Chapter Sixty-four

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     Lie Wen-Hou did not expect a senior protocol officer from the palace to come to his forge but the man arrived just after lunch and asked for a full tour. It took a long time for the man to get to the point of his visit.

"You know our office tracks the movements of all members of the Lie family, not just those in the line of succession."

Wen-Hou tried not to roll his eyes before replying, "So I understand."

"We also take an interest in those who show more interest in the family than we expect and I have to say you have been attracting more than your usual share lately."

"Not just for my peculiar hobbies?" Wen-Hou pointed to the workshop.

"No, your connection with the Go family, and General Tan raised questions in different quarters. The unfortunate incident at your niece's wedding raised even more. I should congratulate you on your speedy recovery. Nothing short of miraculous is what the court physicians all say."

"In such situations the family likes to say the dragon takes care of her own." Wen-Hou gave a slight bow in recognition of the greater power he just acknowledged.

"Your strategy in sending a group of irregulars to help prepare your training group for the finals also drew attention."

"I did let my cousin know my intentions in advance. I understand he sent a couple of volunteers to help with the cadets."

"Yes, and we also sent a watcher. One who would never be associated with the palace. His report has us most concerned." The Protocol Officer then talked about the fire and fears arising from San Jin's disappearance.

Wen-Hou sat very still and then asked the man to repeat what he had just said. He noticed some of the careful phrasing in the report and assumed the palace spy probably knew where San Jin had gone. He trusted Scout Jia would have sent word directly if he needed help but understood the hinted need to assist the palace.

"I need to take counsel with my partners. Do you want to stay here to make your request directly or are you expecting me to relay it?"

"I am afraid I am needed back at the palace. Please just send a runner to the office with your answer."

Captain Shiro and Manager Doak arrived together. Both were affronted by the way the palace wanted to use their group but they had different reasons.

"I have been on contract with the palace spy masters off and on now for three years. They have never been afraid to show their hand before now." Captain Shiro said bluntly.

"We have been more than generous in trying to help them out of the mess they have fallen into and now they come looking for more. We should just recall all our teams and let the local governors do the job they are being paid for," Manager Doak was angry the boys were caught in the middle.

"I would never have sent them if I had any inkling the factions would make a move." Wen-Hou sighed.

"We know that, and I am sure the Go family knows that as well. Remember we did not make all the arrangements on our own. I am just going to need a valid pretext for running out there. Is there paperwork we need for the junior finals?"

"The same paperwork I might need to visit the Ministry of Education to check on?" Wen-Hou smiled at his friend's cleverness.

The next day Minister Go received secret news, along with some vague reassurances. He insisted on providing more guards to travel with Manager Doak to the Tan estate along with two of the best horses in his stable to get them there faster. He was furious none of the estate staff had reported the incident but also understood their reluctance to raise a premature alarm. When he thought of how he might broach this subject with his wife he admitted to himself how much easier it would be to wait. He could always rely on her advice, especially when trying to sort through all the competing interests around the Royal Family, but it did not seem fair to worry her.

That evening he pulled out tiles and a game board and set it up for four-sided play.

"Thinking through a problem?" Madam Go asked gently.

"There is a lot in play. The Qin and their connections, including the Choi's. The rebels who may or may not have a direct alliance with the empire or one of the palace parties. Different warlords from Misao are sniffing around. Then there are the King's defenders." He turned a tile over in his finger but did not place it on the board.

"You can't assume the rebels are just one group," She picked a couple of red tiles and placed them on the far edge of the board. "The Northern court has different interests from the reform lobby even if they might make use of the disruptions."

"You are right. We are hearing rumors from the North about a prince in waiting."

"The Ambassador being recalled will have some of the Qin networks on edge. They might try small actions to test the resolve of the other groups."

Minister Go nodded and re-grouped some of the tiles. He took a handful of bright blue tiles and put them in the middle of the board where they were surrounded.

"We need to find a path forward," he said.

"Not on our own. Who are the best prospects for alliances? Can we get some concessions for the reformers? Do you think the Choi's might call a truce long enough to fight off Takimoto and his ilk?"

"The Crown Prince supports his father much more than people are led to believe," Minister Go added a couple blue tiles. "He has some leverage with the Choi's."

"If only he could keep his wife and her family in check."

"Another heir could be helpful."

"Not if it gives the Crown Princess more power."

Minister Go sighed heavily knowing his wife was correct. So far, the Dowager kept a close watch on the women in the palace but the next generation were becoming more ambitious. He was about to say something along those lines when his wife stopped him.

"Now why don't you tell me what has you so worried. It is not just my brother. You don't bring the tiles out for ordinary military exercises."

Minister Go took a breath then told her about the fire at the estate and San Jin's disappearance.

"Oh, now the message Junseo sent makes sense," she went and found the scroll and passed it over.

It was a note for Me Yan at the Academy with a math puzzle and the hope they might see each other in the spring. The puzzle was written with San Jin's characteristically neat script. With this message the Go's understood they did not need to recall Me Yan because his brother must still be with the team. 

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