Interlude - Alone at Last - (Alec)

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I came to in a haze of bright blue and purple light, struggling to focus through squinted eyes.

Slowly, I was able to make out that I was in a small cell made of gleaming metal. There was nothing around me. No bed. No toilet. Just three bare walls and one wall seemingly made of shimmering light. Beyond it I could see shapes moving, blurry and unfamiliar.

Lilly and Kendall's face floated before me, coated in gore and horror. Lilly screaming my name. The Thrall holding me aloft, its fist plummeting towards my face and then...

The translucent wall flashed brightly, then dissipated. Outside stood the Thrall, flanked by several Reavers, and a few other species I did not recognize, all tentacles and teeth. I wondered for half a moment if they were Turned from the planet that created Echo's symbiotic nature.

I forced leaden limbs to obey, hauling myself up against the wall until I stood on trembling legs, fists raised in defiance. The Reavers' rifles twitched, but I paid them no heed. I reached inward, willing the change to take me - but there was only emptiness. Panic flared. Why couldn't I transform? What had they done?

The Thrall raised a hand and the Reavers lowered their weapons. It crouched before me, teeth bared in a mocking grin. "Missing something?"

"Echo?" I called out within my mind, desperate for her comforting presence. Silence. "ECHO?!"

I reached up and felt the back of my head, for the first time noticing that some contraption had been attached to the base of my skull. I clutched at it, fingers scrabbling against cold metal fused to flesh and bone, trying to tear it free, but blinding agony exploded through my head, sending me crashing to the ground.

"What..." I gasped through gritted teeth, "What have you done to her?"

It chuckled, eyes boring into mine with malicious glee.

I reached out again, straining for any hint of Echo, but there was nothing. They had ripped her from me, leaving me broken and alone. Tears burned in my eyes. Was she dead? Had they destroyed her? My precious little beacon of light, so soon after discovering what we had...

"GIVE HER BACK!" I roared, lashing out at the Thrall. Bones crunched and splintered as my fist connected with its jaw. It was like punching a solid steel plate. I collapsed, howling in agony, clutching the ruined mess of my hand, shards of bone piercing through ragged flesh.

The Thrall stood, looming over me. "Don't worry, she's still in there... for now. We just needed to make sure you understand who's really in control here." It turned and strode away, the barrier flashing back to life behind it, leaving me crumpled on the floor, with nothing but my pain and the absolute most crushing loneliness I had ever faced. 

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