Number One

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Another one of my creative writing class assignments, which involved three parts. The first part was to write a narrative about a negative interaction you had with another person. The second assignment was to rewrite that same story but from the other person's point of view. The final one was to combine both points of views into one third-person narrative.

This is the first narrative, with names changed and details blurred for Wattpad for privacy reasons. The two others will be posted later on.


Narrative #1

My skin stings where Harrison has his fingers wrapped, dragging me along with him by my arm. I've never seen him this furious before, and that alone frightens me to no end.

Suddenly, Harrison stops us in an empty corner of a dimly lit hallway, far away from prying eyes and eavesdropping ears. His hand immediately drops from my arm, and he finally whips around to face me.

"What were you thinking, Emerald?" Harrison hisses.

Defensively, I cross my arms. "Harrison, I was only trying to help you."

"I didn't need your help."

"Could've fooled me," I retort.

Harrison's eyes flash, and I hesitate for only a moment before continuing on. "Look, they were trying to embarrass you-"

"No, you embarrassed me," Harrison interrupted, voice low and eerie. "You're the embarrassment."

I'm taken aback. "Are you kidding me?"

A laugh escapes Harrison's mouth, short and dry. "I wish I was! Do you have any idea how much I wanted to impress those judges? How much I needed to impress them? There was so much riding on tonight for me, and you might have just screwed it up!"

He continues on, traces of redness slowly painting his face, but he sounds so far away from me as I realize that he's right. Oh stars, he's right. I foolishly stepped out of bounds and said all of those horrible things to those officials who could possibly determine Harrison's entire future and I messed up everything.

I let Harrison tell me off, shame flooding my blood. I deserve it, I tell myself when blindingly hot tears begin to burn in my eyes. I deserve everything he's telling me.

Harrison winds down, the righteous fury in his eyes draining down into something I don't recognize.

"I'm sorry," I choke out. "I'm so so sorry."

Harrison blinks, and his lips harden into a firm line. "Emerald..." he sighs, moving his hand to touch me.

But I move away, and his hand falters before falling back to his side. I can't bear to look at Harrison like this, defeated and confused.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper again.

And with that, I run away, a mix of humiliation, regret, and self-loathing in my mouth, making me feel like I'm going to throw up. Harrison's call for me to come back barely reaches my ears, but I don't glance back to see if he actually called my name.

I messed up.

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