제36장: Reward for the Wins

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Note before reading: If the scenes feel rushed, that means that the book still needs to be revised after completion. As I said, feedbacks are highly appreciated if there are mistakes or anything that you want to let the author know. Lovelots! 💕

▬▬▬▬ 💜 ▬▬▬▬

Another day had broken out.

This time, I was the one late. I should've put those alarms really loud next time. Even if I had set up that many, then I should try not to just sleep over all of them and wake up on at least one. Running inside of the school campus, I tried to make sure to put my bag in our room before the bell had finally signaled that it was time.

Though, the problem is how I'll be able to get in without being noticed by that many students at the gymnasium. That was already the awarding ceremony and the only way in was where most students go. But since it was probably filled with students, I still have a chance that I won't get spotted.

Taking a deep breath, I rushed to go to the gymnasium and made sure to enter without a noise. The one on the top of the stage was Heejun announcing the winners and Yoonwoo was there getting his certificate and a small trophy for the recognition.

Once I finally got in line, I saw Gunyeo looking back at me with wide eyes and even attempted to chat with me during the program. "This is the first time you were late. Be glad that Heejun hyung knew and announced Yoonwoo first before you."

"For that, I am grateful." Suddenly, the announcers called Jihun and even his teammates up the stage as Yoonwoo went back on his line and looked at us. Up until now, I was confused as to why he had wanted to keep it from the group that we were in the music room.

Maybe I wasn't really meant to know that they play like a band?

After all, if they do want me to know, then Naehyun would've said something. Turning my attention back to where Yoonwoo was, he only smiled at me and muttered congrats before I nodded and did the same.

Finally, it was my time to be on the stage, and I saw all of them smiling as I took the small trophy from Heejun and grinned. I guess being an exchange student wasn't bad at all.

As soon as I got off the stage and the ceremony ended, we all went back to our classrooms and I finally sat on my chair — taking a deep breath after this.

Though, it didn't seem to finish as soon as I saw Heejun and Yoonwoo on our doors, calling our names. Naehyun decided to approach them and I followed since they all seem to be talking about something.

"Oh, Eysee, we'll all have a congratulatory meal at a restaurant nearby. Want to come?" Yoonwoo asked as he smiled before looking at Heejun.

"It's just around the block," he continued as their vice rubbed his nape before sighing.

"I hope you guys aren't scared of dogs. Eysee, you don't have to worry, by the way, you already met 현우."

When I heard that, I was really thankful that it wouldn't be any dog. But when Heejun smiled awkwardly at me, the colors on my face drained, and looked at him with scared eyes.

"Please don't tell me there's another dog..."

"No worries, you'll be fine."

"How many?" He only laughed at this as judging his tone, he was uncertain to tell me. I already told myself at this point to expect the worst-case scenario.

"Three, maybe more." I almost fainted at the spot but only to regain composure once I assured myself that maybe it would be like his Akita instead of those large dogs that bite.

No harm would come, right?

▬▬▬▬ 💜 ▬▬▬▬

Scratch that. Everything seems fine.

We were walking down the street and finally to a road leading to the restaurant. I haven't really been to this part before but I heard from Yoonwoo that he usually visits this place since the restaurant offers great meals that are affordable for our budget.

Seems to be a great deal to just pass.

As soon as we walked by a house, I suddenly heard the gate opening and an Akita dog jumping right on Heejun's arms. He was shocked at first but immediately looks around before he sighed.

"My sister probably forgot to tie 현우 again," he mumbled before nodding and the dog ran back inside. Though, it was shocking to see another dog on their porch, smiling as we gaze at it.

This time, it was a Shiba and it was only looking at us instead of the toys in front of him. Even Naehyun glanced in awe before trying to go inside Heejun's house.

"Hyung, looks like your Shiba likes me so much. Look at it." As soon as he was about to approach the dog on the porch, another one bumped into his shoes and his attention was immediately directed to the little chihuahua.

"Oh, hyung, you got a new dog? This one is a cutie!" That was the first time that I saw Heejun panic all of the sudden. He was about to run inside but I already heard Naehyun screaming at the top of his lungs.

Yoonwoo, out of instinct, pulled me as Naehyun ran back outside with the chihuahua on his tail. Since we were a bit out of the dog's sight, we were shocked when it looked at Gunyeo and growled.

Gunyeo tried not to move but out of instinct followed and ran along with Naehyun as soon as the dog tried to bite him. Since he was a soccer player, he ran much faster and also climbed on the tree across Heejun's house.

Naehyun, unfortunately, climbed up the tree but the dog had managed to bite on his pants. So, Heejun had yelled at him not to climb even further.

Naehyun only widened his eyes and shook his head. "Hyung, your dog is biting my pants. Don't expect me not to climb!"

"That's my dog! Let me at least get him off you then!"

But before Heejun could approach them more, the dog had decided to growl — making Naehyun more scared and screamed.

"Get it off me now, hyung!" 

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