Author's Note

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Hello people,
Thank you for reading this short story, I sincerely hope you enjoyed it.

For those of you who don't know me, hi, my name is Robert Peterson, I'm 21 and I've been a writer ever since I was a little child. Of course, I started off with fanfictions of all sorts, then I moved on to actual original stories. I wrote a book named "Long-Distance Calls", you can still find that here on Wattpad. It's not my best work, as it is from two years ago, but I'm still emotionally attached to it.

That book was supposed to have a sequel, "The Struggle of Being Charming", a book I started working on as soon as I ended the first one. I was really proud of the chapters I was writing on a daily basis and I honestly thought the book would be out in a matter of months.

But then some personal things happened that completely shook my life and I ended up having writer's block. Of course, it had already happened to me before, like anyone else, but never like this. I was not satisfied with anything I wrote, if I even managed to write anything.

I tried to focus on other projects, I tried starting another book, but nothing seemed to work. So I abandoned writing for months, something unprecedented in my life. I focused on myself, on healing, on feeling better.

And that's how this short story came to life. After months and months, I finally found some inspiration again and managed to write something, in my opinion, decent.

I'd be lying if I told you this short story isn't inspired by real events, but it is also as fictional as possible. I dedicate it to the friends that stayed and supported me all along, my true friends.

I'd love to read your honest opinions on it. Did you love it? Did you hate it? Let me know.

For those of you who already know me, hi again, nice to see you still here, I am extremely grateful. I hope you're not angry with me for disappearing for a whole year. I still plan on getting back on TSOBC, just not right now, I can barely deal with a short story at this moment. I hope that I will see you again in my future works.

Thank you all again for reading, I wish you all a great day, and hope to see you again.

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