제4장: The Other Sides of Three

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Note before reading: If the scenes feel rushed, that means that the book still needs to be revised after completion. Like I said, feedbacks are highly appreciated if there are mistakes or anything that you want to let the author know. Lovelots! 💕

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When my eyes casted back outside, I saw Heejun running in our classroom. Most of my classmates had already gone out to the cafeteria for lunch but I was confused to why he was here.

You see, Heejun rarely comes at this time. He would rather be with Jihun, the library, the teacher's room, or either at patrol.

Sometimes, there would be chaos and he'll be the one to stop it --- with some help of the student councils, of course.

Raising my eyebrows at him, I stretched my arms upwards before crossing it. It can't be possible that he's running away from his admirers, right?

"무례하게 굴고 싶지 않아요. 하지만... 여긴 왜 왔어요, 부통령님? (I don't want to be rude. But...why are you here, vice president?)" I asked him as he then looked at me, fixing his glasses in the process.

His blonde hair falling a bit as he then took his time to look inside our room. I could tell that he wanted to announce something urgent but completely stopped when he saw how empty the room was.

I was the only person left in this classroom.

"그냥 내현이를 찾고 있었어. 나는 방금 몇몇 선생님들과 이야기를 나누었다. (I was just looking for Naehyun. I just had a talk with some teachers.)" Oh great, he's in trouble again. Mentally facepalming, I just sighed.

"He's at the cafeteria if you want to talk to him. Is it about suspencion due to his tardiness?" His eyes widened and shook his head though, which surprised me to say at least.

"아니, 역사 얘기야. 선생님은 그가 없는 동안 몇 가지 기사에 대해 의논해 보라고 하셨다, (No, it's about the history one. The teacher wanted him to discuss some articles while he's gone.)" he explained as I nod. It was a relief that Naehyun wasn't going to get in trouble after all.

When he was about to leave, I then took that time to ask him about Jihun. "희준선배 씨, 내현 씨와 구녀 씨가 지훈 씨를 화나게 한 게 뭔지 아세요?(Heejun sunbae, do you know what Naehyun and Gunyeo did to make Jihun mad?)"

He blinked before he then looked around. His confused expression was evident once he heard about this.

Maybe it wasn't a good time to question him? He's probably in a rush anyway.

Once I tried to avert my attention to him, I was surprised to hear him answering in a low tone. "화났어? 그 셋 사이는 아닌 것 같아. (Mad? I don't think that's the case between those three.)"

"What do you mean, vice?" There was a hint of confusion in my tone when I had asked him about it.

It was a bit suspicious and weird at the same time that he'd be the one to say that Jihun was actually okay rather than mad.

Heejun then decided to lean on the doorframe, putting his finger under his chin as if he was pondering. "봐, 지훈형은 그렇게 나쁘지 않아. 사실, 그는 그 그룹에서 가장 배려심이 많은 사람이야. (You see, Jihun hyung is not that bad. In fact, he's the most caring one in the group.)"

My eyebrows furrowed at that point and my lips had already curled into a frown. "But...he looks so cold."

"하, 나도 그렇게 생각했지만. (Ha, that's what I thought so too.)" he chuckled at what I told him. "중학교 2학년 때, 나는 그에게 약간의 문제가 생겼다. (Junior year, I got a bit of problems with him.)"

"We get along well now." He shrugged it off as he then propped himself back up and dusted himself off.

His smile gave me that ensuring feeling that Jihun won't be as bad as I thought he would be. "걱정하지 마, 지훈이가 아직 안 열어줬잖아. 조금만 더 기다려봐. 그는 착할 거야. (Don't worry, Jihun''s not open to you yet. Maybe wait a bit more. He'll be nice.)"

"You'll see the real Jihun soon."

As his eyes turned to his watch, he coughed to push away the silence. "어쨌든 내현에게 가서 보고에 대해 말해야 해. 나는 그가 압박하기보다는 준비를 하길 원한다. (Anyway, I have to go to Naehyun and tell him about the report. I want him prepared rather than pressured.)"

"I'll go with you. I'm off to the cafeteria too." I smiled and then walked beside him --- both of us going down the stairs before going straight to where the two are.

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The first thing that we saw and heard was Naehyun's gaping expression and that loud voice of his that echoed throughout the cafeteria.

Almost everyone had stopped eating and ordering once they saw Naehyun standing and looking right at us.

"Woah, I didn't think you'd go with Heejun hyung!"

I gulped as all of Heejun's admirers were staring intently at me as we both approached the two --- who were just sitting comfortably in the middle.

Darn it, Naehyun. I just walked with him here.

"No, it's not what you think. We just walked here together. He was looking for you." My eyes literally gave him a warning as he chuckled and sat back down.

I glanced back around to make sure that the girls were now ignoring me and they did once I told Naehyun that Heejun was just looking for him. Whew, at least I won't get into any catfight.

Naehyun rests his head on his chin, frowning at what I said. "어? 왜요? (Eh? Why?)"

"보고서. 조선왕조에 대해 더 자세히 말하자면, (Report. More about the Joseon dynasty.)" Heejun seriously explained as Naehyun's expression fell. I could already tell that he wasn't in the mood to hear about it.

"Aigoo, I shouldn't have answered. Now, look at that now." His hands waved in the air as if he wanted to give up already. Heejun looked like he was used to it by now, rolling his eyes once he saw Naehyun frowning at him.

"Another school work."

Gunyeo smirked at Naehyun's reaction. He was the one who would likely tease Naehyun about the report. "Ya, you shouldn't be complaining."

"구니여 말이 맞아. 내현아, 네 성적에도 도움이 돼. (Gunyeo's right. It helps with your grades too, Naehyun.)" Heejun claimed as Naehyun crossed his arms and rests his chin on his hand.

"But it's really tiring, hyung." Heejun blinked. He had this unreadable expression on him that made it seem impossible to distinguish whether he's mad, disappointed, or amused at that point.

Well, not after he asked Naehyun. "Do you want me to tell the teacher then?"

Naehyun's eyes widened after that. "No. No, it's fine. I'll take it. I don't want the teacher to get angry again."

Beside me, I then heard Gunyeo snickering. "You were teasing me earlier. Ha, karma."

"Tch, you're just lucky that the professor didn't give it to you." Naehyun glared at him as the other just mocked him even further by laughing.

"I got a day off from my subjects. Thanks for taking that spot from me."

There was a short silence between them. I could see Naehyun thinking deeply --- probably contemplating what to say next.

And once he did, he smirked. "Don't worry, Yeo. You're going to help me with that---"

I was shocked when Gunyeo then decided to stand up from his seat and walked away as if he didn't want to be associated in any means with Naehyun. "Sorry, I couldn't hear anything."

"Ya! That's unfair," Naehyun called out as he then saw Gunyeo walking off in a distance. Well, so much for help, huh?

A few seconds later, Gunyeo returned but was still questioned by Naehyun. "You're really not going to help me?"

"No. Why should I? It's your report." Gunyeo shook his head at the maknae. The vice president, on the other hand, was hesitant. He wanted to help but I guess he had some matters as well on his own hands.

Naehyun saw Heejun' face and even went far by asking him too. "Hyung---"

Heejun deadpanned, frowning at my friend at this point. Even if I hadn't met him that long yet, I knew that he was still a busy guy --- since he was the vice president of the university after all. "못해요 나도 보고가 많아. 그리고 그들 중 일부는 학생회 출신이다. (I can't. I have a lot of reports too. And some of them are from the student council.)"

"우리 형들 윤우나 지훈한테 도와달라고 하면 되지. (You know, you can ask our hyungs, Yoonwoo or Jihun to help you.)"

There was a quick reaction from Naehyun when he had heard their names, an actual disagreement by shaking his head no. "No, I'm scared of Jihun hyung."

"And, I'm pretty sure that Yoonwoo hyung won't help me since he's also busy with his subjects."

After that, the only chance was me. I could sense Naehyun facing me all of the sudden, giving me that puppy sad eyes to convince me.

"Eysee, please help me."

Taking a look at the two, I saw Gunyeo looking away and Heejun nodding as if he's telling me to do it. I had no chance but to agree since I didn't want Naehyun to get punished by the teachers. "Aigoo, fine."

"Yes!" He then cheered as Heejun left and went with Yoonwoo and Jihun --- who were now ordering at the end of the cafeteria.

Gunyeo notice that we were probably the only ones not eating so he stood up and said, "We should probably order."

Naehyun and I agreed. Once we finally left to order, the guy in front of me turned his back and faced us.

There, I saw the guy who helped us earlier on the snacks. He smiled and waved as I then took a deep breath.

Maybe thanking him will be a nice gesture.

Heejun's nice already so it might be better to know about this guy. After all, there might be other sides on these three that I have yet to encounter.

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Note: There aren't much Korean in this one. I'll do my best to do this one again. And I'm still learning Korean so...sorry?

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