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"So, Ulez had betrayed the eldest once? And when we kill him and bring the eldest his head, he will grant us one wish?", still a little confused, you frowned.

Regis was sitting right next to you, hidden in the safe shadows behind a bookshelf. His eyes were wandering through the cave, he was expecting Ulez return every minute.

"The eldest wanted to return to his home world. Ulez had tricked him into believing that he was the only one who could help him. But Ulez betrayed the eldest and took some of his blood. It made him more powerful than he had ever been before.", Regis giggled amused. "The eldest was so furious, he promised that the one who would kill Ulez would get anything from him."

"Anything?", sceptical, you raised an eyebrow.

"Anything. If we bring him Ulez head, he will let us go.", a confident smile appeared on his face.

But there was something sparkling inside his eyes, that you could read.


He wanted this to be true. He was desperately holding onto this last straw. But there was no guarantee, that this would work. He just hoped for the best.

To be honest, you also had doubt filling your chest with heaviness. But you too wanted to believe in a future. Even if it was only for him.

With a sigh, you crawled closer to Regis, settled next to him and let your chin rest on his shoulder. A warm smile appeared on his lips as he noticed and looked at you with happy eyes.

"Comfortable?", he asked jokingly and poked your cheek with his fingernail.

Playfully annoyed, you looked at him with an angry expression but couldn't help but smile as he seemed to be worried about your mood.

"Don't worry.", you kissed the tip of his nose. "You are very comfortable."

That made him laugh, even though it was just for a short time.

Suddenly, every muscle inside of Regis body reacted. Tense, he tore his head up, his eyes were jumping around the cave.

As if he wanted to protect you, he raised an arm, on,y to push you behind his back.

"He's coming.", he whispered. "Stay hidden as long as you can. I will kill him."

Worried but ready, you watched the only entrance of the laboratory. If Ulez wanted to reach you, he had to take this entrance and this entrance only.

The strange feeling of something dangerous getting closer embraced you. Your heart began to race.

"Regis.", you whispered, as the feeling of danger got even closer.


You hesitated.

"If we make it let's find a lonely cabin somewhere and grow a garden."

He smiled.

"I'd love that."

His smile brought a smile onto your lips too.

Now, that danger was right in front of you. Only one step further and it would have entered the laboratory.

The tension in the air was unbearable. You did not dare to breath.

One more step.

And another.

But then, suddenly, it faded.

Relieved, you took in a deep breath. But your heart did not want to stop beating.

Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.

"So. A cabin? I wouldn't have expected you to like such... weird things.", Ulez voice sounded.

Struck by surprise, you froze.

Regis, however, twirled around, his hand thrown into the air. He was ready to kill somebody. The pale skin of his had turned even paler, dark veins were visible on his face. The way he looked in that moment made him appear like an animal that was thirsty for blood.

But even though he was using his vampire powers, it was not enough.

With an unimpressed face, Ulez raised his hand, snipped and ordered a shockwave to grab Regis and throw him through the entire cave.

With a loud scream of pain, Regis hit the cave wall. Rocks trembled, and the walls began to crack.

"Shit.", he cursed and spit out blood.

His spine wasn't snapped in half yet but it was a little broken. Now, every movement hurt his body.

A satisfied yet mocking smile appeared on Ulez face.

"What a joke.", he said and grabbed you but your hair. "You fell for this? A joke of a vampire?"

With tears in your eyes, you wiggled in the air, trying to free yourself.

"He's better than you will ever be!", you spat and kicked him right in the guts.

Surprised by the sharp pain, he let go of you, giving you the chance to slip away and jump over to Regis.

Protectingly, you stood before him. Your fingers twitched, while long claws began to grow.

So this was the feeling of being a vampire. It was overwhelming.

Suddenly, every centimetre of your body was shaking with power and strength. Magic flowed through your veins, as your ears began to grow and the shirt teeth of yours became the ones of a blood sucking being.

Motionless, Ulez raised and eyebrow.

"You look like a true vampire.", he acknowledged. "This was not a thing that was supposed to happen. But well. A little more power won't safe you from death."

Challenging, you stepped forward.

"Want to test it?", you growled in the old language of the vampires. "I will suck you dry if I have to. You won't get any closer to him than this."

Amused, he smiled.

"How cute. The air above must have made you a new person. But whatever. I will fix you later."

Suddenly, he jumped forward, his hands reaching out for Regis, who was still kneeling on the ground while blood was dripping from his lips.

But your body reacted. With one jump, you picked Ulez out of the air, grabbing him and throwing him so hard to the ground that he smashed through the stone.

Immediately, you jumped after him through the hole, grabbed him mid flight and punched him even harder.
Blood was pouring out of his mouth as he coughed. His eyes were watery.

Dust filled the air as his bids hit the floor of the cave below the laboratory, swallowing him and you whole.
Blind, you jumped after him but hit an empty spot.

"Where..?", shocked, you looked around.

Somewhere, somebody laughed.

"Did you really think it would be this easy?", Ulez asked with a broad smile on his face. "Oh no. I will not die this easily. Not in my own cave. Not with the magic that is filling me. But you, you my precious (Y/N). You are not protected by anyone."

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