chapter 2

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I woke up finding Dovekit jabbing me hard. I opened my eyes and said " why are you poookkkkiiinnnnggg ME!". she bounced around and said " dad scared off a shadowclan cat from our territory  i'm glad he isn't hurt."  I sat up " you woke me from my slumber to tell me this?". Dovekit nodded I groaned and slapped my forehead with my paw. ( not sure if this is even possible ).  I pounced on her and wrestled her " don't do that ever again". Foxstorm came in and pushed me off Dovekit and dropped a scrawny mouse. i took a bite then Dovekit took a bite. I sighed looking outside the nursery at the frost. I ran outside then went to wait outside the warriors den and waited for my dad to come out. a white tom exited the den i jumped on his leg " Dad!" he licked my head Dovekit ran up and nudged him and squealed " you were so brave". a brown tom yowled from inside the warrior den "keep your kits under control Frozenblizard." our dad ushered us away and told us " some day you will be the most fierce warriors and keep our territory protected." Dovekit smiled and i told Frozenblizard " i know dad i know!"  he smiled and then went to talk to Foxstorm. i nudged Dovekit "let's go talk to the elders their stories are always so good!" i ran off not aiting for her to tell me yes or no. I skidded into the elders den and saw our six elders Forgottenmind, Brokenspirit, Blindsight, HalfEar, Ancienteyes and Smalltail. I sat down smiling eagerly as Dovekit came in the den and sat next to me. " tell us the some more battle stories please!" I pleaded to them Dovekit just rolled her eyes. Smalltail chuckled and asked " whose turn was it again?" Brokenspirit sighed "me."  Brokenspirit began his story i listened intently "many moons ago when Larkstar was the deputy it was a dark night, Larkshine and Fallstar had left the camp not tell anyone were they were going leaving you Smalltail in charge he was a warrior at the time." Brokenspirit looked at Smalltail was smiling.  Brokenspirit continued " they went out to sunnings rock were they met the Riverclan leader Feircestar and deputy Largerock it was a tussle between the ownership of sunnings rock!" he yowled making Forgottenmind jump into a battle position. Ancienteyes relaxed Forgottenmind and he sat back down. Brokenspirit then said " Larkshine fought Largerock while Fallstar tackled Feircestar, Larkshine ended up ontop of Largerock and gave him the killing bite when she looked over to Fallstar he was lying on the ground Larkshine went to help but Fallstar told her this is my battle stop go back to camp i may join you or i may not then Larkshine ran back to camp and nobody ever saw Fallstar again not even his dead body."  I smiled and Dovekit rolled her eyes " could next time we maybe hear i different kind of story?" I shook my head " but the fighting ones are the best kind!" i raced out of the den and into the nursery. Dovekit came after me and we curled up together and fell asleep.

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