Chapter 11.3

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I remained frozen, my muscles locked as I stared at the spot where Alec had stood a heartbeat before. In his place loomed... The Stalker?

Impossible. Alec was The Stalker. But Alec lay on the ground in a growing pool of his own blood, agonized groans tearing from his throat. Relief crashed through me as I saw him roll onto his back, his skin rapidly darkening to a deep midnight hue.

The new Stalker spared Alec a dismissive glance as well and snorted. Then, it turned to look at us, glowering.

I had seen Alec before in his proper form. The images and experience rushed back to me. The great curved horns, the flailing tentacles, the long, delicate claws, the smooth, mask like facial features. Even then, he had been kind, protective. There had been no hate or malice on his alien features.

This Stalker held no such humanity. Its alien features contorted with pure, unadulterated malevolence.

The new Stalker towered over us, a behemoth of alien muscle and barely contained rage. Its mmassive frame was bulky beyond reason yet coiled with lethal purpose. Each movement sent ripples through its corded physique, layers upon layers of dense musculature shifting beneath its armored hide.

This was no sleek predator, but a juggernaut bred for war and carnage. Its midnight-blue carapace bore a tapestry of scars and gouges, each one speaking to countless battles survived and foes vanquished. These marks of combat crisscrossed its hulking form, some faded to silvery ridges, others still raw and puckered, hinting at recent, savage conflicts.

Its chest expanded like a battering ram, each inhalation speaking of lungs capable of roars that could shatter stone. Shoulders broad enough to carry the weight of worlds led to arms thick as tree trunks, each limb rippling with enough strength to tear a tank in two.

The New Stalker's legs were pillars of raw power, muscles bunched and coiled, ready to propel its immense bulk with terrifying speed. Its stance spoke of a center of gravity low and stable, like a fortress given terrible life and mobility. Unlike Alec's Stalker form, the legs were unmistakably human, with a single knee in the middle of the leg, huge and crushing, designed for stability, immovability, to stand in the center of conflict and unleash hell. 

Every inch of the creature exuded an aura of violent potential. From the crown of spikes adorning its head to the lashing tail that could likely topple buildings with a single swipe, the Stalker was a machine of destruction. Its eyes blazed with the fury of a thousand conquered worlds, promising annihilation to all who stood in its path.

This was devastation incarnate, sculpted by conflict into the ultimate engine of war. As it loomed over us, the air itself seemed to tremble in anticipation of the havoc it was poised to unleash.

Ragger stepped forward, a chilling howl of challenge and hatred ripping from his throat.

The new Stalker's smooth maw split into a grotesque approximation of a smile as it spoke, its voice a sibilant hiss. "Ah... Karagorn Anubiska. Our fallen general. You show your face at last. I was hunting for the Karagaunt, what a nice bonus to find you in its company."

Ragger bristled, his fur standing on end. "This is irregular. You have caught me off guard. I see the Empress has found a new Thrall."

"Because you've grown insolent, and old, and weak. Hardly a surprise. I know much of you, Karagorn. How pathetic that you've chosen such a feeble host."

The Thrall lowered itself to Ragger's level, placing its clawed hands on the ground in a runner's stance. 

Ragger looked at me. "Kendall, it is time for you to leave." As he spoke, I noticed his legs swelling, lengthening. His tail stretched out behind him and his fur began to fall to the ground in clumps, taut gray skin showing beneath, muscles bulging. His jaw split wider and he began to take on the familiar form of the Prowlers I had encountered.

Only... Bigger. Much bigger. Holy shit, so much bigger. I stumbled backwards and fell flat on my ass as Ragger twisted and stretched, towering above me.

Ragger turned his glowing blue eyes back to the Thrall. "Not so feeble. I carry with me all the genetic patterns of my former hosts. What's the saying humans are so fond of? Teaching an old dog new tricks? Yes, that's it... This dog knows some tricks. And another human saying that I personally am fond of... Fight me, you fuck."

The Thrall hissed, circling Ragger with predatory intent. Ragger lunged, his dagger-like teeth sinking deep into the Stalker's shoulder joint as he hauled the creature off its feet, shaking his massive head with vicious force. Iridescent blood splattered my face and I wiped at it desperately, scooting backwards.

It clawed at Ragger's side, and he howled in pain, releasing the monster and leaping backwards, landing hard and skidding, his claws digging deep grooves into the stone.

"Not bad, youngling," Ragger rumbled. "You've undergone the vorhekt, seeking power. But while you've made some alterations to your form, it cost you your venom, didn't it?  This is why you do not alter perfection."

The Thrall's multifaceted eyes flashed angrily. "I don't need that to defeat you."

"I beg to disagree," Ragger chuckled darkly, then jumped again.

At the last second, he angled downwards, leveraging his front paws against the ground as he spun. His thick, barbed tail smashed into the Thrall's chest, the spines piercing its torso. The Stalker snarled in agony as it hurtled through the air, hitting the ground in a tangle of thrashing limbs. It scrabbled at the trees with its lower arms until it rolled to a stop. Surging to its feet, it charged straight at Ragger.

Without warning, a second azure blur exploded from the forest, colliding with the Thrall in a furious tangle of slashing claws and stabbing tentacles. They crashed to the ground in a whirlwind of violence, rolling and grappling. The newcomer dodged a vicious stab of the Thrall's tentacles and vaulted to its feet.

I scrubbed at my eyes, squinting through the shimmering blood.


He towered over the Thrall in his Turned form, his frame leaner and more regal than his monstrous foe, his horns more elaborate, the patterns on his skin more vibrant. There was the magnificent creature I had encountered so long ago.

With a vicious kick, Alec sent the false Stalker rolling several times.

Alec's mask cracked open to reveal his many teeth, and a forked tongue ran across them, catching rivulets of blue blood before darting back into his mouth before he spoke.

"Get. The fuck. Away. From. My. Family."

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