제16장: Smile To The Camera

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Note before reading: If the scenes feel rushed, that means that the book still needs to be revised after completion.

Feedbacks are highly appreciated if there are mistakes or anything that you want to let the author know.

Lovelots! 💕 If this chapter does not have any translations, this means that the author is still trying to find the appropriate translator to avoid any misunderstandings.

This part is still unedited and will be revised in the future.

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After a few talks about where we would take the pictures, we decided to go for three locations.

The more shots we could take, the more photos we can check out. Among those choices, we would be able to find the perfect one.

So, the locations we decided to go for were the arcade, a camping spot, and even the ice skating rink.

But of course, we'd only take the camping trip on one of our backyards since the lighting would be great at night with LED lights if we had one — well, hopefully, everything would go as planned.

Gunyeo was the one who was in charge this time while Naehyun and I help him with the ideas.

Since this paper would talk more about fun memories, sharing our thoughts was definitely in the picture.

It could be something memorable or even embarrassing but still fun in the eyes of the person who had that experience. 

And that was something that Gunyeo wanted to portray. The emotions should be in the picture.

Right now, we were outside the arcade, eating tteokbokki. We were still deciding who would be the model or models in the photo that was to be taken inside.

"So, let me get this straight," Naehyun started, wiping his mouth with a handkerchief. "We need to make sure that the lights in there would be blurred a bit and the model's face would be the main focus?"

"Isn't the place the one that is most important here?" he asked Gunyeo that was next to me, silently staring at the arcade. He was too deep in thought to hear Naehyun so I nudged his shoulder a bit.

Gunyeo frowned at this but decided to answer, "We'll focus on the person, yes. But the background would be a bit blurred --- not too much, mind you."

"We just have to align it right," he added so Naehyun wouldn't be able to contest. I was about to agree with him but I wasn't quite sure how the picture would come out, considering that there was no professional photographer here with us. 

Gunyeo probably noticed my worried look and decided to face me. "Is there something wrong, Eysee?" 

"Who would be the one to take the photos? I mean, I only have my phone and I'm not even sure if the quality would be good in this." I then saw Naehyun nodding before he took out his phone.

"Eysee's right. The focus on the phones would probably not be too good than an actual camera at this range," he pointed out. That was true. Even if we do have our phones, there was a chance that it would take us an amount of time to focus and get a good photo.  

Suddenly, we didn't quite expect that Gunyeo had his own DSLR camera inside his bag. He quickly gave it to Naehyun with a small smile on his face. "Do you guys really think that we'd go here unprepared?"

After that, he told us to follow him inside as soon as we finish our food. Not wanting to be left behind, I decided to finish mine and throw the trash on a garbage can while Naehyun pouted and decided to do the same. 

"Hey! Wait for me!" Naehyun called out to us as we went inside and immediately met machines beeping and lots of people chattering and playing inside.

Seeing how crowded it was, I was then filled with doubt on how this would work out — considering that there were a lot of people in here and there's a possibility that they'd get in the shot too.

I was surprised when Gunyeo took the camera from Naehyun's hand, positioned it to take one shot, and hummed. After that, he suddenly waved his hand to tell us to follow him. "Come, I found the perfect spot for the first one."

He then gave us a little money to get some tokens for us to play with the machines. Since Gunyeo was already doing a huge part, we declined and told him we'd get it instead of using our own pocket change. After a few minutes of getting in line and having the tokens — with Naehyun complaining a bit earlier in the queue — Gunyeo decided to lead us to a water gun machine.

Well, the rules were simple. We just have to shoot the enemies or the screen and get a good amount of score. But to make all the emotions realistic in the photo, Gunyeo decided that we should play it and he'll be the one to take the shot. 

At first, I thought that the water was only projected on the screen so I carelessly aimed it high and pulled the trigger.

But I didn't expect it to shoot real water from its barrel. Since Gunyeo was right next to me, he almost jumped when he felt his hair getting wet from the sudden outburst of water. I widened my eyes at this and immediately let go of the water gun — bowing down to apologize. 

"Oh no, I didn't mean it. Gunyeo, I'm really sorry. I thought that there was no water in this. Ah, I shouldn't have pulled the trigger." Naehyun watched with wide eyes as Gunyeo sighed, pulling out a handkerchief and drying up his hair. 

"No, it's alright." After that little stunt, I felt Naehyun giving me a pat on the shoulder and smiling widely. I couldn't help but try to smile back as he poked my cheek before laughing. I cheekily pushed him a bit before I grinned.

Though I didn't expect Gunyeo to take a picture, a white flash suddenly appearing while Naehyun tried to cheer me up. Once we turned back our attention to him, we heard him hum before nodding to us. 

"I didn't expect that the first shot would be a good one. Alright, you two, let's take more pictures and then go to the second location," he told us before letting us play. Of course, Naehyun had other ideas right before we go to our second plan.

He wanted us to the karaoke room. 

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