Chapter Fifty-three

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Junseo was relieved when they were finally released to go to the practice yard. They had been warned not to share the details while the investigation was underway so could only offer assurances that Knight-Master Lie seemed to be on the mend.

The city was full of rumors about the deadly wedding banquet. Two guests and three of the serving staff had passed away since the event. Several other guests were gravely ill. Junseo hoped that an easier remedy for the poison might be found soon. He wondered what the court physicians would do with the samples from Knight-Master Lie as it was not covered in any of his textbooks.

The whole team had moved to General Tan's practice courts. The forge was locked up while investigators searched for clues there. "A bit like locking the barn door after the horse is gone," Scout Jia complained.

"It's not like we ever go into the Knight-Master's bedroom." Song-hee muttered. He limped a bit but was too proud to say anything about the burns. Junseo pulled him aside and asked to see the injured leg. A couple of the burns were looking red and puffy so he called Manager Doak over.

"We are going to need some burn salve from the apothecary. If that does not clear this up, we will need the healer to take a look."

"What about your injuries?" Manager Doak asked pointing to Junseo's arm.

"Don't worry, I'm being careful." Junseo lifted his sleeve to show the edge of a gauze wrapping. He had put the bandage on to cover up the fact his burns were almost completely healed. Junseo took this as the dragon-mother's reward for his effort to help Knight-Master Lie but knew it might raise questions he could not answer.

He suspected Il-don may also have benefitted from the dragon's touch. The boy's attitude certainly had shifted. Instead of making fun of Song-hee's gangster style, he asked to be taught one of the combinations of quick strikes. Il-don also went out of his way to make sure Chenhui got the chance to work with a favorite horse.

San-Jin notices the change and asked Junseo, "What got into Il-don at the Palace?"

"Maybe he just needed to understand he was useful and we would value him for what he can offer to the team." Junseo had his own regrets for how he had first reacted to Il-don. "It can't be easy to find a way to fit in."

San-Jin took Junseo's point but was not sure he could completely agree. None of the others seemed to worry about the pecking order in the same way as Il-don. It was good to see Chenhui, Xuiyang and Il-don playing around and even better to see how they were trying to include Song-hee and Me Yan. They had a complicated game of sticks and toss going that had Hae-sung laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes. Captain Shiro seemed to be enjoying the show as well since he let it run on for a while before calling them together to drill with their newly finished staffs.

Junseo had to switch over to use his left hand and it took him a while to find the rhythm with this exercise. It was not that different from the work he had done at the Temple a few weeks ago so after an awkward start he was able work through most of it. He must have been a little tired at the end because he nearly beaned himself when he tried and overhead spin. The other boys teased him about this misstep and he laughed with them. "If anyone asks you about this very junior, senior, you will have to tell them about my very talented attacks on myself."

"Not to worry. I will also mention your habit of unplanned dismounts," Me Yan winked.

"Glad to know I can provide you all with comic relief." Junseo pretended to pout.

"We are ever so grateful," Xuiyang commented slyly and then blushed. He did not usually join in with the teasing banter but Chenhui gave him a big thumbs up.

Manager Doak caught the gesture and then looked to see how the others were reacting. All the boys were relaxed and smiling, including Il-don. It was the sign he had been waiting for, one that told him the group was ready to work together outside of the practice courts. He consulted with Scout Jia about when the mixed team of veterans and cadets might be ready then he followed up with Captain Shiro about the study plans for the boys preparing for the challenge exams.

"None of them will be ready for this round. Song-hee might pass the math portion but he had a long way to go with languages. All I can say about the other two is they were not well served by their schools. There is no doubt they are bright enough to do well, they just missing a lot of the foundations."

Manager Doak thanked Captain Shiro. The news was a bit disappointing but not entirely unexpected. Helping the trainees through the exams was something they committed to in their contracts. He just hoped the three boys would not be too discouraged. It was probably good they would have something to focus on outside of the forge but it might take them a while to see it in that light.

He had a lot of ground to cover in his report to Wen-Hou that evening. First, he kept his promise to Song-hee and Junseo to talk about the accident in the forge. "Tell them it is my fault. I should have ditched that crucible long ago. How badly were they hurt?" Wen-Hou's first concern was the boys.

"Song-hee's leg caught some spatter. We got him some salve but it might have to be cleaned again to heal properly. Junseo says his arm will be fine. He is sticking to practicing left-handed."

"I might mention it to Professor Yip if he drops by again. The man is all over me about Junseo's schedule." Wen-Hou rolled his eyes when said this.

"Bet he doesn't think Junseo should waste time training for the senior competition. Nobody else going to the Medical Academy would bother. Am I right?"

"More or less. He went on about Junseo's talent with crystals not thinking for a moment the martial arts training gives the boy the focus to use the stones. Speaking of which I should write to the Sun Temple with our request to let Junseo continue there."

"If he wants to return to the terraces but I should mention Hae-sung is a little uncomfortable with how interested some of the masters are with Junseo's crystal talents. He said the Stone-Keeper/Librarian hangs around far too much."

"Hmmm," Wen-Hou frowned trying to remember who he might know at the Sun Temple. "We will let Junseo decide. He might like to sleep in for a change."

"He still has the senior final ahead."

"Right. That means he needs to be able to ride a horse through a pattern. Does he like any of the ones we brought in or should I still get Rufus in from the estate?"

"Really? You would put him on a battle charger when he can barely sit a pony without falling off?"

"Don't worry. Rufus will take care of our boy. He has a knack for staying under you and doesn't get fussed by too much." Wen-Hou's face shone with affection for the horse who had saved his life many times over.

"So, we should get ready to go to the Tan estate as soon as Rufus arrives."

"Yes. Hopefully, they will release me to go with you but I am not counting on it."

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