제26장: The Water Prince

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Note before reading: If the scenes feel rushed, that means that the book still needs to be revised after completion. As I said, feedbacks are highly appreciated if there are mistakes or anything that you want to let the author know. Lovelots! 💕

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The second battle had already commenced and the cheers got louder and louder as the students kept on chanting Naehyun and Heejun's names all over again. The starter wasn't really whistling yet so there was still a lot of time for them to get prepared.

As soon as I approached both of them, Naehyun was already looking at Heejun with a frown plastered on his face. I guess he was a bit nervous since the last match, they had a tie. Beating Heejun would be a bit difficult than he would expect. I tried giving him a cheer but he just won't budge. He just stood there, a bit dazed, and seem to be thinking a lot.

Heejun, on the other hand, was just as calm as the wind. He wasn't noticing Naehyun's gaze over him. Instead, he was just looking and scrolling on his phone as usual — possibly trying to see his social media accounts before the match. But once I saw his other free hand fidgeting a bit, I assumed that he was a bit nervous but not as much as Naehyun.

"Contestants, to your boards! We will start in five minutes."

That was it. Both of their gazes went towards the starter as the whistle was already set and the judges had already sat on their seats. Heejun and Naehyun looked at each other and gave a handshake to both — smiling as they then part to go to their own boards. A lot of students had then silenced down as the natatorium was filled with nothing but tension.

Jihun and Yoonwoo then went back and I followed them. It would be a difficult match for them but I'm guessing that they already knew that whoever wins, the losing individual must accept it. They're both friends so I know there won't be any arguments after.

"Ready?" Jihun asked me as I only nodded. May the best swimming contestant wins.

The whistle had then been blown and both of them had already submerged in the water. Naehyun at first was steady but he decided to move fastly up above, flinging his arms as he catch his breath again. Heejun, on the other hand, was doing the same but he was getting a bit slow at the last pace.

There was no actual violation considering it was a school competition and the judges had decided to do a freestyle stroke on this one. A freestyle has no limits and the two had already shown their best. Most of the students cheered for Naehyun since he was already getting an inch ahead of Heejun.

I was about to tell Jihun about how Naehyun was winning but he just told me to keep quiet and watch Heejun.

There, I noticed their rhythm was almost the same now as they swiftly moved to reach the end. Wait, wasn't Naehyun having a bit of an advantage earlier? At this point, everyone held their breath as Naehyun accelerated and passed Heejun before going back to try to reach the end.

There was a huge gap between them and Yoonwoo for sure almost thought that he'd win. But everyone suddenly gasped as Heejun decided to swim more underwater than going back up only catching his breath. This was the first time I've seen someone not going up for at least a second.

I then saw Jihun smirking before clapping his hands — most of the students staring at him.

"Go vice!" Jihun yelled out as I then saw Heejun finally reaching the starting point — the starter whistling once again to indicate that the match was already over.

That was crazy. I never knew that he could last that long underwater.

Naehyun followed seconds later, going back up and wiping his face with his hands as Heejun had finally climbed back up with a smile on his face. Jihun immediately rushed over to him, handing the towel for Heejun to take.

"Good job out there, I didn't expect you to go full mermaid on that pool," Jihun teased as Yoonwoo only laughed a bit — following Heejun's reaction. I decided to go to Naehyun and give him his towel. Though, he only took it and thanked me.

"You did a good job too," I commented as Naehyun smiled cheekily and gave a thumbs up.

"Good job, maknae!" I heard Jihun adding right after I congratulated Naehyun. Heejun and Yoonwoo did as well and Naehyun thanked the three of them before returning his gaze right at me.

"Yeah, no need to worry. Heejun hyung always takes the championship title. I swear he's almost like he was already born underwater." I almost laughed at his comment. Naehyun only shrugged the championship off, walking right towards the hyungs, thanking Heejun for the match, and bidding goodbye.

At first, I wasn't really sure why he was such in a hurry until I heard louder cheers and drums coming right outside. Oh right, the soccer match. Gunyeo was the next one to compete. Knowing that the others were already rushing, I approached Heejun and smiled.

"Congratulations on the champion title, Heejun." His eyes were fixed on me before he cheekily smiled like Naehyun and thanked me.

"Thanks. You should do good on the quiz later too. Gunyeo's going to be hard to beat," he replied before his finger then went under his chin. "Speaking of Gunyeo, is his match already starting?"

He then walked towards his bag and made sure to turn his back towards us before putting on a shirt. Jihun then told him that it was already starting so Heejun quickly widened his eyes and told him to wait for him as he change.

As he rushed to a changing room, Jihun then told him that he'd wait for him at the field. Yoonwoo only followed but was confused as to why I wasn't following them.

"I'll wait for Heejun. I don't want him to think we ditched him," I answered Yoonwoo as he nodded at my answer.

"Alright, we'll wait for you there." 

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