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Since I had moved to Manhattan and joined the Special Victims Unit, Olivia and I had become good friends, and I had started to develop feelings for her, which I had long suppressed due to the age difference between us and the fact that she was my father's partner. Olivia had been missing for two days, and the entire Special Victims Unit had been searching without success, which worried me even more.

But one night after my birthday party at a bar, the entire unit got pretty wasted, so I made the decision to get a cab with Olivia make sure she got home safely. At that point, Olivia kissed me, but the next day she said it was a mistake and not to bring it up again. I agreed because I didn't want to put the work environment in an awkward position, but I couldn't suppress my feelings for her.

I was planning on getting transferred out of the unit before she was kidnapped. I had been working on the case constantly day and night without sleep because I wanted to find her more than anything, so as I was standing in front of the wall in my apartment where I had made a mind map of all the information, something clicked and I figured out where she was being kept. I then grabbed my jacket and my gun before leaving my apartment and hopping into my car and driving off.

I drove quickly through Manhattan until I arrived at the destination, then I pulled over, got out, grabbed my gun, and started walking towards the building. I crept in slowly and quietly, looking around me as I held up my gun until I heard a noise, at which point I headed up some stairs that led to a balcony where I looked over when I saw three men staring at a person who was tied to a chair and I realised it was Olivia.

I didn't want to draw attention to myself, so I sat down and hid behind a cover while listening for a moment. When I realised that I couldn't use my gun because it would be 3 against 1, I put it back into its holster and crawled across the floor until I came to another flight of stairs that led down to the area where Olivia was being held.

I had learned Karate as a child and was good at it; I was a global champion, but as I got older, I lost interest. I hid behind a corner until one of the men approached me with his back to me. I then underkicked him, causing him to fall to the ground. I then grabbed his gun and threw it across the room, revealing my presence. A bullet entered my arm as gunfire started to hit the pillar I was hiding behind.

Which caused pain to hit me as I reached for my gun and started to fire back until I ran out tubing over and hit one of the men in the face with a gun knocking him out as he hit the ground before I started using Karate to fight them as Olivia sat there in the chair with tape over her mouth, terrified as tears started to fall down her face. After making sure they were all unconscious. I then ran over to Olivia, crouching down to cut her free and remove the tape. "Matthew," Olivia whispered as I pulled her up, and then we started walking, at which point everything became hazy.

As Olivia looked at me worried as I placed my hand on my chest because I felt pain as I moved my hand I saw blood before my legs gave way and I felt to the ground "Matthew" Olivia said as she ran over and bent over me as I laid there bleeding out. Before I passed out I heard sirens approaching before everything went black. The next thing I remembered was my eyes opening with blurred vision as it began to become clear I noticed I was in a hospital as I looked around me until I saw Olivia sat there asleep in the chair beside my bed as I tried to move I felt pain.

Which caused me to groan which woke Olivia up "hey" I said as I saw her eyes open as she looked at me "hi" Olivia said with a smile as she walked over to me "how long have I been out" I asked because I noticed that Olivia wasn't in a hospital gown and she had been beaten, "a week you lost a lot of blood and it was touch and go for a while" Olivia said as a look of sadness filled her face "how are you feeling" Olivia asked which confused me "I should be asking that to you" I said as I reached out to her hand which made her flinch.

"I'm not gonna going to hurt you Olivia" I said as tears began to fill her eyes "I know" Olivia said as she sat down on the bed next to me as we looked at each other, Olivia had been through so much, kidnapped and raped I understood why she was scared "I know you don't have the same feelings for me but I will always be there to protect you not matter what" I said as I began to cry as Olivia lent forward and placed a kiss on my lips which made me smile because I knew that she felt something for me so I kissed her back "I love you too" Olivia said as our kiss ended and she placed her hand on mine.

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