Chapter 9.2

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I began to recount the events of that fateful day, starting with the moment we had parted ways in the store and how I had lured the remaining Prowlers and Stalkers to the back of the store. How I had come to a dead end and knew that I was going to die. Going toe to toe with three Prowlers. I described the agony of my injuries and the relief I felt at finally being able to let go. How happy I had been to see them all one last time, even dying in the street with half a face. Then, waking up, the searing pain as the Visharath virus knit my flesh back together. I told them about Echo's desperate gamble to save both our lives, and the unexpected consequences of our merging.

As I spoke, I could feel their shock and horror mounting. Kendall's face drained of color, while Lilly's eyes brimmed with tears, her small teeth chewing at the corner of one her lips. Even Ragger appeared unsettled by the tale, looking away at times, lips curled, seemingly angered.

I recounted my trailing behind them, following them for a few weeks as they traversed the wasteland. Stealing some of their keepsakes as they slept. Slaughtering every Turned and human within a hundred miles of them that might present a threat. The heartwrenching decision to leave them behind and move on.

Kendall choked back a sob several times, realizing that I had never known that they knew and were looking for me.

I told them about my travels across the country, meeting new friends, experiencing new betrayal and loss, and finally finding a home here for the past few months.

When I finished, a heavy silence descended on the room. Lilly was the first to break it, her voice trembling. "I can't imagine what you've been through, Alec. I'm so sorry we weren't there for you. That... That we left you. "

I shook my head. "You couldn't have known. And even if you had, there was nothing you could have done. This was my choice, my burden to bear."

Kendall cleared his throat, his expression grim as he spoke the words I had dreaded for so long, since those days in the woods alone and afraid. "So what now? You're one of them, How do we live?" He spread his arms. "Hiding out alone with you, secretive and drunk?"

I met his gaze unflinchingly. "I'm still me, Kendall. Just... different. Stronger, faster, yes. A whole lot harder to kill. Echo and I, we're partners in this. She's not controlling me, not making me do anything I don't want to do."

Shanta nodded, her words transforming Molly's innocent face into something ancient and wise: "The bond between host and symbiote is a sacred one. It is a union of equals, not a subjugation. Alec and Echo are two halves of a whole, each bringing their own strengths to the partnership."

"What do you mean," I asked, turning to face her. "The bond between host and symbiote?"

"You do not truly believe you are the first, do you?" Ragger said.


Lilly stepped forward, taking my hand in hers. Her touch was warm and familiar, a reminder of the life I had left behind. "None of that matters. Not right now. I believe you, Alec. And I'm with you, no matter what. We all are."

Kendall nodded his agreement, though I could see the lingering wariness in his eyes. I couldn't blame him. I was a stranger to him now, a creature he barely recognized. Regardless of what he'd thought, chasing after me all this time, what he thought he would find or regain - the reality in front of him was different. I gazed at him. He'd changed too, perhaps even as much as I had.

He'd grown. Again. I wasn't even sure if that was possible, but he was definitely bigger. His shoulders had filled out, and he had stubble on his chin. As he folded his arms across his chest, I noted the rippling muscle under his shirt, the tendons on his forearms stretching and rolling as he adjusted his stance. He was no longer the boy I had grown up with - not even the boy I'd found so bravely standing his ground with our mother in the basement of the cabin.

"What?" He narrowed his eyes at me as I searched his face for signs of the sweet child who had once cried in my arms because he'd accidentally killed a snail and asked if I could forgive him because the snail wasn't able to.

I shook my head. "You're a man now." Tears stung at the corner of my eyes.

"I'm sorry I missed so much of your life, Kendall. First going off to college... All the time I spent looking for you... All the time you spent looking for me. I'm so sorry."

His gaze softened as he spoke. "Nothing you wouldn't have done. 'Help when you can, lead when you have to,' remember?"

I nodded and smiled, wiping snot away from my nose as a thought occurred to me.

"You ask how we're supposed to live... Why can't we just go home?"

His expression tightened. "We aren't allowed back."

"What the fuck do you mean we aren't allowed back?"

"When we discovered... What had happened to you, we..."

"We put it to a vote," Lilly said. "Just like everything else. Just like you taught us. The core voted."

Realization dawned on me.

Kendall snorted. "If you wanna call that shitshow a vote."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that Finn strongarmed us. Called us traitors, lunatics. Convinced James and the others that since we were leaving, our vote didn't matter. The vote was not whether we were allowed back, but if you would ever be allowed to return. The answer, besides those of us that elected to come after you, was a resounding no. So, technically, we can go home whenever we want. But you will be shot on sight."

My throat tightened with emotion. It was a betrayal I had never even entertained, nor expected. I had closed that chapter of my life. It made sense, but still... After all we had been through together? With proof that I was protecting them and would not hurt them?

"Alec, I'm so sorry." Echo hummed, attempting to soothe my wounded ego. "Here..."

I felt movement in my skull, and then, as sudden as the grief had crashed over me, I now felt near elation.

"What did you just do?"

"Your brain is full of interesting buttons from my perspective, Alec. I stimulated your dopamine centers. Haven't you ever wondered why things don't hurt much for you?"

"Well, no, I just figured it was a byproduct of healing fast."

She chuckled and fell silent.

"Okay," I said slowly. "I get their reasoning. I'm a little butthurt about it, but okay."

"Fuck 'em," Lilly said. "James always was a little weasel anyway, all we need is you and me babe."

Kendall raised a hand. "Hi, chopped liver here."

"You can come too, I guess."

"And Mathis and Irene."

I perked up. "Mathis and Irene? They came with you?"

Lilly rolled her eyes. "Of course they did. Mathis would let you fuck Irene if you asked, swear to God. The man worships the ground you walk on."

"Well, where are they then?"

"At a local co-op camp where we've been staying."

I jumped to my feet. "Then why the fuck are we still here?"

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