'd ever encountered. A few minor goddesses were capable of manipulating the mist - Hecate came to mind first. But she had been rather quiet since the war with Kronos years ago.

Had something changed?

The door to the office opened then.

Annabeth steeled herself, and placed herself between the kidnapper and her father. Her hands may be tied, but that didn't mean she couldn't jam one of those toy soldier figures up somewhere painful. 

To her surprise, a young boy strode in, his face pale and frame small.

"Annabeth Chase," the boy said. "It's nice to finally meet you."

Annabeth frowned. The boy in front of her was definitely a half-blood, but from which camp? "Do I know you from somewhere?"

The boys face looked familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. 

He smiled at her, coldly. "The names Alabaster. And you and your boyfriend, Percy Jackson, are going to help me get what I want." 


When Percy opened the door to Dr. Chase's office, he was expecting to face a monster - not a half-blood who looked to be a good many years younger than him.

Much to his relief, he found Annabeth and her father tied up off in the corner, sandwiched between two of the bookcases. 

The surprise must have shown on his face, as the boy in front of him laughed.

"Oh, don't look so surprised, Jackson. We've met before."

"We have?" Percy asked, only to look closer at his face and remember. He'd been on the Princess Andromeda and had been the boy he'd pushed down the stairs.

Percy stared awkwardly down at his feet. It was strange seeing a half-blood who'd worked for Kronos. He didn't even know what had happened to the other campers that had sided with Luke.

"Yeah," I remember you." Percy said at last. "The Princess Andromeda, right?"

The boy nodded. "I'm Alabaster; a child of Hecate." Percy noticed that he said his mothers name with pride - even though he and his friends had had more than enough trouble with the Mist.

"Kronos is long gone," Percy told him. "Is there a reason you've kidnapped my girlfriend and her father?"

And on Valentines day when I'm trying to ask Annabeth something important here? Percy thought, though he kept that bit to himself. 

 Alabaster nodded. "Kronos's army may be gone, but his ideals still live on with the half-bloods that were lucky enough to survive the purge."

"The purge?" Percy asked.

Alabaster's face turned ashen. "It's what I call what happened to those who sided with Kronos. Almost every half-blood who choose to rally against the gods perished. Camp Half-Blood wasn't open to traitors, you see, so most of us had to go it alone out there. And I don't need to tell you how difficult it can be to survive out in the world as a lone halfblood."

Percy glanced around him nervously. There were three half-bloods including himself in the room at present, which made him wonder just how much time they had before a monster picked up their scent. 

He would not see Annabeth's father; a mortal, caught in the middle of anything.

"What's this about?" Annabeth asked.

Alabaster turned his head towards her. "Well, I was hoping you could be the voice of reason given that you're a daughter of Athena. I've learned from some of Jackson's enemies that he can be a bit dense-,"


"But I'm sure he'll listen to you."

"About what?" Percy asked. He wasn't sure he liked this Alabaster guy.

"I have a plan to stop all the monsters," Alabaster said, pausing for effect before he said. "For good this time."


He's joking, Annabeth thought. 

Stop all the monsters for good?

Annabeth looked over at Percy in shock.

She could not have heard correctly.

She and her boyfriend had fought in countless battles together and countless wars, where the monsters had always outnumbered them.

"Very funny," Annabeth said. "But everyone knows that monsters-,"

"Can track the scent of half-bloods" Alabaster finished, waving her off. "Yeah. I know. My sister is the one responsible for that."

Annabeth's heart skipped a beat. "By your sister, you mean...?"

"Lamia," Alabaster affirmed. "The woman - or monster- I should saw that suffered Hera's wrath and decided to take it out on millions of undeserving demigods because of it."

Hera, Annabeth thought angrily. Why did it always come back round' to Hera?

She'd stolen her boyfriend, almost killed Jason, and had sent farting cows after her after she'd had the guts to put her foot down in front of Olympus's Queen. 

"If Lamia's the one responsible for the scent thing," Annabeth said, "Then why don't you let us go and we can help you track her down?"

Albaster sighed. "I've tried that. But unfortunately, my sister is now hiding." He held up a book for her to see. "Ever since I found a spell that could permanently rid her from this world, she's been keeping a low profile."

"Why bring us here, then?" Percy demanded, riptide glowing bright in his hands.

Alabaster glared at him. Annabeth could tell by his stare that he did not at all like Percy. For a moment, Alabaster looked a lot like Luke when he'd been ensnared by Kronos.

"Because no one is listening to me!" Alabaster hissed. "Why build a stupid tunnel between the camps when we can force the gods to track Lamia down and make her reverse what she did? You can't honestly tell me that it's right that the gods sit back and watch countless of us die whilst feigning peace."

Annabeth thought for a moment before answering. "What would you have us do?"

Percy turned to her, surprised. "You want to help him? Annabeth, he worked for Kronos!"

"Kronos is dead, Percy. We also stopped Gaia from rising, but the monsters are still coming. Don't you think we should at least try?"

She hated to be siding with her fathers kidnapper, but she could sense that Alabaster's words rang true. He'd been wronged by the gods - as so many of them had been.

Percy's eyebrows knit together. "Alabaster kidnapped you, Annabeth. I think he's even been messing with my head and sending me nightmares! Do I think we should find Lamia now? Of course, but this is the wrong way."

Annabeth was silent for a moment, watching Percy and Alabaster square off. 

"Fine," the child of Hecate said. "I don't really need you anyway now that I have this." He brandished Daedalus's laptop in the air, waving it under Percy's nose.

Annabeth grit her teeth. "Be careful with that! My life's work is on there!"

Alabaster's eyes glittered. "Oh, I know. It'll serve as a perfect piece of blackmail for Hera."

Annabeth's eyes widened. "You're going to blackmail the Queen of Olympus?"

She didn't like Her Majesty either, but blackmailing a goddess? 

That would be suicide. 

"It's about time that us half-bloods have the upper hand," Alabaster continued, his eyes gleaming. "I'll use your plans to force Hera's hand into reversing the curse Lamia placed on all of us. If she truly is a Queen of Olympus, then she'll oblige."

"And if she doesn't?" Annabeth asked.

Alabaster's face darkened. "Then Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter will never unify. These plans," he said, stroking the laptop, "Will simply go up in smoke."

No, Annabeth thought, struggling in her bonds.

All of her drawings were on there. Not just for the camp project, but for her designs for Olympus. 

"You have every right to be angry at the gods," Annabeth agreed,  doing some quick thinking. "But I don't think blackmailing them is the answer. Why don't we think of a plan and-?"

Too late.

She never got to finish her sentence, as the door to her fathers office blew open, shattering into a million tiny splinters. Annabeth ducked, shielding herself and as much of her father as she could from the blow. 

When the smoke dissapated, a shining woman with silver hair and a dress of shimmering colours stood before them, having been privy to their conversation the entire time.

"Well if it isn't young Alabaster," Hera cooed, glaring daggers at the boy who was now firmly clutching the laptop. "It seems as if we're long over due for a chat."


After Hera's dramatic entrance, Percy's ears felt as if they'd been blow-torched. 

The smoke burned his eyes, and when the dust cleared, he saw to his horror that Annabeth's father was now on the ground, unmoving. 

"DAD!" Annabeth screamed, struggling in her ropes

Thinking quickly, Percy uncapped Riptide and cut through her ropes so she could see to him. Lending a hand, Percy helped Annabeth turn Dr. Chase over.

Other than a small cut on his head, he appeared to be ok, though his eyes were closed, and he was strangely muttering on and on about "cows".

"My apologies," Hera said, not even bothering to look at Dr. Chase. "I forget how...fragile humans can be in our presence. But rest assured that he will live."

Percy saw Annabeth grit her teeth. Even Alabaster looked pissed.

"You did this on purpose, Hera!" Annabeth screamed. 

Hera's eyes turned chilly. "I've said it once before girl, but you clearly need another lesson - be careful who you insult or-,"

"Or what?" Alabaster cut in. "You'll kill us? Or, no, I suppose you'd just sit back and watch as Lamia and a legion of monsters do the job for you!"

If the Queen of Olympus was bothered at all by the mention of Lamia, she did not let on. Instead, she held out her hand.

"Hand over the laptop, and perhaps I can speak to the other gods about allowing your return to Camp Half-Blood."

Alabaster snarled, causing Percy to flinch back. Even though the kid was young, he looked a heck of a lot like Luke when he was angry.

 Percy glanced over at Annabeth and wondered if she was thinking the same thing.

"I have zero interest in setting one foot there," Alabaster said. "All my father and I want is for this senseless bloodshed to end."

Even though he feared he was risking his life by saying this, Percy elected to speak.

"He's not wrong, Hera."

The Queen turned to him, surprised. "Perseus Jackson. I thought you of all people would understand that one does not meddle with the Fates."

Percy shook his head. "This is different. Think of all the heroes now in Elysium because of what you did to Lamia. She only placed the curse on all of us half-bloods - because of you."

Hera's eyes flared. "That woman is-,"

"A monster," Alabaster agreed. "But you can change that." His next words looked painful for him to say, but he managed to get them out. "And...I suppose the next generation of half-bloods would have no choice but to show their thanks for your generous gesture."

Percy nodded in agreement. "Uh, yeah. Right. And, I think we've earned this - after everything we've been through."

Hera turned to Annabeth then, as if waiting for her to speak.

"Well? What's Wisdom's daughter got to say in all this, hmm?"

Annabeth pursued her lips, the way Percy knew she always did whenever she was thinking.

"I think that I want to be able to live a regular normal, life with my boyfriend. One that isn't being ravaged by fighting monsters, wars, and endless fighting." She looked at Percy, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah," Percy said. "I think I'd like that too." 

Hera sighed. "Fine. I'll see what I can do but-,"

"Uh uh," Percy said, shaking his head. "You have to swear on the River Styx. I learned from Hades that a deal is only binding that way."

Hera glowered at him. She'd no doubt come to kill Alabaster, but was instead being outsmarted by three young half-bloods. "Fine. I swear on the River Styx that I will find a way to reverse Lamia's curse."

Outside, thunder cracked.

The deal was struck.

Though when Percy turned back, Hera was gone.

Annabeth's father awoke then, startled. "Wh-what happened? What did I miss?"

Annabeth turned to her father and smiled. "Oh, nothing much. Just dealing with Hera."


True to her word, Hera kept up her end of the bargain. When she'd found Lamia, the two ladies had had it out with one another, though Hera had in the end triumphed.

Not wanting her daughter to suffer any more than she hand by Hera's had, Hecate had stepped in and said she'd take Lamia into her home where she'd no longer torment any half-bloods.

Even though the monsters couldn't smell them anymore, they were still out there, so Annabeth had gotten the Athena and Hephesteus cabin to start the construction with the purpose of merging the two camps.

Her father was in the med-bay near the Big House, though she had no doubt he'd request a tour of camp from her when he woke up.

Until then, Annabeth sat on the edge of the dock thinking of what a future worry-free of monsters might look like.

Percy walked over to her, smiling. "Hey, Wise Girl. Mind if I join you?"

Annabeth nodded, blushing. 

"Where have you been anyway?"

Percy sighed. "I've been trying to convince Alabaster to give Camp Half-Blood a shot. He didn't seem to want to though, saying that he had a father - a Dr. Claymore , I think - that he can stay with."

"So long as he's safe," Annabeth said. "Besides, he knows where the camp is."


She noticed Percy had averted his eyes down nervously.

"Percy? Are you ok?"

He looked at her with his sea-green eyes. "It's just that...it's Valentines Day, and nothing has really quite gone to plan."

Annabeth smiled. "The Fates are tricky like that. What plan did you have in mind Seaweed Brain?"

Percy blushed. "Well...I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and now that the curse has been lifted, I feel like maybe it's the right time t-to ask you."

"Ask me wh-?" Annabeth started, only to stop short when she saw Percy get down on one knee. There was a small box in his hand that had a blue diamond ring in it that was in the shape of an owl. "Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena and the wisest woman I'll ever know, will you marry me?"

Yes! Marry him! Her mind screamed. Though her more rational side said, keep it together Annabeth.

"Oh my gosh. Of course Percy!" she said, throwing her arms around him. 

He spun her around, smiling like an idiot as she laughed.

"Does it fit?" Percy asked, kissing her hand. "I had the Hesphestus cabin make it for you special, but I wasn't sure..."

Annabeth tried the ring on for size, and saw that it was in fact a perfect fit.

"I guess it's not so impossible after all for a child of Athena and a son of Poseidon to be together," Annabeth said.

"No, not impossible," Percy agreed.

And she didn't know if it was just her imagination, but that invisible weight her boyfriend seemed to have been carrying all this time seemed to drop off his shoulders with her words.


After Annabeth had said she'd marry him, Percy knew everything would be alright in the world. When Thanatos eventually did come for their souls, he had no doubt that they'd spend an eternity together in Elysium - but today wasn't that day.

In fact, with the monsters no longer posing as strong a threat, he figured there'd be many more days to come, in which he and the many Heroes of Olympus could create their own Elysium on earth. 

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