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"But that's impossible.", Regis was able to hear the fear in Orianna's voice as she whispered to him. "Regis? Regis have you ever?"

"No.", he answered quick but just as shocked. "I've never even considered this a possibility. Humans and vampires cannot crossbreed. This thing... Dettlaff must be wrong."

She didn't answer to that. Dettlaff had a good instinct, he was smart, even for a higher vampire. His instinct never was wrong. He was able to tell that a ghoul was eons away by only listening to his instincts. It was a thing of the impossible that he was wrong.

Regis knew that. But somehow it was easier to belief that Dettlaff was wrong than believing a vampire made a child with a human.

The eldest, on the other hand, knew the truth. Without an emotion he nodded, stepped closer and lifted the blanket, just a little but enough for Dettlaff to glance under it.

Regis would have expected anything as a reaction. Really, anything. But instead of reacting like a madman, yelling or being filled with disgust, Dettlaff reached under the blanket.

If the eldest wouldn't have been right next to him, Regis would have screamed at his friend to stop.

Everyone held their breath.

Dettlaff hesitated briefly, his hand felt over the figure, which had frozen before his eyes. Some of the vampires panted back as he moved and pulled out a person.

Tired, but also confused, your eyes rose, gazing at the strange man holding you tightly like a child. For a moment it was deadly silent, there was just you and Dettlaff staring at each other as if you would be different species that had never seen one another before.

Then your eyebrows rose and a question left your lips, in the language of the vampires.

"Who are you?", you asked in a sleepy voice, rubbing your eyes.

Dettlaff did not answer. Instead, he put you on your feet, unsure if you be able to stand on your own, and stepped back.

"That... that looks like a human being.", he muttered, more to himself than to the oldest. "But it talks like us."

Confusion was painted on his face, but a bit of fear was still there.

You, on the other hand, weren't scared at all. Just the unknowing location bothered you a little. And the audience.

Everyone was staring at you with their weirdly colourful eyes, you could read fear in them, disgust, even amazement. All that attention made you feel like an animal in a zoo.

"Did I... ask something weird?", you've asked muttering.

The people seemed to understand the language you spoke but no one responded. Not even the weird old-looking man, that had caught you after fighting the consciousness out of you body. It had been quite a while, since you have had a fight like that. And the first time that someone had managed to knock you out.

Dettlaff was still trapped in his confusion, but now he dared to get a little closer. His curiosity had awoken.

Gently, he reached out to your face and tried to notice a difference between him and you. Maybe he was looking for a different kind of skin, or weird eyes. He even seemed to expect poison pouring out of you breath.

Confused, you slapped his hand, you didn't want to be touched by a stranger, and hastily stepped back to be out of reach. You tripped, staggered a few steps back and ended up stumbling into a group of vampires.

Immediately, they shouted, someone pushed you, so hard and coarse that you were thrown away a few meters. You've already bumped into the next person, hitting the broad chest with your face. Desperately, you clung to a strand of the clothes to get hold of something, squeezing yourself unintentionally close to the person's chest.

But to your surprise, the vampire didn't throw you away, but instead gave you a hand and helped you get solid ground under your feet again.

"Forgive the rude manner.", Regis apologized politely. "They're afraid of you."

Amused, you laughed, crunched your nose and looked at the man who met you with such courtesy that you immediately felt comfortable around him. He had light hair that grew on his head in grey waves and a mild smile, but he didn't open his lips. In his dark eyes, you couldn't see fear, but a little insecurity.

Embracingly touched, you cleared your throat, thanked him for his help and stepped back.

"Yeah, it seems like it...", you laughed awkwardly. "And yet you are the frightening beings. Vampires, I mean."

Skeptically Regis tilted his head, looked at you up and down for a moment and then looked you in the eye. Sometimes his curiosity was really annoying, but at that moment he was very relieved that it was curiosity that dominated him and not fear.

"You're a vampire yourself. Isn't that right?", he asked.

His question surprised you. No one's ever asked a question like that. Usually, people would assume you were a human. Sometimes they would call you a monster. But never a vampire.

Unsure, you rubbed the back of you head, raised your eyebrows and smiled mildly.

"Uh... well... I'm not sure..? I mean we do have certain... similarities but I'm probably not as powerful as you are. And I think I have some kind of human in me. At least that's what my master had told me."

Caught by even more curiosity, Regis wanted to ask another question, wanted to find answers and ask even more.

But the eldest interrupted him.

"Enough with this nonsense!", his voice was as harsh as his grip around your neck.

Surprised, you gasped, as you got lifted into the air. Wiggling with your feet, you've tried to free yourself from the hard grip, that pressed the air out of your lungs.

"Let go of me, old man!", you gasped.

"How dare you speak to me like this? Explain yourself, creature! Why does a being like you exist? How were you born?"

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