All Magic Comes At A Price

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All magic comes at a price.

Cora took in the ocean below her. The reflection of the sunrise sparkled in the water, and the ocean seemed to expand even past the horizon.

It had been a while since Cora had voluntarily transformed into her mermaid form. Of course, there had been last week in Lacendia when a gang of young boys had nailed her with a water balloon, triggering her transforming and earning them her vengeful wrath, but that wasn't purposeful. This would be.

How long had it been since she had seen her parents? Two years? Four years? More? Cora always made sure to send messages to them at least twice a week, but they had never replied. It would be different seeing them face to face.

She wondered if they were disappointed in all of the choices she made.

All magic comes at a price.

Ranna's contract was about to run out, but she had given up hope on breaking it a very long time ago. Whenever Cora or Lanon would try to talk to her about it, Ranna would just smile weakly and change the subject, but they knew it still bothered her. Especially now with the deadline practically gloating in her face.

Lanon and Cora had spent months researching ways to break a Giliki's contract, but to no avail- until they had reached out to Gwendolyn and received some rather interesting books.

Now, they had a checklist of items to collect. They had hope. And to bring that hope to Ranna, the girl who worked so hard to bring hope to everyone around her, Cora had to go make a visit to her parents.

All magic comes at a price.

And the price of saving Ranna was Cora asking her parents for help.

Back on the beach, Lanon stared up at Cora, not exactly smiling but not exactly scowling either. When their eyes met, he gave Cora an awkward thumbs-up. The closest she would ever gotten to encouragement from that grump.

Cora kicked off her boots on to the rocks, pulling her braids back and tying them up.

All magic comes at a price.

Mutually uncomfortable family reunion, here we come.

Cora dove into the ocean.

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