제7장: Here We Go Again

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Note before reading: If the scenes feel rushed, that means that the book still needs to be revised after completion. Like I said, feedbacks are highly appreciated if there are mistakes or anything that you want to let the author know. Lovelots! 💕

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"Aren't you worried about getting scolded?" That was the first thing that I asked Naehyun as soon as we both escaped Jihun. He wasn't looking at me right now but I could already tell that he was thinking of what he would reply. 

From where I was standing, I could see him deeply immersed in his own thoughts - speechless, with him not knowing how he could get the words right out of his mouth.

After a few seconds, he sighed right beside me - his head turning right as if he was doubting a bit. "It's my first time skipping so...I don't think that I'll get scolded for that one."

"I just don't like getting into Jihun hyung's nerve, you know what I mean?" he told me as he then scratched the top of his head - a bit nervous now since he knew that there was a possibility that Jihun won't let this pass. It was likely that Jihun would get him one way or another.

"He's really protective to Heejun hyung. I guess maybe it's because they had been the first ones to meet."

"So, when Jihun hyung was mad, I decided to leave. I mean, I had no idea that Heejun hyung would be that scared, I swear!" he then added as I shook my head in disbelief. Sometimes, I really can't believe how Heejun handles Naehyun at some times. I mean, he's the vice president. He already got a lot on his plate - and here comes Naehyun scaring him all of the sudden.

"Huh." That was the only thing that I could manage to say before finally looking at my phone. I hadn't really noticed the text that Gunyeo had left for me earlier. Though, Naehyun didn't notice it but yet decided to make it as a topic.

"I forgot. Gunyeo didn't probably ditched us," he opened up as I didn't take my gaze off my phone - seeing that Gunyeo told me that he had to go to early and might not make it to Naehyun's practice. 

I badly wanted to tell him that Naehyun ditched though so it was fine either way.

Eyebrows raised, I slowly asked him. "How...How could you tell?"

"He's a part of the soccer team. Maybe they also have practice."

"We'll see later if we could catch him," he then added before pulling my hand make me run alongside him as our classmates gave us confused glances as we both ran down the stairs.

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"Ha, told you."

That was the first thing I heard from Naehyun as I tried to catch my breath. Putting up my hands on my chest, I gave one glance at Naehyun - who was already jogging towards where the benches were. 

I swear, I could never know how this guy doesn't get tired after that run. It's like he has a spare battery with him every time.

Heaving a sigh, I just calmly walked and followed him right away.

Right now, we were just in the wide soccer field - seeing a bunch of students watching and players lining up on two teams. I could already see Gunyeo going for his bag as he then raised his eyebrows once we both made eye contact.

His face couldn't believe it once Naehyun and I went up to him as he took his water tumbler out from his bag. "너희들 여기서 뭐 하고 있니? (What are you guys doing here?)"

"Just going to watch you play." Instead of a smile, Gunyeo just shook his head - not believing what Naehyun had said. I guess he was still wondering why his friend was here instead of competing with Heejun.

"연습 끝났어? (You're done with your practice?)" There was a bit of a hesitant look plastered all over Naehyun's face and his answer already showed it all to Gunyeo.

"네...아니오. 나는 건너뛰었다. (Yeah...no. I skipped.)"

A chuckle then left Gunyeo's lips as he then crossed his arms. "Sounds like you alright."

I then looked around the field to see if there were familiar faces around. Unfortunately, it looked like our classmates were all inside their classrooms and just watching on the windows. 

The only students around weren't really in our grade. Instead, there were seniors around.

"Gunyeo!" My eyes soon went towards to one of the players as soon as he called our friend's name. "Can you pass me the ball?"

Gunyeo then looked back at us and then down at his feet as he saw the ball going on his way. Putting his feet on top to stop it, he then tried to pass it to his teammate - only to get interrupted by Naehyun coughing and correcting him.

"That's not how you kick a ball, Yeo."

And as soon as he said that, Gunyeo stood still - a bit shocked and even turned around to face Naehyun. His hands then took the ball and gave it to Naehyun real quick, a bit offended since he was the player. "And you feel like you're better than me in Soccer?"

"아마도 나는. (Maybe I am.)"

"Alright then, show me."

"You do this before you kick the ball," Naehyun said as he then put the ball the down as soon as he got it from Gunyeo and took a few steps back. "If you kick the ball, you should make a V-style so it would be a really accurate shot and a much stronger impact."

"Look at this." He didn't let it pass though. He took another step back, looked at Gunyeo's teammate and even tried to pass it to him. The only problem was that he kicked it too strong - letting the ball fly upwards in the sky with immense speed.

And do you know who was on the other side of the field?

Yes, Heejun with a new set of clothing. He wasn't wearing his uniform anymore. No, he was wearing a navy blue pants and a plain black shirt. His eyes wandered around as he then saw us three - waving his hands to us.

But, he didn't notice the ball that was coming right towards him. Naehyun noticed this so he tried yelling - hoping that Heejun would hear. "형! 조심해요! (Hyung! Watch out!)"

The second he noticed it, he was too late to back away. As soon as the ball came in contact with his head, he stumbled, fell down, and groaned - catching the attention of the other two hyungs that just came to the field. 

Yoonwoo's eyes widened as Jihun suddenly ran up towards Heejun, probably asking him if he was okay.

"저는 그가 괜찮기를 바랍니다. 그것은 정말 강한 타격이었어요. (I hope he's okay. That was a really strong blow.)" I told them as I turned to the two. 

Gunyeo just hid his face with his hands - totally embarrassed to look at the both of us while Naehyun then put on his brave face - already knowing the consequences that has yet to come.

Jihun's eyes turned towards us when Heejun pointed us out and this is where I saw how scared both of them was. Though, it dawned to Jihun that it was only Naehyun who kicked the ball since he saw Gunyeo wearing his jersey and that it was his time of practice.

And when Jihun had already stood up from the spot, that was where Naehyun got the hint and decided to apologize - taking large steps back and shouting at the same time. "미안해요, 형! 그렇게 세게 차려고 한 건 아니었어요, 맹세해요! (Sorry, hyung! I didn't mean to kick it that hard, I swear!)"

"서 내휸, 받으시게 될 겁니다! (You're going to get it, Seo Naehyun!)" Jihun practically yelled over with a warning tone as I then pulled Naehyun back to stop him from running away again. It was too much this time. I knew that maybe this time, he should try to face him instead.

Once Naehyun saw what I was doing, he immediately tried to pull away. "Eysee, no. Don't tell me you want us to go over there."

"I'm going to talk to him." His eyes widened once he saw me marching over to Jihun all off the sudden. Though, that ended so quickly when he decided to try to stop me.

"Stop acting so tough. You're shorter than him!" he countered as he then tried to pull me once again like what he did earlier at the pool area. I gave him a glare, trying to give him a hint but he still wasn't getting it.

And seriously? Shorter than him?

"Hey! Don't pull me!" Instead of having Gunyeo at my side though, he had other plans. He then pulled me alongside Naehyun - giving a sudden apology to his teammate and cancelling practice on his own. His teammate, understood him though, completely knowing what kind of situation we were in.

I mean, this is Jihun, for gosh sake.

"어서! 그냥 가자, 뛰어! (Come on! Let's just go! Run!)" Gunyeo yelled as we then ran inside the building to get away from Jihun.

And after that, the real chase had begun.

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Like I said, I'm not sure about the translations. But hey, I am back and ready to update. I decided that I'll try to finish category one this December as a gift. And then, I'll go to category two. ^^ Let's do this, shall we?  💛

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