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It was surprising, but after the night passed, somebody knocked at your door again in the morning.

Torn from your sleep, you blinked a few times and sat up in the messy sheets to prepare for somebody to enter.

"Who's there?", you asked, your voice thick with sleep and the nightly arguments you've shared with the emperor.

"The chamberlain.", a familiar voice answered.

Confused, you frowned and threw a glance out of the window.

It wasn't late yet, the sun barely managed to crawl over the castle walls and light up the garden.

It must have been early morning.

"I haven't called for you.", you called out.

"I was send.", he replied.

Again, you frowned.

"By whom?"

"The emperor."

Both surprised yet a hint of shock washed over you.

All of a sudden as awake as ever, you jumped out of bed and stroked the wrinkles out of your night clothes.

"You may enter.", you said and sat on your desk to make it seem like you had been working.

The door opened.

A cold breeze filled the room and made you shiver.

Then the door closed again and steps sounded.

With his chin raised and his hands full of folded garments and other things, the chamberlain announced himself.

"His royal majesty has asked for your presence.", he said. "I am to assist you in getting dressed."

You glanced up at him.

"Did he tell you the reason?", you asked and got up so that he could get to work immediately.

Without wasting a single second, he started to unclothe you all the way to your undergarments before unfolding some of the things he had brought with him.

"His majesty recommends black.", he said and held it in front of you so that you could examine your reflection in the mirror.

You pulled a face.

"I prefer orange.", you said.

Almost utterly shocked, he pulled away.

"Colour?", he asked and managed to make it sound both like an insult and a mockery.

You rolled your eyes.

"I insist.", the tone of your voice made clear that there was no arguing about it.

"Where am I supposed to get new garments with your measurements this quickly?"

"I know for a fact that the royal tailor always keeps a few pieces in stock. In case of emergency."

"For his highness."

"And other nobles. You seem to have a good eye, go and get me something you think will fit."

"Nothing will fit like this. It was tailored for you specifically."

Struck by this comment, you tilted your head.

"How so?", you asked. "I arrived just yesterday."

A smile of pride appeared on his face.

"Well, the emperor is a generous man.", the chamberlain said as if it was a praise meant for himself. "He ordered for the tailor to make you a set of spare clothes as soon as you were settled in."

Understanding, you hummed.

It did strike you as odd that a man like Emhyr would have ordered for extra things for someone as unimportant as yourself.

Yet, somehow it made you feel special.

If those clothes had been made by his request, then it would have been rude to decline them.

"Very well.", you let out a deep breath. "Do what you must."

Satisfied that you finally caved in, he started to unbutton the top of the garments to get them onto your body.

As soon as he put everything together you could feel how well they fit.

Almost like a second skin.

It was strange, after all, the emperor had seen you for the first time after years and had managed to guess your size by one short glance.

He truly had a good eye for details.

Within mere minutes you went from undressed to fully clothed in fine fabric and embroidery.

The chamberlain kneeled down to offer you a pair of boots.

For a moment, you eyed them.

The design seemed quite impractical, with heels a bit higher than the average boot and metal extras that would have made it almost impossible to ride a horse.

"Is there another option?", you asked, hoping this wasn't the only pair he had brought.

The chamberlain glanced up through the thick lenses of his glasses.

It was easy to tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn't all too pleased about the request.

A deep sigh escaped his lips. With his eyes closed, he pulled away to get a second pair of simple brown boots.

The formal attire of Nilfgaard came with a long vest that also functioned as a coat that covered most of the lower part of your body.

When you remained motionless, the hem was a little long and covered almost the entire shoes you wore.

So the emperor's eye wasn't without fail.

It relieved you to know that this man didn't know everything about you by just one look.

As someone who struggled to analyse him on a deeper level it gave you a bit of air to breathe.

It was just a matter of time until you would be able to read this man like a book.

"Very well.", the chamberlain got back up to meet your gaze. "May I ask you to follow me then?"

"Lead the way.", you allowed and followed him with the usual Nilfgaard kind of way to walk amongst the other nobles.

Eyes glanced at you left and right. The shimmers hidden inside of them told of evils and lies that were about to be thrown at your name.

You didn't give them the satisfaction of looking at them.

They were just exchangeable pawns in this game of chess.
You were out for higher ranked pawns such as towers and perhaps a queen.

Your eyes returned to the chamberlain in front of you.

He seemed to be more respectful towards you after last night. Maybe the emperor had ordered him to pull himself together.

Or perhaps he had returned to his senses and had realised you were above him.

"You didn't answer my previous question.", you said all of a sudden, purely to test your limits.

He stopped and glanced over his shoulder.

"Why don't you ask the emperor.", he replied with a smirk and gestured towards a door. "He awaits you."

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