The Show Must Go On?

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A short recap of last night before I launch into the long version: Freak incident leads to my male costumer friend being taken to the hospital in the middle of the show and yet we still had to go on without him and also everyone's freaked out about witchcraft.

Okay? Okay, here's the detailed version.

Our show, Three Musketeers, has been through a lot of crazy stuff. In the beginning, our drama teacher kicked out one of our new boys because of some shady stuff he did and said. Then our lead dropped out three weeks before the show and we had to scramble to replace him. And then the day before the show, our King got suspended from school and another boy had to memorize all of his lines within less than 24 hours. But after we figured that out, everything seemed fine!

Until the actual opening night.

Let me start off by saying that the swords that we use for all of our fight scenes for 3M are all dulled now; they're not sharp and therefore not supposed to actual hurt anyone. But somehow someway, in the middle of a fight scene, my male costumer friend got deeply cut in the face. And we didn't even realize it until after the next scene, because he still went on to do that scene while holding his face to hide the blood. He was so strong, going through the pain that he was and still rocking that scene, and I am so so proud of him. Immediately afterwards, he ran into the backstage restroom and collapsed, sobbing, until we fetched his mother in the audience to take him to the ER.

We had to figure out how to rework Act Two during intermission in order to go on without his character, but we managed to do it so that the audience didn't even realize anything was wrong. Everything after that went fine.

After the show, I found out that the boy that was kicked out is super into... witchcraft, and he forced one of our girls to take one of his spell books back when he was still in theatre. She was too freaked out about it and hid it in the theatre, but our original lead actor gets super freaked out about that kind of stuff, and knowing about the book plus his grades struggling caused him to decide to drop out of the show.

This boy who was kicked out is in a class with two other girls in theatre, and apparently he's been making weird comments about the show and curses to them. In fact, minutes before our last rehearsal, he showed up, made a weird comment about hoping the sword fights go well, and then left. But no one took him seriously. But once the sword fight incident happened during the show, some people started getting freaked out.

Anyways, we're going to get rid of the book today so people can gain a peace of mind about that weird situation, but it's possible that we won't be able to do the rest of our shows because someone got injured. We're waiting for the principal to officially tell us that the show can go on, but the stress levels are very very high. The boy who got cut in the face got 7 stitches, and he's well enough to be at school with us today.

Murphy's Law has really been at play with this show, but we're all praying and hoping that nothing else goes wrong and that the show can go on.

So that was my Wednesday night, how was yours?

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