But Like. Gilbert Blythe Tho.

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I get so sad when I hear someone say that they've never heard of the Anne of Green Gables series (or at least the first three books. Because those are the best ones. Especially "Anne of the Island"). Like ?? You've never gotten to experience the joy that is Gilbert Blythe? The best old-school fictional love interesting ever (sorry Mr. Darcy)??

Because y'all. Gilbert Blythe. *swoons* Let me tell you about this boy.

• He's got it going on

• Very intelligent? Check

• Charming? Check

• A genuinely nice dude? Check

• Pretty much well liked by everyone (besides Anne at first, but that's because he made the crucial mistake)? Check

• Canadian? Check

• Good sense of humor? Check

• Not too hard on the eyes? Definitely check

• The second he sees Anne (the new girl in town who is perceived to be rude and loud-mouthed) on her first day at school, he's fascinated by her

• Spends the entire day trying to get her attention and impress her

• But he makes the crucial mistake

He calls Anne 'carrots'

• (she was very insecure about her beautiful red hair)

• She proceeds to smash her slate (chalkboard) over his head in anger

• Gilbert: *is in great pain because of Anne's vicious attack*

Also Gilbert: wow that was so cool I love her

• Doesn't get bitter towards Anne because of the slate incident; instead, he recognizes that he provoked her and asks for her forgiveness

• He does not get her forgiveness for a very very long time

• But that doesn't stop him from being super nice to Anne!

• Like all of the time! Without being pushy! Just being a decent human being towards her! All the time!

• Even when she's being childish and mean towards him!

• *cries* I love Gilbert Blythe

• He! Rescues! Anne! When! She! Gets! Stuck! In! The! River!

• But Anne, although we love her and her poetic soul to bits, is very stubborn and still refuses Gilbert's offer of friendship

• So he decides to back off and give her some space

• Time passes and bad stuff happens

• And

• Wow

• I need tissues

• But first I need to tell a little backstory so the significance of Gilbert's choice makes sense

• Bad stuff happens and Anne decides to give up her teaching scholarship so she can stay and support her caretaker for a while

• So Gilbert gives up his teaching scholarship (which he wanted very very much) at a school which is super close by so that Anne can have it




• So yeah that's the story of how Gilbert and Anne became friends

• Best friends (second only to Diana)

• Okay I kind of just summed up all of Gilbert's storyline in the first book but the third one is the best one

• Cause let me just say

• Pride and Prejudice First Proposal Scene? I don't know her. I only know the Anne of the Island First Proposal Scene

• (Just kidding I do know the P&P First Proposal Scene. But Gilbert Blythe tho.)

• Also spoiler but also not spoiler but hearing good news about Anne literally brought Gilbert back to lIFE

• Also also also

• The third book may be my favorite but my favorite passage is in "Anne of Avonlea"

• Because listen to this

"If Gilbert had been asked to describe his ideal woman, the description would have answered point for point to Anne, even to those seven tiny freckles whose obnoxious presence still continued to vex her soul. Gilbert was as yet little more than a boy; but a boy has his dreams as have others, and in Gilbert's future there was always a girl with big, limpid gray eyes, and a face as fine and delicate as a flower. He had made up his mind, also that his future must be worthy of its goddess. ... But he meant to keep himself worthy of Anne's friendship and perhaps some distant day, her love"

• Wow what a nerd I love him

• Okay yes I love Darcy too but if I had to choose between Darcy and Gilbert to marry? Gilbert Blythe. Hands down. No competition. Was that even a real question? Darcy is amazing but like. Gilbert Blythe tho. He's so underrated and deserves more love because he has sO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE EVERYONE HE LOVES ANNE BUT HE ALSO LOVES PEOPLE

Anyways Gilbert Blythe is a sweetheart and I would totally marry him if only his heart didn't belong to Anne and he wasn't fictional. The last one is probably my biggest problem. Sigh.

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