This Week Has Been A Big Oof

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Sorry for disappearing without warning over this last week! Midterms week ended up being a lot more hectic than previously expected. Junior year? Being really hard and busy? Who would have expected it? But anyways, here's a quick list of life updates/stuff I wanted to talk about on here but didn't have the time to.

• So our lead for Three Musketeers who has over 400 lines quit on Monday. Everything was chaos. Our boys are already stretched thin enough for this show since it's so male-heavy, so a girl who only had a small part in the show and who has amazing line memorization skills was given the role instead!

• But then on Tuesday, our female lead threatened to quit if the girl was the lead. I understand why she was against the girl being the male lead, but I think she should have said something about it the day before so that the girl wouldn't have gone home and already memorized 100 of those lines. So even more chaos ensued. Eventually it was decided that one of the musketeers would be promoted to the lead and the girl would take his original role. Fun times.

• My friend has asked me to be the official photographer for his new fashion blog, so that's going to be a ton of fun!

• Okay there's a new series on Netflix called The Good Cop... yes, it's another detective show... but... it's by the creator of Monk... and Josh Groban is title character and he's adorable and hilarious and I love his strained but getting better relationship with his father and oof the season finale has left me with more questions than answers surrounding the recurring mystery and I need someone to scream with, okay? Okay.

• So I was forced to return all of the Harry Potter books to the library at the end of summer, and since I haven't had a chance to go back to recheck them out, my youth pastor's girlfriend ever so kindly loaned me all of her copies. So today I just finally finished The Order of the Phoenix (it's been a loooong first term) and hELLO I HAVE COMPLAINTS SIRIUS BLACK DID NOT DESERVE THIS


• But anyways

• Speaking of Harry Potter, I get to see the first movie for the first time tonight!! As I have mentioned before, a big (and gorgeous) local theatre is putting on a special event where they're playing the first movie but with a live orchestra playing all of the music. It's going to be magical and I can't wait for tonight.

• Have y'all seen the latest Into The Spider-Verse trailer???

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I can't decide which pairing I like  better: Iron Dad and his Spider Son, or Spider Dad and his Spider Son. It's a tough decision. But yes yes I am so pumped for this movie you guys don't even kNOW

• Oh yeah and also I got inducted into the National Honors Society this week so let's see how long that lasts lol

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