Tag I'm It

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Hello its tag time because I have been tagged by starjack-

1) Tag the person who tagged you
2) Share ten things about yourself
3) Answer all questions

1) In fourth grade, I drew up a battle plan to take over the playground and establish a monarchy with myself as queen because all of the girls were tired of the boys hogging the best slides. That got a little bit out of hand.

2) I will be giving voice lessons to a couple of little girls over the summer!

3) Also, I'm working on setting up my own photography company. I already have some senior pictures and little kid photoshoot gigs lined up!

4) I stole the clock that used to hang up in my school choir room after the boys broke it and the director threw it away.

5) I may or may not get to direct a play this next school year. Things are still in progress. We'll see what happens.

6) I would rather watch a Disney sitcom than a Nickelodeon sitcom any day. I mean, everyone complains about how horrible Disney's new shows are, but I tried watching a few Nickelodeon shows with some kids I babysit and let me tell you, they are tRASH

7) I sometimes get asked to sing at fundraisers for various charity events. I like doing those.

8) I have a little sister. She's 14. Everyone says she looks nothing like me. I agree. But I still love her.

9) I was on the school debate team for three weeks before I decided that I didn't like it.

10) My hair is four inches away from being a yard long, but my mom set up a hair appointment soon. She wants me to get it cut. But I'm not going down without a fight


1) Do you like anyone?

Of course! I like almost everyone. I try not to hate people. Some people I just... quietly not like.

2) Middle name?

Danger *finger guns*

3) Height?

Still taller than Roe

4) Foot size

I... actually don't know?

5) Eye color?

Dark chocolate brown

6) Last time you cried?

Friday. It was our foreign exchange student's last day at school and things got very emotional

7) Biggest fear?

One of my costumes having a malfunction onstage and me being backstage and not able to go out and fix it. I've had nightmares.

8) Last song you listened to?

"Rise Up" by Andra Day

9) Favorite Apps?

Instagram, Pinterest, Polyvore (RIP), and Wattpad

10) Last person you texted?

My theatre class "girls only" group chat about having some parties this summer

I tag no one. You're welcome

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