A Random Book. Why?!

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Life is just unfair, I guess. But why does it have to be unfair for me the most?

I swear, I don't know why I'm making such a big deal of this. The plan was, I'd try and write at least one serious book before I actually start blogging again. But because of circumstances, well, here I am.

If you haven't read my Wattpad profile already, then I might come off weird. If you have read it though, I think you'll think I'm weirder. But do know that I don't have the best state of mind and I'm not really a stable person I guess. All part of being human. I mean, let's be honest. A human being can't always be nice. Same is true the other way around, a person can't always hate you or love you, but rather it changes from time to time. I mean, seriously. You used to hate abs but now you're drooling over them.

So, where should we start? Oh, yes. To start off, I should give you with a name. Who am I? You ask. I could make a new one since I'm just a new Wattpad user after all...

Oh, wait. I've been here since 2013, sucker. In the beginning, I was known as Blaze. Then, people called me Rider or Skarmory. Suddenly, because of experiences, I then became known as Emerald. So hi, I'm Emerald Stone. The surname is there because of my favorite Champion in the Pokemon series, Steven Stone.

Right, I like Pokemon. More than any other media in the planet. The games have been a big part of my life, and before I hated the anime so much that I cringe when I hear about it. But, I decided to give it another chance. So, with an open mind I watched it again, and I can say that I don't regret it. And it was quite refreshing and nostalgic, you know. I had my fair share of manga, and I'm sorry for saying this, but I'm still at Volume 5. Haha, laugh all you want. In my place, manga almost doesn't exist. So, that's why I'm trying to read more of them.

Yes, reading. I love reading, I guess. As a busy student, I almost never make time to read and write anymore. I always get caught up with online games and school, of course. Not to mention life as a whole is unfair to me. But, I manage. I have been known as a bookworm ever since I was a toddler, and I don't really plan on stopping my hobby since I do want to become a writer someday. I could have never imagined to be a writer if it wasn't for Wattpad, really. Before, I only wrote essays, news articles, and poems. I have never quite finished a story before on my previous accounts, and I am quite ashamed of it. But I still try to get my spirit, though writer's block has kept me prisoner for months now.

What should I talk about next? I have my preferences in anime and gaming. But don't get too excited, because if you show me your favorite anime or that new game that just released, I may or my not have any interest. That's just ny problem. My lack of interest has caused me to fall out, and then, I'd start losing friends.

My friends, how are they? I haven't heard from them. But wait, plot twist! What if I don't actually have friends? Just joking, haha. They exist, it's just that we don't talk anymore like we used to do. Some I haven't kept in touch because I just love to shut people out. Yay. To be honest, it's easier that way. But then, I am known as a big extrovert. I just don't learn from my mistakes, huh? I'm so pathetic.

So, hi again. I'm Emerald Stone. 16 years of age. A 5'6" bisexual weighing approximately 90 lbs. And welcome to my domain.

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